

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

Chapter 30: Rank A

Author's POV ( Yeah, I might suck at writing fighting scenes)

"It is a pity. Nonetheless, you were certainly foolish to trust me so easily," Albert said as he stepped into a pool of his former ally's blood. He ran his hand through his head trying to grasp something as he pulled it off. He stood silently as if he was waiting for someone. The entire forest was quiet since he was far off from the rest of the island.

"Screw you, old man!" Daffodil said behind him. He finally turned to see his facial appearance. He looked like he was in his late forties. "So this was your real face."

"Aren't you supposed to be in your room?" Albert asked impatiently as a frown settled on his face.

"You..." Daffodil began but got cut short.

"You finally out, took you long enough. Your parents were not quick to realize that I was a rank A beast hunter." He said. Daffodil's eyes widened in shock.

"Rank A...?"

"Yes, Now do something for me and stay still. " He said slowly approaching her. Daffodil snapped from her thoughts and focused on what he was doing.

"You killed them! You sent those guys that night." She gritted her teeth in anger. Her nails grew sharper and her teeth started to look more vicious.

'No calm down, anger won't solve anything, control it. Channel it, don't let it consume you.' She thought. Gradually, all the effects started to disappear much to Albert's dismay.

"Seems like you can tame yourself already. How disappointing. I wanted to end this quickly." Albert said with a sadistic grin on his face.

"I won't let you," Daffodil mumbled to herself. Her eye color changed from green to silver.

'Already' Albert thought in shock. His lips twitched upwards slightly."Interesting." He already covered Daffodil and sent her flying across to the forest.

Daffodil grunted in pain slightly confused. She ran up to him again. She zigzagged her movements to confuse him about her incoming attack. She twisted her body in a way she was able to efficiently land a punch on him.

Albert still looked unfazed but in reality, had blood seeping from his mouth. He attempted a punch towards her, Daffodil took advantage while starting at the incoming attack but she hissed when it came on contact with her face.

'What is going on? Why won't it work? My other powers aren't working. My strength decreased to the extent that it can not send someone flying as far as a hundred miles.'

"Surprised are you? I made sure to take precautions especially if I was facing any female with those silver eyes. Carelessness can be a death sentence. Your father was careless and trusted me to the extent that he died." Albert said with irritation laced in their voice.

"Shut up." Daffodil retorted. His breath hitched when she sniffed the air. It was polluted with a strange smell. It smelt familiar.

"Or what? You are going to die here." He said bluntly. Daffodil sniffed as she gently swiftly appeared behind Albert. She landed a roundhouse kick much to his surprise. Blood dripped from his head as he panted with a shocked look on his face.

"You bastard! You are using something to hinder my powers." The longest she can hold her breath is five minutes. A normal human at most will last three minutes.

"I guess I was wrong. One of your species had brains after all." Albert said as he was in a coughing fit. " This is a beast power damper. It is not like anything will change if you ever figure it out." Soon a ball dropped to the ground startling Daffodil...

'Huh? Is that meant to distract me?' She thought. Her thoughts were hindered when a bloody red mist began to diffuse around her. 'Wait... This mist is too thick and why is it red? I can't see or sniff that guy out.' This was getting tricky and she was losing her patience. She needed to wrap this up quickly.

"Already giving up? I haven't even used half of my strength." Albert taunted from the red-clouded mist. He threw something at Daffodil which she was able to hear but barely dodged as a cut appeared on her shoulder. She winced in pain feeling warm blood trickle down her shoulder. The sharp objects Daffodil assumed to be knives kept approaching her. Luckily she dodged most of them due to her sensitive hearing but still sustained many cuts.

If she stays any longer she might die or might turn into her beast self as soon as it strikes midnight. Her breathing was ragged and uneven. She panted for breath quickly as she held her left arm in pain. She was still weak after those two years away from home. She felt enraged that all her efforts were fruitless against this geezer.

"You are at the brink of death princess. Why don't you do yourself a favor and die peacefully?" Albert asked looking at her pathetic state.

"Damn it. Why the hell would I give up to death when you are still alive?" Daffodil growled.

"I was expecting something better from you. Looks like I was wrong." Albert said disappointedly as he studied her expression.

'That day when I carried those items from the secret room. I never touched them all my life. That sword and outfit. I never thought I would use them. But now... I didn't even wear it. I never had the confidence, to begin with. I only sounded confident not to let my enemies pinpoint my weaknesses but I was wrong. Albert found out with ease. The nervousness in me lingered about me. I am weak.' Daffodil thought as she frowned .'But even though I'm weak I won't get beat up by someone like Albert. I must do all I can to protect Lucian.'

"How unfortunate." Albert readied himself to attack the lass but as soon as his attack reached her. She caught the fist shocking the older man as she swiftly lands her punch sending him flying. She coughed out blood like she was reaching her limit.

' I'm already at my limit. Thank God this is over at the very least...' Daffodil coughed harder. Her breathing was not steady and her eyes were threatening to bulge out. She collapsed on the dirt wondering how she will get back.

"That barely hurt." She suddenly gasped as she gaped at him with a bemused look. Didn't she just send him flying? How could he have survived that?

"You seriously thought that would end me? Why do you think I am called a Rank A beast hunter?" He said dusting himself before yanking her head and dragging her across the floor. He was going to end her right here and now.

However before he could lay a finger on her, he jerked back a little before tossing her aside and leaving without a trace. Daffodil felt death slowly calling her name as she choked on her words while trying to mutter for help.

"Well, Well, Well... Look who we have here." The dark-haired lad said looking at her figure.