
It Took You Time

"It's been awhile Miss that you've been to the temple of God," said Elena who was helping Fia with her steps while climbing up the marble steps while the holy knight is leading them to a certain place.nn

"Mhm," Fia acknowledged while looking up at the grand and majestic building of the temple. The Royal palace is also grand and majestic but the temple of God has this kind of holy and peaceful vibe to it. Perhaps that is why this place is often called by the people as the Sanctuary.

As the holy knight was walking, they passed by several more buildings and gardens until they arrived in a place with high rising shrubs and flowers as gates. Entering that, they could see a beautiful marble gazebo which was masterfully intertwined with vines and flowers. In the center of that place, even from far away they could see someone sitting there, probably sipping tea. A beautiful woman whose black hair draped from her shoulders.

This could only be...the flower of many names, the current figurehead of the temple, the daughter of the present king of Dozlo, her cousin, Aster Charma Von Dozlo. The one who summoned her to the temple.

Fia had been to the Sanctuary several times and she had seen her even before she pledged herself to God.

Fia, Elena, and the holy knight saluted Aster.

Aster smiled and beckoned for Fia and Elena to sit down and have some tea. Both of them complied. Normally, a servant should not sit together with the master but they both knew the rules that the temple imposes. When inside the temple, there will be no nobility or servant since everyone is a child of God.

The holy knight slightly bowed and headed back to where he came from. Or maybe somewhere near, Fia thought.

"Fia, you must be wondering why I summoned for you, weren't you?" Aster asked and smiled that smile that can destroy a country.

"Yes, your grace." Fia nodded. "I am happy that you summoned me as it has been awhile since we last saw each other," she added.

Aster laughed which almost blinded Fia and Elena. Regardless of knowing the person for so long, they could still not get totally used to Aster's countenance and beauty. Perhaps, because the more they saw her, the more they noticed that Aster gets more beautiful and not getting older.

"Dear cousin of mine, I was waiting for you this whole time since you woke up," Aster answered. "But a month and a half passed and your shadow could not be seen," she added softly. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to that but it seems like your dreams troubled you a lot to the point that you had forgotten who to ask for help."

Fia's hand shook. She looked at her cousin's eyes intently as if Aster knew what was going on. Aster smiled encouragingly.

"Elena, can you please leave us for now?" Fia requested, her voice shaking. Elena nodded despite the worries she had. Once Elena is out of earshot, Fia looked at Aster again. "What is happening?" She asked while trying to remain calm.

"You had been given a sight," Aster said which made made Fia look at Aster as if she was joking, to which Aster just kindly smiled at. "Your dream, was not just a dream but a future that will happen if you will take that route," she said which made Fia inhale sharply.

"That's..." Fia closed her eyes so as to minimize the pain she is experiencing at this moment.

"The sight you had been given was pretty straightforward. It showed you exactly what will happen and how it will happen and by who. Most of the time, God gives these sights in a form of symbols and meanings, rarely was it like yours," continued Aster and held Fia's shaking hands and waited for Fia to absorb what she said.

"When you fell in love with the Count of Belodeks' 5th son from another woman without seeing his true intention, when you disobeyed your parents and threatened them with your death just to have him be married into the family despite their disapproval, when you lived a life void of God...that was not something God would want. He loves you very much that's why He has given you this vision of what is to come if you ever pick the same choice as the vision," she added.

Fia shook her head left and right while crying. "I could never!" She couldn't imagine herself in that state but her dream was there to prove that she could.

In this large kingdom of Faustina, the Royal family and its people are strong believers of God, the Most High. They live in a way that conforms to God's law and any deviance is punishable by either the law of God or the law made by man depending on the severity. It has also been proven many times that God existed in their midst by various evidences throughout time. Nevertheless, despite all that, many people still deviate from the teachings. Such is the nature of humans.

The kingdom, revering the Most High God, has a close relationship with the Temple of God. The main Temple of God is also located near the kingdom, in the eastern part but they have satellite temples inside the Faustina Kingdom in which sometimes, where Aster resides. The main Temple of God has its own vast land and could be considered a big city on its own. The Temple of God mainly consists of the widely known Holy Knights, priests, and healers or doctors. They also have the common people living there which are mostly refugees or immigrants from other kingdoms or empires. It is a common occurrence to them to have refugees. Some are people being persecuted by people due to various reasons. Oftentimes, for them to survive and live, they travel far and wide to the Temple for protection.

Fia, as young as she may be, had matured somewhat after experiencing that dream. It dawned on her that her downfall and her family's downfall was because of the wrong choices she made in that timeline.

[Then...then that means...if I follow that future...I will surely...my family will surely....and my child!] Fia shivered.

"Fia, that sight is a warning by God to you. He wants you to know to not be swayed. In that dream you had, how many times have you reached out to God? Wasn't it only when the sword pierced your heart and your child?" Aster said which made Fia cry of shame and lament.

It's true. She had always been talking to God since she was a child but when she met that man, and when she forced her parents to accept him as her husband, she had, for some reason, stopped. In that dream, she was so busy pitying herself and busy trying to get her husband back that she forgot that she still has God. She had also become someone she does not know. She had short temper, had become obsessed of her husband's whereabouts, her trust had gotten destroyed, her cheerfulness became solemness.

There, Aster also tried to talk some sense into her but she did not listen. She pursued her own selfish thoughts and then when she learned who the mistress was, she went ballistic but could only succumb to meekness as her husband threatened to divorce her.

Fia cried as she was slapped with what happened in the dreams she had by her own thoughts. She was so pitiful but at the same time, she knew she lived the consequences of her actions. But more than that, she cried because at last, someone knew exactly what was going on with her. Someone knew her troubles and will not judge her nor not believe her. She had someone she can confide in. God had given her a release for the pent up pain and answer to her confusion through Aster. She did tell her parents about her dreams and it did helped her but her parents were at a loss for what to do.