
The truth comes in lies

What if all of the things people feared, were once the very beings that tried to save man kind.

Rosa_Le_Noir · Fantaisie
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Fallen Angels

What if I were to tell you, that Lucifer was not the first fallen angel. That he was the only one recognized as such to cover up what God had really done. The first fallen Angel took the form of a human woman, and she was beautiful, with hair the color of freshly fallen snow. Skin that was sun kissed from the many hours she spent on earth leading the humans in her care to a better future, and eyes a copper that if you looked long enough, it could warm you from even the coldest of nights.

She was a kind and loving celestial being, and no harm came to her people, until she had fallen in love with one of the human men. See there were rules the Angels had to live by in order to live among humans, two of the biggest rules were Do Not Change The Fate of The Humans You Guide and Do Not Love Any of Them. Loving the humans meant you would be more likely to keep them alive or out of danger. The angel broke these two rules when she fell in love and kept the man from dying when he caught a cold. Such a simple thing to humans now change the fate of the world.

This was also when this angel had fallen from the grace of God and was punished to live off the life source that kept her beloved humans alive. This was the time of the first living vampire, it was also the time of the revolution against God in defense of the first fallen angel and the all the humans in the world. Many humans and angels died in the fight and God was weakened during the battle since very few humans believed in God any more.

In Gods final attempt to regain control everything, he turned the rest of his angels into everything humans feared, witches, sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, and many other monsters. Turning the humans against the beings that were helping them win the war against God. Leaving the last angel, Lucifer to take the blame of all the bad that had happened and being the "first" fallen angel.

Thus history was written and God hid until the day their strength could fully rewrite the world and come back in the second coming of God when all faithful humans would join them in heaven and the faithless would be taken to hell with the devil Lucifer.

Tell me what you think! The story only gets better!

Rosa_Le_Noircreators' thoughts