
The Tyrant's obsession

“In the end we discover that to love and let go can be the same thing.” – Jack Kornfield _____________ She stared into his grey eyes as he walked closer to her. He pressed his body on hers as he peppered her neck with kisses. “Will you give yourself to me?” He murmured in between kisses and Reign felt like her body was about to combust with pleasure. “I already belong to you” ~~~~~~~~~| Reign was abused by her madam Diana and daughter her whole life then she found out that all she had ever known had been a lie. She found out that her mother hadn’t died from natural causes but had been murdered and had gotten all the inheritance that was supposed to be hers, stolen. She didn’t know how she was going to get revenge till an opportunity presented itself. A royal decree showed up one day and announced that Isabella would be getting married to the second son of the king who was known to be very ugly and a Tyrant. Isabella didn't want to get married to him so she made Reign go in her place. Reign didn't want to but after finding out about her mother, she is then advised to get married to the prince so she can become Queen and can make the people who killed her mother pay for what they’ve done but it's not as easy as Reign had thought and she definitely didn't expect the kind of love the Tyrant poured on her. Will she be able to accomplish her mission or will love blind her from her goals?

Blossom_Harold_1 · Histoire
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206 Chs

The castle has secrets

Reign furrowed her eyebrows. What secret were these people hiding?

Suddenly, Ares stood up from his seat.

"Where are you going?" Reign questioned as she stood up from her seat.

"I have something I need to take care of but do not worry, I'll have someone keep you company till I get back because I can see it on your face that you're going to miss me" Reign scoffed. It's not like she was going to miss him but she had to admit that she enjoyed talking with him today.

Just then, her stomach grumbled. She immediately bowed her head out of embarrassment. She hadn't eaten anything this morning and had barely eaten her food last night.

"I'll have someone bring your food to you or would you like to eat out here?" She looked around and nodded. She could use the breeze.

"If that's okay"

"Do not be afraid to ask or order anyone around. This is your home from now on. I have to go now" He said then walked away.

Reign sighed as she watched him walk away. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed by loneliness. She looked ahead of her and saw a very beautiful and colorful garden so she decided to explore it.

She loved flowers, that was why she had been the one to take care of the garden back home.

She walked in and gasped in awe. Some of the flowers here, she had never seen before in her life. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

She saw a bunch of poppies and decided to give it a sniff and she didn't regret it. It smelt amazing.

Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of a flower at the far corner of the garden and she gasped.

"Is that the middlemist's red camellia? Is that real?"

"I can assure you that it is 100% real milady" Reign gasped as she turned to the voice. It was a young guy that seemed to be her age. He looked almost identical to the guy she had met earlier but this one in front of her looked just a tad bit younger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice anyone was in here" He chuckled.

"Do not be sorry, I didn't make my presence known. By the way, I'm prince Reynold" Reign gave him a bow.

"Nice to meet you, prince Reynold. I'm Isabella Wright, betrothed to….."

"You don't have to tell me that, everyone in the castle has heard about you and might I say I didn't expect you to look this beautiful" His words didn't seem flirty, he just sounded like he was stating a fact so she smiled.

"You're too kind, your highness" He smiled then turned to the flower she had seen earlier.

"Do you know a lot about flowers?" She shook her head truthfully.

"My au…. I mean my mother was obsessed with flowers so she had a lot in her garden. I happened to hear about this one and how she could never get her hands on it. I've always wanted to see one because of how badly she wanted one" Reynold smiled.

"You can take it if you want," Reign gasped.

"I don't think I can, it's very rare your highness" He chuckled.

"Look around, I have countless of them in my garden" She looked around and did in fact see many of them.

"But won't the king be angry?" He shook his head.

"This Garden doesn't belong to the King but to me" Her eyes widened. She hadn't expected that.

"Oh? Then in that case, thank you very much. Whenever I return home, I shall take it with me" He smiled.

"Do you want to see more rare flowers?" She was about to say yes when she heard Williams' voice.

"Milady, His highness asked me to make sure you had breakfast. It has been served in the courtyard" She really wanted to see the rare flowers but she was really hungry.

"Don't worry, if we ever meet again, I'll show you the flowers" Reign nodded with a smile then waved him goodbye as she walked away with Sir Williams.

"Hmm" She heard Williams say as soon as they were far away from Reynolds.

"Is something wrong?" He shook his head.

"Not wrong but weird. Reynold hardly speaks to anyone but he spoke so freely with you and even smiled, that's a miracle" Reign's eyes widened.

"Oh? He seems so nice" Williams nodded.

"He is…. Just too quiet. Oh, I can see you and His highness got to talk, he even gave you his coat? I also heard you made him laugh, that's new especially when you guys just met" Reign smiled. She had completely forgotten about the coat.

"He's not bad. Yesterday, he came to visit me at night but was very rude so I thought we weren't going to work out but today, he seemed totally different. He was very easy to talk to" Williams smiled.

"That's because you're very easy to talk to milady, you don't judge any of them with your eyes. The last time I saw Ares laugh wholeheartedly was when he was five years old and even to me, he doesn't speak nicely. I think you'll be a good influence on them, Milady" Reign frowned. She wasn't here for anyone else except Ares.

As soon as Reign's eyes fell on the food, she forgot about everything and immediately rushed to the table to eat. She ate like her usual starving self then suddenly remembered she was supposed to act poised.

She raised up her head and saw Williams staring at her with an amused smile. She cleared her throat as she slowly wiped her mouth with the handkerchief.

"I'm sorry, I'm just very hungry"

"You don't have to apologize to me, milady. Eat any way you like, no one's going to judge you" Reign smiled then nodded but she couldn't help but be cautious about how she ate her food. She couldn't break her cover now, she had just gotten here.

She tried to imitate how Isabella used to eat back home but she found it too hard. She sighed but continued eating the food.

"Hey friend" She suddenly heard a female voice behind her. She turned around and saw Mirabel with a big smile on her face as she waved at Reign….