

"Glenn I have an idea."

"I'm listening."

"What if, I cover up my scent"

"How will you do that?" he asks confused.

"Blood and guts."

"What," he says gross-out.

"Let me just try it out, if it doesn't work I'll make a run for it."If my ankle let me.

"Okay, I'll wait for you on the top of the building, where it's safe."

"Oh, one more thing the alley is surrounded by walkers."

"Walkers?"I question the name he calls the dead.

"Yeah, it's what we call them what do you call them?"

"Dead freaks or Zombies."

"Wow, Insulting and original, we are wasting time, you have to get out of there"

"Okay, I have to get a walker first, I'll let you know when I'm on my way. Over."

I listen closely behind the door for anything. I hear one nearby the door. I slowly open the door for the walker to see me.

The walker attacks me, I kick it to the floor quickly take one of my daggers and stab it in the head.

I lock the door.

Now the fun part begins, note the sarcasm.

I look around for something to cover up my body so I can put the blood and guts over me without getting any on my skin or clothes.

There was this bag thing you use to cover up your dress or suit.

I cut the bottom part off and put it on. Now I have to find something for my arms.

I look around the room. Bingo, magazine, and tape laying under a broken table. I wrap the magazine with tape around my arms.


I cut the walker's stomach open with my machete. This is so fucking gross. I almost puke of the smell.

I cover my face with my mask and start working. First I put the blood on my body(bag cover) and then my arms. I use one of the guts as a belt.

I smell like death, I think it's safe to go. I slowly open the door and check first how many walkers are walking in the area.

Twelve walkers. Perfect

I hope this works, here goes nothing.

I slowly walk out of the place.

They didn't notice me.

Yes! I walk with a slow phase downstairs. Holy shit the horde from earlier is down there.

Come on Melody, you got this.

I walk slowly through the horde to get outside.

I'm out of the building but I'm not safe yet I have to get to the alley that Glenn talks about.

My ankle is giving me problems now I think I put too much pressure on it. Now I'm limbing like the dead.

It's funny how things turn out . I don't even have to act to fit in.

I see the alley when I cross the street, walk around the corner. There are so many walkers.

What now.

I look around for something to throw to get them away from the iron leather that I have to climb to get on top where Glenn is.

I see a big rock not far from me. I have to do something to make this work. I put my two arms through the hole of the bag cover take one of my throwing knives and cut my hand. The Walker near me looks at me because of the smell of blood. I quickly cover the rock with my blood and throw it as far as I can.

They smell around and start moving in the direction they smell the bloody rock.

I quickly limb to the leather and climb using all my energy to get to the top.

I made it.


Hey, my awesome Weirdos.

I hope you like it.

This was so gross chapter but it was fun to write it.

Melody is such a badass.