"Still, it is impossible to survive. How could you stay alive after consuming that drug?" Rishabh asked in mistrust.
Not understanding what he wanted to say, Sarah replied with a sarcastic smile, "God loves me so much. That's why I am alive."
Rishabh's felt a strange turmoil ongoing in his heart. He extended his hand to wipe the blood on Sarah's upper lip with his thumb. While looking at the blood droplet on his thumb, he said solemnly, "But this isn't the side effect of B1H36C7O23S10. This is a poisonous drug called C100H36O30S20-B2."
Sarah's smile faded away when she heard that. Her vision cleared a little bit that instant and she turned to look at Rishabh with a frown.
"Wait, time please," She muttered before asking him, "What? Is it the Wild Lady Drug Ultra Pro Max?"