
The Twelve Paths Of Sages: Incarnation Of The Heaven's Flaw

Before the beginning of life and time, the twelve elements created the universe. These are also what you called the Heavenly Principles.   These elements are keys to the existence of each individual. Knowing this, people would thrive to achieve it. They could be a blessing but also a curse.   Some people have one-of-a-kind abilities, while others have none. In Exliya, sages are considered the incarnation of Heaven's Flaw. The Heaven's Flaw is a name that defies all logic, reality, universal laws, laws of nature, and even heaven itself.   The Heaven's Flaw is one of the greatest achievements that remained a mystery for everyone.   However, even sages cannot be called the true heaven's flaw. Only the selected one will one day achieve such feats.   Marc Zelynk, a young man, lived in a world that he had yet to understand. He was curious about how the world works, and like the rest of the people in Exliya, he wished to know the truth of the Heaven's Flaw while also obtaining the twelve essences of the heavenly principles.

Morororo · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Marc Zelynk

In Exliya, where lives unfurl like storied tomes, a new chapter dawned. An age that kindled the flame of the extraordinary, a fresh chronicle bursting with sorcery, enchantments, and supernatural phenomena that defied the comprehension of common men. The new volume of mankind.

Stationed at a train depot stood a figure of intrigue. His hair was a raven's wing, his eyes a startling, vibrant blue, and he was cloaked in a hooded robe befitting a wizard. His gaze remained steadfastly locked on the book in his grasp, oblivious to the world around him.

His name was Marc Zelynk. A celebrated scholar admired for his benevolence, unwavering focus, resolute determination, and insatiable curiosity.

"Stop that man!" A cry pierced the air.

A peculiar man clutching an unusual pouch sprinted, his face slick with sweat, deftly eluding the clutches of the pursuing constabulary. Vaulting over a fence with a cocky smirk, he seemed to have evaded capture.

Yet Marc was undeterred. He brandished his wand and employed the arcane art of "Levito," suspending the man mid-air and thwarting his escape.

"You stand accused of robbing an elderly woman, you should be ashamed!" The police finally caught up with the would-be escapee, hunched over and panting heavily from their relentless pursuit.

"My thanks to you, young man. You're from..." One of the police squinted at a badge, his voice trailing off.

Marc Zelynk, student of Hermnschl academy.

"Ah, a scholar from such an esteemed institution, thank you for your help," the police bowed in gratitude.

"Don't mention it, I'm still a novice student," Marc replied with a modest smile.

As the dust settled, the constables carted the man away into custody, leaving Marc to his own ruminations.

"(Fascinating, the Twelve Paths of the Sages, known for their blessings and curses. I wonder if I can obtain it in a later future...)" he mused, his gaze returning to the tome, his mind whirring with untold possibilities.

As that thought clung relentlessly to his conscience, the train thundered into the station, its arrival momentarily suspending his reality. With a deep breath, he stepped aboard, settling into a seat and bracing for the journey towards Hermnschl Academy.

A scant two minutes later, Marc found himself standing before the imposing edifice of the academy, a sense of awe washing over him. The train, a marvel of supernatural engineering, had traversed a daunting distance with a velocity that defied comprehension, yet it had been so smooth that Marc barely felt the motion. It was a velocity that outstripped the speed of sound by five-fold. Considering the remote location of the Hermnschl Academy, such a feat was necessary.

Hermnschl Academy was a beacon of excellence, a revered institution that transcended realms, boasting an illustrious reputation amongst witches, warriors, and mythical creatures. It was the crowning glory, the magnum opus of an undisclosed architect.

The academy sprawled across an expansive landscape, its magnitude matched only by its architectural grandeur. It was equipped with a vast array of facilities, all designed to nurture the talents of its diverse student body. Its distinctive silhouette, crowned by a spire reminiscent of a witch's hat, was renowned across the realm of Exliya.

Its students were as diverse as they were unique, a vibrant spectrum of different races, species, and magical prowess. From the lupine features of werewolves to the equine bodies of centaurs, from the ethereal forms of fairies to other fantastical beings, the academy was a melting pot of the extraordinary and the otherworldly. Although Marc had previously encountered such diversity in his friend, being an unassuming human amidst this maelicieux mélange made him understandably anxious.

The students gradually converged, forming a tapestry of varying hues and forms in the central field where an assembly was to be held. At the heart of it all, the grandmaster stood, a welcoming smile gracing his features as he addressed the crowd from the podium.

"Welcome, freshmen from far and wide, we gather here today to extend our warmest greetings!" He inclined his head in a respectful bow, his white hair and the eye patch over his left eye a stark contrast to his voluminous blue robes. Contrary to Marc's expectations of a grandmaster bearing resemblance to the characters of his beloved books like Hairy Popper, the character Walter White. However, he found the grandmaster's appearance to be refreshingly different.

Behind him, a cadre of fourteen teachers echoed his bow, adding to the solemnity of the occasion.

"Ahem," the grandmaster began again, his jovial demeanor morphing into a stern gaze. "Now, let us address the rules and guidelines of our esteemed academy. As you can see, our students come in all forms, each unique and extraordinary. We do not permit discrimination, nor do we entertain any notions of superiority or seniority among our students." The gravity of his words hinted at past incidents that had necessitated such a warning.

Indeed, uniqueness was a trait shared by all in Hermnschl Academy. Some wielded their power without the need for wands or incantations, their skills manifested in diverse and unexpected ways.

Behind Marc, a gelatinous beast stood, its body shifting and undulating in an eerie dance. Its gooey constitution held untold possibilities, whether deadly, defensive, or supportive that none could know.

From the right, a woman emerged, her hair a writhing mass of serpents, each strand its own living creature. It was as if the tales Marc had absorbed from countless books had come alive, and every man who dared to gaze upon her could be turned to stone.

And then there was the child...

"Wait... a child?" Marc murmured, taken aback. But he knew better than to judge on appearances alone. Every soul held a unique power.

"Any queries, please, do not hesitate to voice," the grandmaster concluded.

No one questioned.

"Very well. One more thing before the test begins. Survive."

In the blink of an eye, they were whisked away, students scattered in groups throughout a shadowy dungeon.

"Survive?" Echoed bewildered voices in the dark.

Only a few, like Marc, remained undaunted. He had anticipated such a twist.

They stood in a cavernous hall, an entryway into the dim labyrinth. The roof was resilient rock, repairing itself with every fracture.

Suddenly, an inferno roared from the threshold, a fiery maw that devoured the entrance, sending everyone into a frenzied retreat.

Marc, however, stood his ground. He uttered the spell, "Rha'as," conjuring a shimmering dome of magic around him.

The flames danced voraciously, reducing seven unfortunates to ashes, their screams echoing in the vast hall.

Once the firestorm receded, a colossal dragon emerged, its imposing figure causing Marc's eyes to widen. With a swift motion, the beast seized him in its claw and flung him from the hall.

Before him now stood a gargantuan dragon, its length spanning over 500 feet. Its crimson scales shone like reflective armor, harder than the finest steel.

Marc stood alone, the only one who stood against the monstrous creature. His keen eyes spotted multiple exits, each potentially leading to another cluster of students.

A shiver of realization gripped him. This dragon was not the sole menace.

With a firm grip on his wand, he cracked his neck and stepped forward, ready to face the beast.

Propelling himself with a burst of power, he soared above the dragon's towering form, hurling a bolt of lightning from his wand. The attack barely grazed the beast, leaving a faint mark on its impenetrable scales.

The dragon roared, its monstrous jaws parting to unleash another wave of searing flames.

Marc was quick to react, his spell once again casting a barrier of protection around him. The battle had only just begun.

The fire was relentless, the Rha'as shield buckling under its sheer ferocity. Marc gritted his teeth, pushing his magic to the brink. He stood toe-to-toe with the beast, his lightning dragon magic crackling in his hand.

"Damn... this creature... it's too powerful...!" Marc grunted, feeling himself being driven backward step by step.

Nearby, groups of students rallied, hurling their most potent spells at the monstrous dragon. But their combined strength was pitiful against the beast's might, even outnumbered as it was.

A cry of distress caught the ear of a nearby group. It was Marc, struggling against the dragon.

"Stand back, I've got this!" A brave student broke from the pack, vaulting towards the dragon with a power pulsing in his clenched fist.

[Fist Of Abomination style: Mountain Demolisher!]

His punch struck the dragon square in the face, freeing Marc from the deadly clash.

The dragon locked eyes with the audacious student. Without warning, it lunged forward and swallowed him whole, the student's mid-air position leaving him no room to dodge.

The dragon's impenetrable scales deflected all magic and power thrown at it, Marc's spells included. The students' efforts were futile.

Freed from his close encounter with the dragon, thanks to the brave student's distraction, Marc skirted around the dragon, running along the wall.

In response, the dragon spun its massive body, creating a hurricane-like force that sent the students flying. Its tail lashed out with such ferocity that every student in its path was killed.

Marc was unbalanced by the spin and catapulted into the air. He used Rha'as to cushion the impact as he crashed into the ceiling.

An idea sparked in his mind, a crazy, desperate idea. Inspired by the fate of the brave student, he realized the dragon's insides were its weak point. He would have to venture inside the beast.

As he plummeted towards the dragon, its maw opened wide, preparing to incinerate him with another fiery blast.

Marc summoned his Rha'as shield and plunged headfirst into the dragon's gaping mouth. The students watched in horror, thinking he had been devoured.

"No! He's been swallowed!" A student cried out in dismay.

Inside the dragon's belly, Marc summoned his most potent lightning spell, the thunderous blast causing the beast's stomach to bloat and rupture from the inside.

The dragon screeched in agony, convulsing as its organs were decimated. It exploded in a gory spectacle, the force of the blast propelling the students into a neighboring chamber.

Marc emerged, covered in dragon gore and viscera. Miraculously, the brave student who had punched the dragon also survived, and Marc helped him to his feet.

The dragon had nearly decimated the students, but Marc had a nagging premonition. He feared that the true test of their survival was yet to come.