
Ancient Language

After being forced to the ground onto their knees, the twin elves look around only to see a lot of blood and many lifeless bodies. The sight was horrific and the smell was just as bad. One of the twins, Amell, got sick to his stomach at the sight. The mysterious men beside them, who held them captive, showed no mercy. Some time passes and an Orc walks over, he looks cold hearted and his face stoned and expressionless. Ebony locks with crimson red tips, black eyes and glowing red irises. The unknown Orc spoke once he was standing in front of the young twins. "Hello, You don't know me.. but your family did. You can call me Typhon, while you're still alive that is. You'll be joining your parents soon." Typhon smirked, pulling away a curtain to show the twins their parents. Their dead parents. The twins screamed at the sight of their parents lying in pools of their own blood.

Amell gasped for air, waking up from his slumber he looked around in a panic. Fortunately he only saw his older twin, Amory. "The same nightmare of our parents?" The older twin asks, handing the younger one a glass of water. The latter nodded, taking the glass of water and sitting up. "Not much of a nightmare when it actually happened. More like a reminder that it happened… Y'know?" Amell said then sipped on the water. Amory shrugged, then nodded in agreement. "It's going to haunt us. We weren't even teenagers when it happened." Amory pointed out. That was true, they weren't even close to teenagers when they saw what they saw and had to go through what they went through. In fact, they were just ten years old then. Ten years old. They shouldn't have had to see their parents dead, right in front of them and then have to plan their own escape to stay alive. That was four years ago now though. Now they were fourteen and constantly teaching themselves survival tactics and how to fight and defend themselves. Amell loved to use archery, the bow and the arrows were perfect for him. Amory loved daggers and that he could be aggressive or sneaky with them. They both preferred to be stealthy.

The twins were quick learners, smart and courageous. Though, through everything they have been through and had gone through that is to be at least slightly expected. "Is it sunrise yet?" Amell asked, which caused him to get a glare from the other. "Almost, but you're not going with me while you're sick. Stay and rest." Amory grabbed his daggers. "You know I can just sneak out, right?" Amell asked and crossed his arms. "Yes, but let's hope you're smart enough to not do so." Amory said then left. Amell knew that Amory just wanted him safe and not any sicker but he felt useless just lying on his bed while his brother hunted and gathered food sources. Nonetheless he listened and stayed, deciding to just sharpen his arrows and fix them up if they needed to be. With Amory, he was holding his daggers in his hand as he finally found a deer. He was crouched down, and sneakily going to the deer. Before Amory knew it, it was time to go home. He had caught three deer, two rabbits and had a basket full of varieties of berries. That should be good for a few days, a week even, maybe. However long it lasted them he didn't care. He needed to go back to make sure Amell was okay and hopefully doing better and resting.

Though he should have known better he still was a little disappointed to see Amell working on his arrows, sharpening them and fixing them. However he was happy he wasn't up and doing stuff instead. "Amell, I'm back and I got a week's worth of food!" He called out to him as he walked to where they stored the food then put it up. "Maybe next time you can come with me if you're not sick." Amory said, turning around to smile at his younger brother. Amell enjoyed helping the other so he smiled and spoke in excitement, "I sure hope so! Maybe we can get fish next time! What do you think?" Amell was beaming now. Amory nodded. "Of course we can go fishing!" He said laughing at his brother's excitement. "Oh, find anything weird outside again?" Amell asked, the other nodded. "Another piece of paper with the same ancient language writing as the last one did." He sighed, putting the two together and handing them to Amell. "Go ahead and try to read them, little nerd."

Amell spent the rest the night trying to translate the ancient language to English.