
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs

Chapter 9

(A/N: over the past week or so I've come to a few realizations,

1 excluding this writing or novel, all Main characters I make are going to be either women or futas when i do begin working on new novels, because finding art and or pictures of how I imagine my characters to be seems to be profoundly harder when considering male characters then female- it's stupidly annoying so I'm premptively making my life easier because i also have a bunch of art anyway due to other people I'm i talk to.

2 I need to look into biology more to make both the combat and r-18 scenes i'm going to do, better.

3 i'm trying to spend extra time looking into characters and occasionally review the chapters i write to ensure they at least somewhat align with said characters.)

While waiting whichever familia members they intend to send for the purpose of questioning his character and his capabilities, Wilhelm begins using his computerized mind to search through developed and safe methods of creating or modifying items to become soul bound. Developing a smirk as he researches the topic as he's developed a desire to craft more intense and dangerous items but he has no desire to let such items out into public or villainous hands.

Time without strife in his life or obligation for that matter would be rather welcome to him, as for the past few years, Wilhelm has completely avoided breaks so he could solidify a good amount of income and a decent amount of potential influence- even if that influence is under a different name of his 'alter-ego/identity'.

After making a mental list of the items he would prefer to create first from his plethora of potential items he could find with computerized mind given the creativity shared by other people from other worlds, A blonde phallum walks into the room where Wilhelm waits and takes a seat nearby, While his respective goddess stands at the door choosing to observe the conversation to be rather then take part.

With a neutral expression Finn begins speaking, "To start, I suppose, why join a familia now? According to what I heard during breakfast you weren't previously in a familia according to Loki, but you're level two?"

Coming out of his thought and plans for his future, Wilhelm states with a similar neutral gaze, "I'm incapable knowing exactly how much i progress without a familia and it's also inefficient- that aside I was getting lonely after two years in Orario alone."

"Then why our familia?" Finn responds inquisitively.

Thinking for a moment before giving his answer, "mmm- for one, I don't want to be in the familias I'm business partners with or intent on being business partners with because that might cause bias, I prefer what I offer be looked as what it is rather then who's offering it I suppose- a matter of pride i guess you could say? and two I wanted to join a familia known for either being on some kind of good alignment or has good people." Wilhelm leans back a bit with a mild sigh of exasperation before continuing, "You for example, are known for caring about your familia members and such quite a lot."

"Would you be opposed to having a spar with one of our members so we could judge your capabilities and strength?" Finn states what seems be his final question while suppressing a warm smile.

"By all means, just pick the member- though a sparing session probably won't show you all that you need to know..." Wilhelm responds to his request.

"Why might that be?" Finn questions while getting up to grab 'his potential sparring partner' from another room.

"Well I don't believe regeneration or healing related abilities are normally tested in spars or non-lethal battles." Wilhelm says with a slightly growing smile as part of his mind starts to drift back to the list of items and artifacts he plans to plagiarize shamelessly and make soul bound to himself- or possibly others depending on how close he gets to them.

Finn Hums quietly in thought for a moment before asking, "How intense should your spar partner perhaps be?"

"As lethal as they're comfortable with, the sooner my capabilities are understood the sooner yo- *cough* I mean we, can work on how to handle the situation of me joining a familia and being level two relatively 'immediately'." Wilhelm says as his face warps into a seemingly an uncharacteristic beaming smile.

Finn develops a semi-scowl on his face, contrary to his previous kind and welcoming attitude towards the new familia member before sighing quietly and leaving the room to find someone who'd likely be a good fit for the man's sparring partner.

Chuckling quietly Wilhelm stands up from the seat he took and stretches, bending side to side with his body with his hands stretched over his head while doing so before he turns to Loki who stands at the door with both a thoughtful and mischievous smirk of her own while looking at the man. "Were you suggesting that you were going to leave the problems you caused on my dear captain?" Loki questions with a raised eyebrow.

Wilhelm, dramatically taking the appearance of someone gravely offended and shocked, "What?!? I could never do such a thing to a kind and respectful person!" While holding back an almost devilish smile that would give away his glee.

Loki stifles some laughter at his antics before responding, "Do try to get along well with them, I dont believe they could handle someone else with such lack of shame."

Wilhelm waves it off as he yawns again breaking from his sudden previous character change, "I'll make it up to him when I start crafting better weaponry or brewing better potions. Ah- speaking of which does your familia have a forge- regardless if you do or not I'd also like my own personal forge area that I'll pay for to have done if also possible."

Raising an eyebrow once again inquisitively at the man, Loki decides to wait and let him explain himself.

"I prefer to work uninterrupted and when I start a project I likely would not be stopping until it is finished, I would also like to keep both the methods I use and works I make to myself unless I decide to make something for someone else in which case I want it to be a surprise." Wilhelm finishes with a warm smile.

"mmm-" Loki hums softly while in thought and looks out a window for a moment before giving an answer. "That works but it'll have to be a small building, give me some extra money and I'll even have it commissioned for you either up to date, or more advanced then present forges."

Wilhelm returns a smile, "Sounds great, now where's the training or sparring area for the mansion? I would like to stretch a bit more while I wait."

Loki proceeds with giving him directions to their training area within the familia's grounds which he follows accordingly, greeting those he passes while once again his mind goes back to researching soul bound items, soul binding functions and which artifacts or items he would plagiarize for his own benefit in this world.

(A/N: I have one I'm certainly going to have him make because of my own preferences, outside of that i have a few other ideas, be them from games or anime that I like.

What a shameful author I am guys.)