
Infiltrating the Marquis' Castle

Éditeur: EndlessFantasy Translation

Back at the inn, because Ye Ming was in a good mood, he went to the counter and gifted the female boss of the inn a bag of fresh blood. It was something he bought on the way back.

The lady boss seemed really happy to receive the gift. She wasted no time in biting open the bag of blood, parting her thick, blood-red lips and consuming the liquid in large gulps. The bag of blood was sucked clean in no time at all. She let out a large burp, then used her tongue to lick clean the residual blood drops on the corners of her mouth.

Ye Ming did not find this action seductive in the slightest. It was even a little disgusting.

The lady boss smiled and said, "Thank you, Yelena. You're much too kind."

Ye Ming smirked. "It's nothing. By the way, lady boss, I wanna ask you something. How does one get into Marquis Harland's castle?"

"Marquis Harland's castle? You want to get into the Marquis' castle?" The female Vampire seemed very surprised to hear this.

"Hey, don't misunderstand. I'm not doing anything bad. I'm here in Hardy to find a job. Anyone looking for a job would prefer a well-paying one, right? Well, I think the Marquis' castle is a good place to try my luck," explained Ye Ming.

The lady boss, after hearing Ye Ming's explanation, thought about it and answered, "Is that so. Well, you happen to be asking the right person. Since you're a pretty decent guy, I don't mind giving you some pointers."

Ye Ming quickly expressed his gratitude. The lady boss waved her hand and said, "Don't thank me first. Whether you can get a job there depends on yourself."

"That's true. Please tell me all you can."

The lady boss moved closer to Ye Ming. With her elbows on the counter and a hand propping up her chin, she said, "Go to the north side of the city and find a merchant called Alonso Giovanni. He might be able to help you."

"Alonso Giovanni. Will he be willing to see me?" asked Ye Ming, forcing himself to endure the lady boss' bad breath.

"Tell him that the fat lady sent you to him. He'll definitely meet with you," the lady boss gave him a meaningful look.

Ye Ming nodded to show his understanding. He turned around and left the inn.

Ye Ming inquired about Alonso Giovanni while he headed north. It did not take long for him to reach the guy's residence. He knocked on the door three times. After waiting for a while, the door opened.

A tuxedo-clad Vampire with an elegant air stood in front of Ye Ming.

"May I help you?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Alonso Giovanni. Is he in?"

After Ye Ming asked that, he saw the Vampire sizing him up from top to bottom. After about five minutes, when Ye Ming was starting to lose his patience, the Vampire finally spoke. "I am Alonso Giovanni. May I know why you're looking for me?"

"Oh, uh, the fat lady directed me here. I have a favor to ask."

When the man heard the term "the fat lady", he looked Ye Ming up and down again. After a while, he asked, "Did the fat lady really sent you?"

Seeing how cautious he was made Ye Ming curious. Who was this Vampire exactly? Someone who was acting so cautiously must be doing something less than legal.

Ye Ming nodded and answered confidently, "It's true. The fat lady who runs the inn sent me here." He deliberately pointed out the lady boss' occupation to try and convince the Vampire.

This time, the man was quick to reply, "Well, since she's the one who sent you here, come on in."

The man brought Ye Ming to the living room where a fire was burning in the hearth. On the wall hung a self portrait of the male Vampire.

'This guy's pretty narcissistic,' Ye Ming secretly criticized.

"Have a seat." The man motioned Ye Ming to a wooden chair not far from the fireplace. He himself sat down on the chair opposite Ye Ming while casually picking up a piece of firewood and throwing it into the fire. Having obtained fresh fuel to replenish itself, the fire burned more vigorously.

The man dusted his hands to rid them of the wood dust. "Care to introduce yourself?"

"My name is Yelena," Ye Ming hurriedly replied.

"Yelena. Sounds like a woman's name," the man said, staring at Ye Ming suspiciously.

"That's what the fat lady said too, but who cares about that anymore in this day and age?" Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and replied indifferently as he did before.

"True. Well, you know my name. Now tell me why you're looking for me."

"Oh, it's like this. I'd like to find a job in Marquis Harland's castle. The fat lady told me you might have a way, so I came here specifically to see if you can help me."

"You want to find a job in Marquis Harland's castle? Why?"

"Because it pays well, of course. That's understandable, right?" Ye Ming answered with a smile.

Alonso said arrogantly, "The Marquis' castle is not a place you can enter just because you want to. What makes you so confident?"

"Since the fat lady told me to look for you, I believe you must have a way, right? I'm not asking for much, just a chance to prove myself. Whether I'd get hired is my problem. All I'm asking from you is an opportunity. What do you think?"

Alonso pinched the bridge of his nose and showed Ye Ming an expression filled with dillema. "That still requires a lot of effort on my end. This is the Marquis' castle we're talking about, not a place anyone can enter at will. Why reason do I have to provide you with the opportunity?"

Seeing his reaction, Ye Ming already knew the hidden meaning behind his words. Ye Ming took out the two vials containing Viscount Blood Essence from his pocket and offered them to Alonso. "A little gift. Please don't hesitate to accept it."

Alonso raised his eyes for a peek and said, "It takes more than this to make connections, you know. I think you'd better go back."

After saying that, Alonso got up and was ready to send his guest off.

"Now, now, no need to be so hasty." Ye Ming took out twenty gold coins from another pocket and offered them to Alonso together with the two vials of Viscount Blood Essence. "I think these should be enough for you to hook me up."

"Hmm. Come back here in two days. Now remember, I can only give you an opportunity. Whether you can grasp it depends entirely on your own," he said as he took the things in Ye Ming's hands.

With the deal struck, Ye Ming returned to the inn. He bought another bag of fresh blood for the lady boss on the way back. After waiting patiently for two days, Ye Ming once again arrived at Alonso's residence. He knocked on the door.

Alonso appeared before Ye Ming, still dressed in tuxedo. "Just in time. Come with me."

Led by Alonso, Ye Ming arrived at Marquis Harland's castle. A muscular Vampire received them.

"This is Ali, the captain of the guards of Marquis Harland's castle," introduced Alonso.

Ye Ming saluted respectfully and said, "Greetings, sir."

"This is Yelena, the guy I told you about," Alonso introduced Ye Ming to the guard captain.

The guard captain looked Ye Ming up and down and asked, "How strong are you, kid? We don't need trash in the Marquis' castle."

Ye Ming puffed out his chest confidently, "Test me, sir. I'll demonstrate my strength. You can see for yourself if I meet your requirement."

"Pretty confident, ain't ya?" The guard captain turned his head and spoke to a guard standing at the side, "Hey, you. Come have a go at him. See if you can make him give up."

"Yes, sir."

The guard did not waste any time on meaningless words. He bore down on Ye Ming right away, baring his sharp fangs and claws at the same time. Ye Ming's mouth curled up slightly. He activated the mental skill {Embrace of Pain} and instantly charged forward. Following Ye Ming's breakthrough in strength, the {Embrace of Pain} skill was now more powerful than before. The guard apparently could not resist it. Ye Ming took the opportunity to put his dagger against the guard's throat.

The guard captain did not expect Ye Ming to settle the fight so quickly. He was mightily impressed. "Not bad. You're actually able to beat a Viscount guard. Are you a Baron rank?"

Ye Ming nodded.

"Good. You can stay."