
The Tulip Garden

what will you do if you have only one eye and a king is trying to kill you ? Feel the horror and tragedy

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · Romance
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2 Chs

Happy memories 1

The moonlight fell onto his but his eyes were closed. Unfortunately for him , he didn't have the strength to sleep . He sighed in his heart and his will submerged into the dreams and happy memories .


" Prince Araka , please keep your head straight otherwise I wont be able to draw your portrait ". A man with the canvas and brush in his hands said in polite manner . Hearing his urge the boy of only 9 years old repositioned his body in his small throne but after a while his whole body ached with pain so he again got in his lazy posture . Seeing this the lady standing at a distance held him in the lap and sat . Seeing this the artist smiled and continued his drawing .

Almost half an hour later the portrait was finished . The prince jumped out from the lap of his mother and headed towards the portrait . With the sudden jump her mother was a little startled and lightly shouted , " Araka ! ". But he didn't respond. The artist was doing the final touching so allowed the little prince to see his portrait . Seeing the portrait the little boy was very happy but after the couple of second he said in confusion , " Why my mother is not in the drawing ? She was sitting with me ".

Hearing his words the artist responded with the smile .

" Because the royalties have individual portraits in thier rooms .

Your mother .... I mean highness has her own in her room . Haven't you seen it ?".

" I have but I wanted a drawing with my mother too ?".

Hearing his words the artist got into dilemma . Hearing the questioned his mother answered .

" You are almost 10 years now Araka . Do you want your drawing

of you sitting on my lap ? The other prince and princess will think you are a small child . what will they say ? They might as well laugh at you ".

( After a little pause )

" Do you still want the portrait ?".

" Bb...but ". The little boy could not say anything .