
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Autres
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45 Chs

Chapter 18 Truth

Takemi sat down beside Angelina and inputted the directions to Four Leaves Technology. After clearing up the misunderstanding that happened earlier, although Angelina had some reservations about her relationship, he didn't oppose it directly.

"Hmm? Takemi, what's that?".

The young man had a small container filled with a red liquid and an old fashioned quill he had retrieved from the [Store].

"It's a type of Magecraft. Think of it as a magical contract that can't be broken".

He started writing several clauses to the contract and bit his thumb, causing it to bleed and imprinted his thumbprint onto the contract. The blood glowed for a moment before disappearing.

Angelina who was watching him as he wrote the contract was stunned. There was no psions or pushions involved whatsoever. There was a strange feeling in the air, but there was no visible light or sound waves that came with the glow.

"What was that?".

Takemi gave her a wink and said, "Reassurance. Can't be too careful when dealing with this man".

She titled her head but didn't ask what it was or who Takemi was talking about. She was going to meet "him" soon enough anyway.

Shortly after the arrived at the entrance of Four Leaves Technology and were met by an escort who brought them to the Third Division. The division Takemi knew as the "golden apple" of FLT.

"Hi. What can I do for you!", a middle aged man with an afro and a goatee came to greet the pair with a friendly smile.

Takemi responded, "I'm looking for Tatsuya. Is he here?".

The man raised an eyebrow but before he could respond a voice rang out across the lab.

"It's alright Mr Taurus. He knows... and has something he'd like to request of us".

Tatsuya, followed by Miyuki came through the same door we did and looked directly at me. Although he did glance at Angelina he had a large stack of papers in his hand and gestured for the three to come over.

"Takemi-san, this is Ushiyama-san, or as he is better known as, Mr Taurus. He is in charge of the Third Division and specializes in engineering CAD hardware. Something that he exceeds myself in".

The man smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "Ah Mr Silver you really shouldn't give me that much praise. You're not so bad yourself you know".

Takemi turned and Angelina stepped forward, "I'm Angelina Kudou Shields. I'm Takemi's fiancée".

Ushiyama, Tatsuya and Miyuki all raised an eyebrow. They didn't know of Angelina's status, but the name Kudou is unmistakable in Japan, especially for Magicians.

Tatsuya looked at me and said, "Is there a reason you brought her here?".

"It's fine. She already knows more about Musashi and I than you do. But there is something I need you to sign before anything else".

Taking out the piece of paper and unfurling it, Tatsuya took it in his hands and read it carefully. Miyuki and Ushiyama peering over his shoulders trying to peak.

"Is there something about this that's special?".

It wasn't anything special. The contract just said that both parties with agree to not share any information regarding the other to any other person, both personal and public.

'Ah. So that's why he brought her. I'm the one signing it and not Miyuki. She's able to talk but not myself'. Tatsuya's right lip raised slightly before asking, "How to I sign?".

"Blood. Just bite your thumb".

Ushiyama and Miyuki watched as Tatsuya bit his thumb causing the page to glow and an intangible red string grow between the two before eventually fading.

"Another Mikazuchi Family secret I suppose?".

Takemi smiled and said, "It's one of the few reasons you've never heard of us before".

It was a basic Geis Magecraft Takemi has bought on the way here. It could be removed quiet easily actually, however no one in this world other than Takemi could do it as it wasn't a Magic of this world.

It would ensure that Tatsuya couldn't directly tell anyone

The paper the contained the contract lit up and like flash paper, left no smoke or residue behind.

"Now that that's out of the way. Shall we get down to business?".

Takemi nodded, "Gladly".

"I have a few questions about the design you sent me and have a few questions regarding it".

"Ask away".

Tatsuya cleared his throat, "First of all I would like to ask what type of Magic you specialize in? And how many spells would you like contained within the CAD?".

"Modern Magic. The Eight Major Types. And I'd like around a hundred spells contained within it".

Miyuki spoke up, "Are you sure you want a specialized CAD? It would be easier to purchase or general use one for the amount of spells-".

"That's fine", interrupted Tatsuya he gave Ushiyama a glance who nodded his head thoughtfully.

"I also took a look at your design. A gun sword?".

Takemi gave a wry smile, "Not exactly. I'd like to be a similar shape to the one's they use in Speed Shooting, however, instead of a barrel I need a blade".

"Something like this?".

Ushiyama pulled out a schematic from the piles of paper Tatsuya brought in. It was a rough sketch and had quiet a few eraser marks on it, but it was very nice to look at.

"The gripping. Do you want a gun trigger as well?".

"Yes. Although I'd like to to feel not that much different from a sword handle".

Both Mr Taurus and Mr Silver furrowed their brows. It wasn't an angry expression but more like a troubled one. The concept Takemi asked for seemed so simple but in reality... it was much harder than it looks.

"I thought you used two swords Takemi-san? Where is the other one?".

Miyuki asked Takemi who was about to ask before Ushiyama stood up and shouted,

"I've got it!".

He pulled out a pencil from his pocked and drew on the back of the schematic. It was thinner and less bulky and more streamlined than the previous one. It was around 90 centimeters length and was around 2 centimeters thick. The blade itself was paper thin but with modern technology was stronger than tanks armor plating.

The unique thing about the design was the shorter blade, only around 60 centimeters beside it. It was just as thin, however the sheath design beside it made the schematic a whole lot more impressive.

"You said that you use two swords right?".

Takemi nodded.

"I actually had this idea for a Chiba that came here a few years ago however he turned me down and didn't want to support the cost for development and research", Ushiyama sighed, "But my idea was the the Magician hold more than one CAD. The sword, which could actually cut without the use of magic, and the Sheath that contained it.

The Sword would still have a few key spells encoded into it, however whenever the situation rises the Magician could sheath their Sword and access the library of spells encoded into it. You would build a library and have certain "load outs" of lack of a better term which you could switch on the fly".

Both Takemi and Tatsuya nodded the further they listened to the man with an afro. It would end up being 4 separate CADs, however two of them would only be a storage device for the other two.

"It could work... hey! Arima! Get over here!".

Another engineer with a wild messy hairstyle and big round glasses ran up to Ushiyama bowed at Tatsuya.

"Get this over to Iori and Nagisa! Tell them to finish fine tune the physical aspects and tell us what we're working with. Tell Rei and Gunbei to start making what the other two tell them to make. Leave the rest to me and the young master... now go!".

The young man named Arima gave another bow before running off and yelling names and shouting orders.

Tatsuya didn't give the man a second glance before saying, "It will take a little longer to complete. Perhaps two weeks?". He gave Ushiyama a look who returned it with a slight nod.

"Anyway, now we can talk about those two Magics that you told me about earlier. Tell me the magic sequence-".

Takemi held up his hand causing Tatsuya to stop.

"That's where you are wrong Tatsuya-san. This Magic does not possess an activation sequence. It is more of a mental discipline combined with Magecraft, not Magic".

"What's Magecraft?".

"It is a miracle that can be reproduced by modern machines. Like creating fire with a lighter or an explosion with nitroglycerin. "True Magic" is something that cannot be reproduced with machines... at least in theory".

Tatsuya and Ushiyama frowned. Some families did have a warped few of Magic and called it other names, but Magecraft was something that they had never heard of before.

"So teach me. I don't believe it will be a problem to-".

"Herein lies your second fallacy. You, as you are right now, cannot learn Magecraft. You're mind might be in the right place but your body is not. Neither it Miyuki, nor Ushiyama-san or Angelina. It is an ability that you must be born with".

"So you're saying that you have to be born with this ability. Is that what you're saying?". Tatsuya retorted.

Takemi sighed. It was harder to explain why he couldn't teach him without telling him everything about being a Magus and Magic Circuits but he wouldn't, at least with Miyuki and Ushiyama in the room.

"Miyuki. Ushiyama-san. Please leave the room". Said Tatsuya. It seems he caught on and Ushiyama left the room albeit a little hesitantly.

Miyuki on the other hand, "No! Why onii-sama should I have to leave! That girl can stay so why-".

"Miyuki.... please....". The older sibling placed his hand on his younger siblings cheek and said with a smile. It was a fake one, but Miyuki was entranced by her elder brothers gentleness.

She cupped the cheek Tatsuya held and started to swoon and left the room quickly but stood right outside the door.

"That was.... rather effective....", said Angelina.

Tatsuya didn't reply but gave Angelina a glance before returning to face Takemi.

"Tell me.... everything....".

Takemi smiled and said, "Alright.... I should say that I'm a completely normal human, however since this morning I've lost my humanity and become something.... more".

"What do you mean by that? Human experimentation? Genetic manipulation?"

"No, no. Nothing scientific... I'll just show you".

Takemi stood up and took off his shirt revealing his toned body and unblemished skin. Tatsuya read his Eidos data before something changed.

"Wha-! What is that!".

Tatsuya's right arm from the elbow down changed from normal skin to a rough jagged scales that made his arm look three times the size it originally did. It would've easily torn through the jacket he was wearing.

"I am not human anymore. I have lost my human body and gained a new one in it's place. I am physically stronger, faster, more durable than any other living being alive.... this is the Mikazuchi Family secret Tatsuya. You and Angelina are the only other people in the world that know this".

Tatsuya's facial expression didn't change but Angelina went wide eyed.

"What happened to you! How did you become like... this!".

Takemi looked at her and extended his scaled arm to towards her. Angelina unconsciously reached out and touched the hand only to be surprised at the toughness and and warmth of Takemi's hand.

"Tell me everything".

Tatsuya interrupted and the arm changed back to its normal fleshy look.

"To put it simply, I ate a Dragon's Heart and become a pseudo Divine Spirit".

"And not putting it simply?".

Takemi looked at him and grinned, "Well... that's a long story... are you sure you have the time?".

"Yes. I can't just be shown something as serious as this and not know the truth. I want to know".

Takemi leaned back and placed his feet on the table, not caring about decorum or social standing in the slightest.

"Well. It all began when a little boy woke up in a Temple without any recollection of who he was... or rather what he was....".