
Behold new information

As Ezekiel walked, lost in thought, he was suddenly interrupted by a mysterious voice echoing from a alleyway. The voice seemed to carry an air of intrigue and urgency. Curiosity piqued, Ezekiel hesitated for a moment, then cautiously made his way towards the alley to investigate.

As Ezekiel approached the mouth of the dimly lit alley, the voice called out again, its tone more urgent this time. "Ezekiel, there's no time to waste. Come closer.

Ezekiel's heart raced, torn between caution and curiosity. He took a few hesitant steps forward, his senses on high alert. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice a mixture of intrigue and wariness.

"Names don't matter right now," the voice replied cryptically. "What matters is that you possess something they're after."

Confusion crossed Ezekiel's face. "Something they're after? Who are you talking about?"

"Listen carefully," the voice continued. "You've unknowingly come into possession of an artifact, an ancient mask that holds great power. Its significance stretches far beyond what you can imagine."

Ezekiel's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. He remembered receiving a demon troll looking antique mask,but did not think much of it.

"Why would anyone be after this mask?" Ezekiel asked, his curiosity overpowering his caution.

The voice let out a sigh. " its the key to a realm where ancient forces lie dormant. Forces that some seek to control, and others aim to protect."

A chill ran down Ezekiel's spine as the gravity of the situation settled in. He had unknowingly become entangled in a world of mystery and danger, all because of an mask he had taken for granted and carried around only because its his mother belongings.

"What do I do now?" Ezekiel inquired, his voice filled with a mix of fear and determination.

"You must pass it on or if you wish put it on and wield its power but what ever you do you must keep it safe. Trust no one. There are those who will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. Seek out those who can guide you, but choose your allies wisely."

Before Ezekiel could respond, the voice faded away, leaving him standing alone in the alley, grappling with the newfound knowledge that his life had taken an unexpected turn. He clenched the mask in his hand, feeling its cool surface against his skin.

As he walked back into the bustling streets, Ezekiel's mind buzzed with questions and uncertainty. Who were these people after the mask? What kind of power did it hold? And most importantly, how was he going to navigate this dangerous path that had suddenly opened before him?

With his mother's spirit still fresh in his mind, Ezekiel knew he couldn't ignore the calling of destiny. He had a choice to make – to either retreat into the safety of the life he knew and pass on the mask or embrace the unknown and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a determined glint in his eye, Ezekiel took a deep breath and began his journey into a world where the boundaries between the ordinary and the extraordinary blurred, and where the amulet he held could change the course of history.

Without him realizeing it he had entered the bussness district and was surrounded by people going about there different ways in suit and ties but he was heading towards an outdoor restaurant.

As Ezekiel walked through the busy business district heading towards the restaurant, his mind was still swirling with the weight of the decision he had to make. The aroma of various foods filled the air, but his hunger overtake the thoughts of the decision he had to make.

As he bought some food to eat, he found himself lost in contemplation. The mask, now tucked safely into a bag, seemed to burn with an otherworldly presence against his skin. The memory of his mother's visit during the Nine night celebration echoed in his mind. Could she have foreseen this moment? Was there a reason she had come to him in that ethereal form?

With each step toward his home, the weight of responsibility grew heavier. Ezekiel knew he couldn't simply ignore the mask's significance. But embracing the unknown meant venturing into a world filled with danger, uncertainty, and forces beyond his comprehension. It was a path that would challenge him in ways he had never imagined.

Entering his small, modest home, Ezekiel set the food on a table and sat down, his thoughts a whirlwind. He had always been content with his quiet life, but destiny seemed to have other plans. The amulet glinted on the table, a constant reminder of the choice he had to make.

His mother's teachings echoed in his mind. She had always believed in facing challenges head-on, in pursuing one's purpose with courage. Could this be the purpose she had hinted at during her visit?

As evening fell and the soft glow of candlelight filled the room, Ezekiel made his decision. He couldn't pass on the mask, not when it held the potential to shape the world in ways he couldn't fathom. With newfound determination, he picked up the amulet and felt a surge of energy, as if the artifact itself were urging him forward.

As if the mask had come to life it flew out of his hands and attached to his face and receded into his skin but the horns were stcking out but that also disappeared under his skin.

Suddenly a hoarse voice said "ding troll system activated say status to see your current strength" status ezekel replied.


Name: ezekel

Age: 24

Strength: 8



ability: locked

cumment: you are very close to the peak of a regular strength which is 10 in all stats.

Tomorrow, he would begin his journey. He would seek out those who could provide guidance and protection, and he would uncover the truth behind the mask's power. The road ahead was uncertain, and danger lurked at every turn, but Ezekiel was ready to embrace the unknown.

With a mix of trepidation and excitement, a feeling of connection to a destiny he had never anticipated. The choice was made, and the path was set. Ezekiel was prepared to step into a world where mysteries awaited, and where his actions would determine the fate of more than just his own life but first rest comes first.