
The Transmigrator Takes Revenge

What would you do if you fell into the world of a novel, which you hadn't even started reading?! I was on the prologue of Lunium Chronicles: Book 1, and suddenly, I woke up in the very same world of the novel. I had led a fairly peaceful life so far, so I obviously wanted to go back to my own world, but that doesn't seem like it would be possible unless I found out how I got here. Which didn't seem so easy. I will go back to my own world, no matter whom I have to face, and if I can't go back, I shall wreak havoc upon this one.

eryxnap · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Meet the Family

After Aiden left, nobody came for me. I was left to my own thoughts for quite a while.

Although my 'father' seemed to be lying, and had put tails on me, it didn't seem like he had any intention to harm me, for now at least. So rather than escaping this place and throwing myself into a world of the unknown, it would be better if I stayed here as long as I could and gathered information.

So I put away the suspicious things about him for the moment and focused on other things.

I bit my nails in frustration, trying to recall the contents of the prologue, the only thing I read in that cursed book.

Once I finished recalling, I came to an obvious conclusion.

The protagonist of the Lunium Chronicles, Calix, was very unlucky and it would do well for me to stay away from him.

Why? Because the book started of with him losing all his comrades, which included Elias Crescente, whom I assumed to be my sibling dying right in front of him. He barely ended the war that had been going on for almost six decades, but it came at the cost of the lives of those close to him. The prologue was pretty angsty, going into detail about Calix's pain, but that was about it.

That was all the information I could glean from it.

One, my sibling would die, or was already dead. Two, stay the hell away from Calix.

Which reminded me, I still hadn't figured at which timeline I had transmigrated into. I had to figure that out the next time I had the chance to talk to someone. I had a lot of things that I had to find out. Since this was a High Fantasy world, there must be other species, or people with powers. I had to figure out the hierarchy and where exactly I fit in it.

This thought angered me.

"I swear to god if I find myself at the bottom of the chain…" I quietly muttered to myself, clenching my teeth.

In my previous world, although I wasn't what you'd call the best, I was still above average in all aspects except socialising, so I led quite the comfortable life. And although money didn't seem to be a problem in this life, I could not guarantee how long it would last. So I had to prepare beforehand in case someone happened.

I was deep in thought, trying to figure out how to gather all that info when I heard a knock on the door once again accompanied with a feeble voice quivering from nervousness.

"M-My Lady, the Lord would like to have dinner with you."

I opened the door before I answered and that startled the maid in front of me greatly. She looked quite cute with her neatly tied up blonde hair, wide brown eyes and fair skin with tiny freckles on her nose. She was also very shorter than me, which made her even more adorable.

I gestured to her to lead the way and she started walking beside me, giving me directions when needed.

"What's your name?" I asked with a smile that I hoped was friendly. She flinched and mumbled out an answer. Maybe my smile did not look so friendly after all.

"My name is Kara, My Lady."

"That's a pretty name," I said, satisfied with her answering me. She blushed a bit and bowed her head down without replying.

The walk to the dining hall was pretty silent except for the times I asked a few questions to Kara and she quietly answered, becoming slightly less quiet with each answer. With her help, I came to know that I had been moved to the mansion a week ago, unlike what the Marquis told me.

I also came to know that my brother, Elias Crescente had still not gone to war and was alive and well. Which meant I couldn't just abandon him to his fate…

A nuisance but, I couldn't just let a person whom I could save, die.

We finally arrived in front of the door to the dining hall and she scurried away.

A male servant opened the door for me and announced my entrance, which lead to two heads turning to look at me.

One I recognised as the Marquis of Crescente, my father and the other was an exact copy paste of him. With light blue hair, clean shaved face, broad shoulders and golden eyes so similar to mine, I assumed he was my brother, Elias.

I was slightly embarassed at the fact I was still wearing the plain, cream coloured gown that I had been wearing when I woke up and they were all dressed up as if it were a grand occasion.

"Come sit here beside me, Elynora." The Marquis said and I quietly went over to the seat beside him, which was directly opposite to Elias.

As I say down and observed their faces, I quickly found out that Elias wasn't my biggest fan. He looked at me sceptically as I stared down at him as well. Which was a bit harder since he was much taller than me even while we were sitting.

"Elias, this must be the first time you're meeting her, this is your sister Elynora, I hope you both get along well together," The Marquis said happily, ignoring our glaring at each other.

Elias turned his sceptical stare to his father.

"Father are you sure-" He was silenced by the glare the Marquis sent his way.

I raised an eyebrow at him, to which he glared back at me and then I just proceeded to ignore him. I mean, I could completely understand his point of view but, it's not like I want to be here either.

"Greetings, Elynora," He greeted me with his teeth clenched after an awkward moment of silence.

"Pleasure to meet you, brother Elias," I added the brother just to spite him. He barely held back a sneer.

"Great, now that the introductions are done, let's get to the main reason I called you both for dinner," The Marquis looked seriously at both of us while I prayed he finished talking early because I was hungry from not eating anything since I'd woken up.

"Elynora, you are now eighteen years old, and as such, you must attend one of the Empire's numerous academies to study. I have gotten permission granted from the higher ups for a time of two months to let you adjust before-starting your education. From next week onwards, you will first be observing how your brother trains before you get your own tutor."

Education huh, I can't believe I'm going to have to go through the academy nonsense again in this world but, if it helps me learn more…

"Let's start tomorrow instead, Marquis."

"Are you sure, Elynora?" He asked. Even Elias seemed surprised by this. Well, the sooner the better.

"Yes, I feel like I have a lot to catch up on."

"I see, then I'll make the arrangements. Are you okay with this Elias?" He asked, finally taking his attention off of me.

"Yes, father. I see no reason not to," He replied with a forced smile.

The Marquis gave him a nod and we started to eat quietly. I only had some good tasting cream soup and a bit of the stew which was pretty delicious. I was advised not to eat anything heavy today.

The Marquis left first and just me and Elias were left alone, but he was too busy ignoring me so I decided not to strike up a conversation with him and decided to leave too.

There was a maid to guide me back to my room but she wasn't Kara.

I was not in the mood to make small talk and just walked quietly.

As soon as I got to my assigned room, I instantly jumped into the poofy bed and sighed tiredly.

The day was exhausting.

I raised both my hands on which the moonlight fell, making it look really pretty.

I was too wound up to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a blue screen appeared in front of me, on it the words,


What in the world?