
Note:This story has no aim of being a good short story and I prefer stories that are full of great power

•Important _[The author who is opposed by Maskman is the avatar of the author and the real author never appears in Maskman's story. If he appears, it is certain that Maskman's world will experience very fatal damage, namely the destruction of the story/erasing of Maskman's fiction. The true author is also not bound by the law of causality/the law of cause and effect, even the true author cannot be interacted with in the normal way because he is not bound by the law of cause and effect, even the true author is a being who is said to be neither true nor false, neither false nor right, so that so on and in reverse, the true author also considers maskman to be his fiction and the true author is in the real world, the true author can also kill creatures that go beyond the laws of cause and effect so that they are difficult to interact with, and the true author can also kill creatures that are not true or even wrong, neither wrong nor right, true authors also don't have stories.]_ Important note: the true author's powers transcend each other to infinity and so on to infinity, and all of his powers are always active without time constraints