
The Troubled Heart

Jack irresponsibility invites trouble to his household.His twin James struggled to understand him throughout their lifetime.A wretched parent had to farm to fend for the family, while Jack indulges in drug abuse, womanising and gambling,James resorted to be a Reverend father.Before this desire James had fallen in love with a Rich man's daughter Sarah at his palm wine spot where he works. As time passes James re-considers his desire of serving God as a Rev. father which terminated his intimate affairs with Sarah.Sarah disbelieved her present state, sought after James.In a bid to visit him she met Jack who deceived her as James, drugged her and impregnated her.You may wonder why she didn't antagonise the sex act since her boyfriend supposedly opted to serve God.Wonder why she fell into the wrong hands perhaps may be she thinks James finally came back. Why James never introduced her to the family at least to his twin perhaps because he was shy and his family is of low degree..Well they are bills to pay.And Jack has to pay his as a member of Sota.(Scholars of Thief association)....here his gang connived with him and robbed James father who passes on. Bullet killed James too in Sarah's presence who is pregnant for Jack. And the Trouble remains for Sarah to find out who the REAL father to her unborn child is, will be or should be. Will she love Jack if she finds out whom she is carrying the baby for or would she forgive Jack for causing the death of her true lover-James?

Peter_Uwukhor · Urbain
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7 Chs

James First Love

after a brief visitation, Sarah sees Jeniffer off as she head home.

JENNIFER says excitedly. "Hey! What a palm wine spot we've got here."

"So?" "Please let's go." She pulled Jennifer.

"Don't tell me you are interested in having some.

"Yes I'm!"

"Remember someone is waiting for you, as a matter of fact, where is he waiting?"

"To be serious, I like it may I see if I can get a bottle?" She asks Sarah.

"Let's go get some, please." She pleaded.

"OK, we will but please let's do that fast." They walked into the palm wine spot and James stared Sarah out and down. Jennifer quickly greets.

"Morning," on sighting the palm wine filled bottles she said in an excited whisper to Sarah."I told you, they sell! James quickly responded. "Good morning!" and then opened his mouth as Sarah's beauty immediately made him gape.

JENNIFER asked impatiently. "Hello! Do you sell palm wine?"

"Yes ma!"

She looks into her handbag, Sarah and James exchanged pleasantries as her beauty attracted him.

He extended a friendly hand to her: "Welcome, young ladies, how may I help you?" Before James made another statement Jennifer interrupted.

"Hey baby girl, can't find my money in my wallet!" She alerted Sarah.

James turned to Jennifer and says: "It's obvious you guys want, want some."

Sarah looks at the both of them simultaneously. "Actually, my friend and I were passing by when she felt like getting one bottle of your palm wine product."

"Oh my God, How I wish I had some money with me I would have….she continued to say: "Or, should I go home?" "I'll be back in a jiffy. Please wait for me I will be right back."

James gets overwhelmed by her beauty as she kept talking and explaining:

"Shiih." hush it please. James said with his finger across his lips. "It's OK!" "May be I should give you a bottle?"

Rejecting She says: "Why, On what?" "If on credit, that is not fair, I mean it's for your boss and giving it out like that will be akin to bonanza for nothing."

"You, just don't worry. A bottle won't cost me anything. Please take this bottle as a free gift from me." She collected reluctantly. "Oh Thanks, that's very kind of you."

"You are welcome!" James delivered the bottle.

"Excuse me!" James beckons looking side ways to avoid his employer seeing him as he tries to strike a love deal with Sarah;

Me? Sarah asked.

"Yes please" James answered,

"Excuse me; I've got to go see C.Y, please." Jennifer informed Sarah understandably to grant them some "love chat" space.

"Please a minute." She said to Jennifer as Jennifer moved out

"Yeah, here am I!" She approaches James readily."

"I don't know. James paused and said calmly again; I don't know if I may see you again."

"Oh, I don't know either, may be some other time." She commented interestingly. "I would love to see you again. Please!" James nervously demanded.

"Ok, I'll think about that. But if I may ask, I hope no problem?"

"No, No! Not at all, It's just that I would be so glad, seeing you again."

"Like, may be to have an encounter with you again. I mean.....something like a rendezvous." he spoke nervously.

Sarah laughed. "This is ridiculous, I mean, we're just meeting."

"It doesn't matter." He opened his arms.

"It's all right, you got customers." She pats him on his back, and points at incoming customers she observed. James got distracted.

"I've got to go, my friend is waiting outside, remember?" She snappily turned.

James held her back with a loving touch and gave a gentle introduction as a gentleman

"Ok! I'm James". "And I am Sarah! Bye." She walks away quickly, looking for Jennifer who was waiting outside

James remained filled with excitement.

Outside, Jennifer reacts.

"What took you so long? C.Y, has been calling."

"I' m so sorry; it's just these boys and their lies, you know, she comments smilingly and looks blushed.

"Are you sure, he lied too or you also liked him?" Delving into jokes as teases her. "Men, see that handsome guy, for you girl."

"What did he tell you? Come on; tell me, something, Jokes apart. Before I snatch him from you."

Actually I like him ." She laughs on as they faded into the street
