
The true dragon lord( House of dragon)

Klevis_Beqiri_7519 · TV
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5 Chs

Changes and crushing the rebellion

(6 month time skip)

It had been 2 years now since Arthur arrived in Planetos and since then everything was going well ,he had turned Esos into a single functioning organism and even if he didn't want to admit it he created the perfect kingdom of Avalon and now he needed to make sure that he could keep them safe.

Arthur also managed to introduce his dragons to the people and at first they were scared but when they saw that Arthur had everything under control they became relieved and as time passed they got used to them flying above the cities and all over Esos. As Arthur was thinking about the changes he made since he arrived he received a letter telling him that the iron born have been attacking the north in multiple times and each time they were thwarted by the fleet that he sent along with his warriors, but today he received a letter that a much bigger force would arrive and they were not able to beat them back because they lacked the man power and the north couldn't intervene because it would seem like an act of war and the realm didn't know about the iron born because they hadn't caused any damages so far thanks to the army that Arthur had sent to the north but now he needed to intervene because if he didn't then it would cause massive damages to the north and it's people whose lives had changed for the better these last few months.

So as Arthur finished with his preparation he wore his dragon armour which he made from the scales of his dragons when they shed and he managed to forge a dark armour (picture the armour of Gilgamesh from fate but dark instead of gold and a carving of a dragon in the front ) he had strapped his blade as well and he teleported to the dragon sanctuary as he got there he went towards his dragons, as he got there he saw they were just lying around doing nothing and he could tell from his link with them that they were bored, as he got closer he began to talk to to them.

What's this not even a greeting for your dear old man, said Arthur in a depressed tone.

The first one to reply was Serenity,'Come on dad you know that trick won't work on us ,it actually stoped working when we were two years old we just wanted to mess around with you that's why we kept falling for it" now Arthur was shocked his lovable but terrifying children were messing with him, but he soon got over it and said; Who amongst you guys want to go for a flight and burn a fleet of ships", the moment they heard the word flight and burn they were exited and then they began a brawl to decide who should go, but since it wasn't getting anywhere he decided to chose Balerion and then he took a deep breath and raised his voice so they could hear him," That's enough I have decided the one I am going to take with me is Balerion not only because he is the wildest among you but because I need to keep an eye on him to make sure he won't cause any problems" as he finished speaking the other two agreed with him and so Arthur moved towards Balerion and jumped on it's back "Sovegon Balerion"(Fly Balerion) said Arthur and as Balerion flapped his his wings he jumped in the air and with a mighty flap he began to fly at tremendous speed and at this rate Arthur knew he would reach the north in record time, meanwhile serenity and acnalogon went back to what they they were doing which was sleeping and goofing off.

"Arthur POV"

As him and Balerion were flying he couldn't help but be amazed at this feeling up in the sky he felt completely free from the shackles of humanity and the daily worries that he had.

They kept going till they reached the sea and flew near it Balerion kept splashing the water with his wings and he kept flying near the surface of the water so every time he flapped his gigantic wings he created waves upon waves and and once they were near the coast of Westeros he took up in the air he kept going until they were above the clouds.

Once they got outside of anyone range of vision without being seen they kept waiting for the iron fleet and they didn't wait long ,as soon as the iron fleet was below them he leaned forward and spoke to Balerion "Show them who you are my boy show them the true strength of the dragon lords let them worship and fear us once more like the old times, remember Balerion you have the blood of kings in you my boy and now it's time to show them all what that means dive down at the speed thunder and the fury of a tsunami, burn all of them to the ground "Dracarys Balerion". As Arthur finished Balerion took flight and went straight up and after that he did a full dive straight from the clouds and as he was flying down his shadow covered the entire fleet and once they were close enough he let lose his flames incinerating the ships to ashes and within minutes the fleet of a hundred ships was just a pile of ashes floating in the sea.

As the people of the north who preparing for a fight after they sent word to kings landing saw the iron fleet being burned to ashes and the sea was still burning, they still couldn't believe what happened one second they were about to fight for their lives and the next there was no more of a threat.

As the flames died down Arthur was still in the air with Balerion and he was dam proud of his boy he showed them exactly what a true dragon is capable of and this was just the beginning,as he was waiting he saw two red dragons and a massive green sort of dragon coming towards them but he wasn't scared or anything in fact he was looking forward to meeting their riders as they got closer, as they came closer he began to talk.

"It seems you guys are a bit late if you don't mind me saying then again I don't blame you it would have taken a while for word to get to the capital, then again the problem is already solved so all is well, said Arthur.

"Apologies if I sound a bit rude but can you tell us who you are we can tell from your looks and dragon that you are a dragon lord of old Valyria but we don't know your name" she said.

Arthur knew from the light red dragon she was riding that she was Rhenys Targaryen the queen that never was and so he introduced himself.

" Sorry for the inconvenience my name is Arthur Pendragon of the Pendragon house of Valyria and I can guess from your expression that you have heard of me"said Arthur

"Of course we have heard of you you're the one everyone refers to as the God of the battlefield and The Conquerer Reborn"said Daemon

" To be fair some of those titles are true I am the god of the battlefield because everyone needs to fear and respect me in order to bring about peace ,but I am not the conqueror reborn I am a liberator with a vision to unite this world under our banner the banner of "The dragon lords" said Arthur.

"It would seem you have ambition and also the strength to back up your statement, but I would like to ask what are you doing in Westeros?." Asked Rhenys

"I came to Westeros because the north needed my help, my relation with lord stark plus all the help I have provided for the north makes me a friend but also a backing of strength for those who are my friends and the destruction of all those who are gonna be against me" said Arthur

"So you are the person responsible for boosting the trade and strength of the north, we thought it might have been the masters of Esos who are trying to gain some form of power after your conquest but seeing as how you are quick at taking action and solving problems I guess it's to be expected from a Pendragon even in the records of history it was said that they didn't wait out the storm they brought it," said Rhenys

" Well I am the masters who we couldn't find might have gone into hiding but there is no safe haven in this world for them and whoever gives them refuge will be erased from the living with dragon fire , as for the north I have been helping them because they are the only kingdom whose people value loyalty and honour, and they can't be bought by some words or gold"said Arthur

" We know the north has always been loyal to the crown even if they have rarely asked for any help from the crown or any of the other kingdoms" said daemon

" I know better than anyone their loyalty and I know well enough that as long as you don't wrong them by harming their people the north will remain your most loyal and significant ally, but it seems that you Targaryens have forgotten how the old Valyria took care of its people especially house pendragon, but do not worry I will remind you who you all were before you started caring about politics or money I will only say this to wake you up from your clouded minds," Isdira busdari cosdaur(A dragon is not a slave)," said Arthur

"We know a the north is the most loyal among the seven kingdoms but we have a lot of problems on our plate, with everything that is happening we don't have as much resources as we would like in order to help those who need our help, as for dragons not being slaves you are right they aren't slaves and we don't treat them as such," said Rhenys

" Yet again you forget who you are ,how do you think aegon the conqueror ruled the seven kingdoms through strength or do you think he ruled through politics , no my fellow kin he didn't rule through politics he gave them two choices either kneel or be destroyed, and that's exactly what your king and you as a house have forgotten and Westeros has forgotten ,we are at the top and they are beneath us whoever raises their head through politics and not their own strength then they are not worthy of being called king nor dragon lords, but I will remain in Westeros for a long time I will remind you and them why we are feared and why they shouldn't incur our wrath because unlike you who have dragons and use them as slaves my dragons are my family and no one dares to use them or order them and if they try to do so my dragons have no problem of burning anyone to ash because they are true dragons unlike your dragons who can be commanded by using high Valyrian, Balerion cannot be commanded by anyone except me and even then he can be a pain sometimes, so as I was saying I will fly over Westeros and show them that whatever power think they have it is meaningless in front of true power of dragons," said Arthur.

After he finished speaking they discussed a bit more about agreements and about what the king would say but he turned around and told them that if the king has a problem then he can come and talk to him himself not to send an emissary, after that they left for kings landing and things in the north calmed down.

He landed with his dragon and meet rickon and after that they began making plans for the north and since Arthur had the money and manpower the projects would go much faster he first built the great castle of moat Catlin then he would open up mines to dig minerals that the north can use for trade after that he would begin to clear out the open fields so that he could build glass gardens with better structure and soil , only after he had sorted the infrastructure, mines and the food problem he would begin to build the army of the north along with its fleet.

(6 months time skip)

During this time things have been going well for the north Arthur managed to open mines in different places and he also managed to extract different minerals such as silver,bronze diamond and gold but the most he found was silver and he used it for forging new weapons and armour for the north and he also didn't forget to enchant all of them.

He also managed to rebuild moat caitlin and he used the architecture of Valyria for it, he also managed to draw runes on the foundations so they could be powered by the lay lines, also he managed to build larger and bigger glass gardens and he also bought crops from Esos and planted them and after four months and because of the runes that he had made for the gardens the first crops were harvested and the outcome was better than he was expecting, after the first harvest they had enough to feed the north for a year but he didn't stop there he went to each house in the north and he proposed to create roads made of concrete to help with transport and make the journey easier,some of the lords in the north didn't agree first but once he told them he would cover everything then they were ok with it and so he started creating the roads and everything else ,he also spoke with rickon to make changes at winterfell because Arthur wanted to make the seat of house stark seem like a castle out of a fantasy surrounded in winter and that's exactly what he was going to do now that he got permission( all of this was possible because of some compulsion magic that he used discreetly) as he reconstructed the seat of house stark he made it bigger with grey walls made of marble and also he carved statues of dire-wolves and at the big gate of winterfell he had made a new door made of wood and metal and he has added a carving of a dire wolf with ruby blood red eyes which would make anyone think twice before trying to mess with house stark and as he was looking over the north he was happy with how much it had prospered in such a short time and he was happy that it was getting stronger and better every day, now the only thing needed was an army to protect it from anyone who dared to step foot on these lands uninvited.

It was safe to say that with everything that he had done for the north these past year he was becoming more and more part of the pack. One of the reasons he loved the north was because down here no one was a backstabbing corrupt cunt, here in the north they worked together and fought together and if someone were to commit a crime then they would have their head cut of from lord stark or the guards when there were to many at once.

Unlike kings landing where the king didn't have a backbone to act ruthless when it's needed and rule with an iron fist to keep the city clean and safe here in the north it was known that no one no matter who they are would not be saved from the executioner's blade or the wall if they committed a crime.

So with everything done and the north getting stronger he decided to fly to kings landing and have a talk with his fellow dragon lord, if they could even be called that.

Before going he told rickon his plan and he agreed with it albeit with a bit of a persuasion telling him that nothing could harm him, he also made sure to leave his force in the north under lord stark and he told him to use them whenever he needed, he also made sure to remind his soldiers that no one would even think about cousing problems for the north.

After that he released a roar to call Balerion from wherever he was and he didn't have to wait long because he soon saw the shadow that eclipsed the sky and he knew no dragon alive could have this sort of imposing presence other than his boy, after admiring his son he jumped from the balcony of the keep in moat Caitlin and he landed on the floor after that he made his way outside, went to Balerion, jumped on his back and told him to fly to kings landing.

Next chapter: The household of Valyria

( I have read some of the comments and stuff and I might have gotten some facts wrong such as bravos being anti slavery but the thing is I never liked the iron bank nor the power it holds over Westeros because of its wealth and if he wants to make sure that no one would mess with him then he needs to take out the weeds before they take root, also I know the mc is op and the reason for that is that I hate mc who have the power but they act like brats, they moan, cry and get angry instead of being ruthless and taking the cituation in their own hands)