
Chapter 16: Valor's Last Chance

The door swung open, a chill of anticipation and fear crawling down Enya’s back.

“Too late to turn back now,” she told herself.

On the other side of the door appeared an elf but one without a sword. This elf appeared in flowing robes that cinched at the waist the way an elegant dress would. It was an elf Enya recognized.

“Weaver!” Enya said with relief.

Enya stood dumbfounded, a mountain of burden leaving her shoulders as she realized she was not being met with imminent death. Weaver was here. That meant one more person that was on her side, an ally in a time where all around her were enemies.

“Don’t just stand there, let me in!” Weaver cried.

Enya did as she was told and stepped to the side. Weaver shot in and slammed the door behind them.

“What are you doing here?” Enya asked.

“I’m here to help you, however little that may be.”

“Hey there, Jeremy, human boyfriend, nice to meet you,” Jeremy said.