
6.Blondie with the Gun...

I made it.

"Hey Glenn, I'm here, open the door".

The door swings open and this Korean guy pokes his head out.

"You must be Glenn"

"Yes, wow you look like shit."

"Well, thank you kind sir for noticing, "I say sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes"Funny."

He opens the door wide so I can go in. I was barely inside when this blonde bitch grab me and push me against the wall. Holding her gun in my face.

"Andrea chill, we've been through this already."One guy yells at her.

"It's all her fault, she is the reason why we're going to die, "She said with tears in her eyes.

It happens so quickly, I grab the gun out of her hand and point it at her.

"If you ever point a gun at me you better shoot cause you will be sorry for the consequences."

Everyone looks at me with a shocked face at what I did.

"Who the hell are you," she asked trying to get her crying under control.

"My name is Melody, a Soldier of the Atlanta military."

I give her gun back to her.

"Thanks for saving my ass, out there, I own you my life." The sheriff says while holding his hand out to shake.

"You must be Rick, No problem,"I say shaking his hand

"Hey you look familiar, do we know each other".I ask looking him in the face.

Oh my God.

He was the man in the hospital bed.

Well so we meet again, I thought to myself.

"No, I don't think so, "He says confuse

I take off the smelly cover.

"I think I saw you at the hospital where we went to kill the infected."I look at him wondering why he was in the hospital in the first place.

"Were you in a coma of something"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Lucky guess"

"Okay this is great, but we have to cut this short and plan our escape. The same guy as before says,

"His name is Morales, and you already met Andrea."

"Blondie with the gun?"

"Yes, and that is Jacqui she is very nice, and that there is T-Dog."

He says everyone's name while we walk into the store.


Walkers surrounding the front entrance, a lot of them.

I hear a gunshot up above us.

What the hell?

"And that you hear is Merle"

"Who names their kid Merle it sounds like a dog's name."

We run-up to the roof.


Hey weirdo's

I hope you like this chapter


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