
The Turn Of The Orphanage

nevaeq · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

How Did I Get Here? - Chapter 1

I woke up to a warm sensation on my skin. I slowly sat up straight on my bed and looked around to examine what kind of room I was in. there were kids sleeping in beds. I didn't know what was going on, or how I even got here in the first place. could I be in a… my mind started wandering off. no I can't be. they wouldn't do that to me. right? I heard footsteps coming from outside of the door. the door knob started turning very steadily and soon, the door opened. a tall woman with black shiny long hair and brown eyes walked in, and started talking in a loud voice. "Good morning my sweethearts! it's time for breakfast!" soon enough, all of the kids woke up and jumped eagerly out of bed and hurried downstairs. the woman and me were the only ones left in the room now. she started walking over towards me and sat on the bed that I was in. "I know you're confused, sweetie. do you remember what happened yesterday?" "no I… I don't remember anything at all… why am I here?" "well, your parents just didn't have any money to take care of you anymore, so they decided to bring you into an orphanage. you'll see your parents again. please don't hate your parents for this. they made the right choice. they didn't want to do this either, but it was the best decision." I started to shed some tears, and my nose started running. the woman gave me a long warm protective hug, with her hand placed on my head, and the other on my back. "it's okay. please don't be upset. you will get through this. my name is Amelia, and I will be taking care of you from now on. you can even make friends. you'll be happy here, I promise." I felt so irritated and distressed all at the same time. she stopped hugging me, and I looked up at her. "do you really think I'll be okay here…? this is all to much. I really miss them…" "Yes of course you will! I said I promised." she suddenly reached out to me with her hand with a welcoming smile. "come on. you better go eat before it's all gone." her eyes were so beautiful. the sun made it look like her eyes were shining. I was a bit hesitant to grab her hand, but I felt safe already. I grabbed her hand, and her hand felt so soft and smooth. we both headed downstairs, and I observed all of the kids eating, fooling around, and throwing their food at each other. "now you can sit wherever you see an open spot. I'll be right back." she smiled, turned away, and started walking into a room. I sighed and started to take quick glimpses around the room trying to find an empty seat. I found one! I started walking to the seat, and I sat down upright into the seat, until I noticed a girl coming up to me. "hey! I never saw you around here before! you must be new! the names Charlotte! I thought you would be hungry, so I grabbed you a plate of breakfast if that's okay with you." she placed the plate right in front of me. I was greeted with the pleasant smell of eggs, pancakes, bacon, and sausage. I smiled and looked back up at her. "oh uh, yeah sure thank you so much. it's very nice to meet you. my name is y/n!" < (y/n means your name, so whenever you see y/n pop up, please refer to it as your own name! thank you!) "yeah, no problem! mind if I sit with you?" she gave a polite smile. "oh no I don't! please do!" she went behind my chair, and sat down next to me. "so did you have any questions? or maybe Amelia filled you in on everything. you do know who Amelia is, right?" she asked with a curious face. "oh yeah, I know who Amelia is don't worry." I left out a soft chuckle. it looked like Charlotte was about to say something else, until Amelia started clapping her hands together. "okay everyone, it's time to go play outside! don't go to far! enjoy yourselves!" all of the kids started to sprint outside. Charlotte tapped on me. "hey, do you want to play together? maybe we can play hide and seek with the others. we needed another person anyways." she laughed. "yeah sure! I would love to!" I said smiling. "great, then let's go before they start!" she grabbed me by my arm and we both started running outside. the sky was blue with a few white puffy clouds. the sun was gleaming on me. the temperature was perfect. a few other kids came up to us. a boy that seemed like he was the leader of the group started talking first. he had dark brown hair and green eyes. "hey Charlotte! you came just in time! we were just about to start." they looked at me up and down. "who's this? a new player?" he asked confused. "yes! I want you guys to meet y/n! she's new here, and she will be playing hide and seek with us!" I had my head down to the ground, just looking at the ground. "hey, my names Zack. it's nice to meet you!" he responded joyful. "thank you, it's nice to meet you to." I said still looking down. "okay guys, I think we should get started now. half of the group will hide, and the other half will count. let's go!" all of the kids dashed straight into an odd place that looked like a forest. "hey Char-" I looked to my left to see if Charlotte was still next to me. she was gone. I sighed and starting walking towards the odd place everyone else ran into. aren't they scared? once I got far enough into the forest, I analyzed the area. I had to hide somewhere. maybe in one of the bushes? yeah they will have to do I guess. I went towards one of the bushes and ducked behind one. now all I had to was wait. the worse part. a few minutes went by. I was starting to get eager until I heard some footsteps in the distance. I covered my mouth, and tried my best to keep quiet. I could hear them searching through every tree and bush, until the sound eventually came closer and closer to my bush. "hey y/n! it's time to go back inside now. it's time for bed!" Amelia says almost startling me. she grabbed my hand and we started making our way back to the orphanage following the dirt path. she started humming a slow and vibrant song. she smiled and looked at me, and then turned her head back to face ahead. I was feeling a bit uneasy I didn't know why, but it didn't bother me to much. we made it back to the orphanage safely, and Amelia put us all to bed soon after. we were all so exhausted and ready to sleep. she tucked all of us in. "goodnight everyone. i'll see you guys in the morning! get a good night's rest! I love you all!" she smiled and then turned off the light, and closed the door quietly. I stayed up for a little bit until I got thirsty. I sat up on my bed slowly, and I began to tip toe to make my way out of the bedroom very peacefully without trying to wake anyone up. I tried opening the door knob still making the less noise I can. after I got out, I closed the door softly. I tip toed all the way downstairs, and I tried to find a light switch. I tried to make things out until I felt a cold smooth surface. "this must be a wall." I felt a light switch and I turned it on. a bunch of other lights came on, and the colors all looked so vibrant and pretty. I slowly looked around admiring every single detail and furniture that was inside of the orphanage. I made my way into the kitchen. the floor was cold. I was wearing socks, but still. I took a few glances around the kitchen taking a good look at everything. "this kitchen sure is huge." I opened a few cabinets since I didn't know where Amelia kept the cups. "I got it. I found the cups!" I stood up on my tippy toes and I grabbed a cup. I went over to the sink, and started pouring cold water into my cup. I turned off the water and I closed all of the cabinets, I then exited from the kitchen, and made sure to turn off the lights, making sure no one knew I was down here so late. I went back upstairs stately. I was worried and afraid that someone would catch me, but I would just make an excuse. I was about to make it back to my bedroom until I heard a strange noise. I took a deep breath, and tried to follow the noise. It led me down the bedroom hallway, until the sound stopped at a bedroom door. I heard fainted muffled voices. I put my ear closer to the door so I could hear a little better. "I know you need some ships out soon, but the new girl… y/n… why her? she just came here today. she still needs more time." I was puzzled. I could make out that this voice belonged to Amelia.

"No, I don't want that. yes boss. I will make sure of it. thank you."

I was mixed with so many different emotions. negative emotions, fear, anger, betrayed, and disturbed. what is she talking about? I thought I was safe here… Amelia even promised.. I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I tried running away back to my bedroom. I entered my bedroom and placed my glass of water next to my nightstand. I got into my bed quickly, and pretended to be asleep. I than thought to myself. "am I really safe? was that all just a lie to make me feel comfortable and welcomed here? what if my parents knew about this? what's going on? each and every thought was so very tense, dark and scary. I felt so sick. I don't feel so safe anymore… I have to escape with all of my friends and make sure they're okay."

whenever you see the words y/n please refer to it as ‘your name!’ you will see it a lot in the story!

this story is HEAVILY inspired by the anime: The Promised Neverland. it won’t be exactly like the anime.

if anyone had any advice or criticism that they can give or suggest to me, please don’t be afraid to share it with me! thank you so much for all of the love, motivation, and support! have a great day!

nevaeqcreators' thoughts