
11.Meeting The Group...


I'm almost at the place Rick said they will be when my walkie-talkie starts making a weird sound.

"Rick?"I ask on the walkie talkie.

"Hello, come in Rick"



It was already in the afternoon when I arrive at the camping site. I park my truck behind a red car that looks like someone was taking it apart.

Poor thing.

I see something taped onto the car door.

'Morgan we are going to CDC. Place not save' with a map. So they went to the CDC.

I look at my map and make a mark where the CDC is. This place smells like death. What the fuck happened here.

I climb in my truck get back on the road and drive to the CDC. I hope I find them.

I drive by a few houses. When I turn left I see some cars stop on the road. I stop behind a car and get out. Just as I close the door I'm pushed against it.

I see a guy with curly dark hair with an angry look on his face holding a pistol in my face.

What the fuck is this with people aiming their guns in my face. Seriously.

I quickly grabbed the gun out of his hand and hit him with the butt of the gun against his nose.

"Ahhh what the fuck"He cries out holding his nose.

"What the fuck is your problem?"I ask with anger in my voice.

"You will pay for this," He says still holding his now bleeding nose coming in my direction again.

"Hey what going on here."I hear a familiar voice.

Looking beside me I see Glenn with Rick looking confused.

"Melody, you are here," Glenn says looking happy.

"Yes, and this piece of shit wants to fight me, "I say with a smirk on my face angering the man in front of me even more.

"Woh, hey stop it, Shane," Rick says pulling a very angry Shane away from me.

"Who is she"Shane says spitting on the ground next to Rick's foot.


"It's the girl I told you about that saved my ass in Atlanta."

"Seriously, what she doing here," Shane says loud so I can hear him.

"Hey asshole, you know I can hear you right?"

"I don't care bitch."

Rick tries to calm Shane down. I just grin at him like a crazy person. Hehehe bastard doesn't know what he will get if he keeps pushing my buttons.

"Hey, Mel."T-Dog says patting me on my shoulder."Did you find your parents?"

"They are dead," I say emotionless

But deep down my heart pains. I have to be strong

"What? I'm sorry Mel."Glenn says trying to comfort me with a side hug.

"I'm fine thanks." I awkwardly put my arm around him.

I almost forgot the other people around us when a woman with long brown hair and a little boy beside her spoke to Rick.

"She can join us, she did save your life Rick" She looks my way with a small smile on her face.

I awkwardly look around when my eyes land on a guy coming close to the group. He looks at me with a blank expression on his face. His eyes are so Blue. I try to keep eye contact but it feels like he's looking into my soul.

I look away when I hear Rick walking toward me with a worried look on his face.

Why is he looking at me like that?.

"What is it, Rick."

"Do you want to join us and if you want to will you play nice with the others?"

"Wait, what, Play nice. I wasn't the dumb shit who started the fight, Rick, It's that curly ugly ass dumb shit."I say to Rick while trying to keep my anger under control.

"Calm down Melody, I know you will help us protect each other but I just want to know will you keep your distance from Shane."

"Hell yes I don't want to be near him I don't want to get nightmares of his ugly ass, "I say back to Rick with an attitude.

Gosh, I am already so tired of this shit.

"Guys we have to go we are losing daylight." an old man says to us.


I turn around and get into my truck confuse as hell by the image in my mind of two blue eyes staring at me.