
The Divine Realm

Epimetheus POV

Why, Chaos. Why did you have to pick such an annoying 'dolt'. He knows nothing about 'carrying yourself with elegancy'. He's an easy-going brat who is going to annoy me until the day I die... If I ever do, of course.

He has no brain, let alone actual wisdom. Actually, no. If one were to sell his brain, it would be priceless, since it is literally unused. People would pay fortunes for a brain that has never been used, and I'll be richer than Lord Cronus himself.

Such a pity, a Supreme-Ranked Deity such as me insulting the almighty Universe-Ranked Deity, Chaos.

But, it's necessary to insult one capable of performing such a horrendous job of picking someone for the Prophecy.

I sighed, sinking into my office chair.


After I cried until my head hurt, Epimetheus guided me to a large room capable of fitting thousands upon thousands of people to have a discussion about my mother. He said he knew something about her, and that he had to explain to me why I had been brought here.

It dawned on me that I had really been transmigrated, and that there was little chance I would ever see my father or stepsiblings again. This was soon officially confirmed by the old god in his sixties, as he suddenly dropped this bomb on me.

This prompted me to cry again, but Epimetheus casted some sort of magic on me which prevented me from shedding tears. That said, I still felt the emotions raging like a storm inside of me heart... Or was it the amygdala.

I sat cross-legged on an office chair, facing the old god as I shifted in my chair various times. I tried getting comfortable, but it was nearly impossible considering the circumstances I was in. That said, Epimetheus looked unconcerned as he pointed with his finger at a device that looked like a refrigerator.

The refrigerator opened, revealing countless cones of ice cream and popsicles. Epimetheus pointed at one as it started levitating, slowly coming towards the god in a fashion that carried elegance.

"So, boy. Shall we begin?" Epimetheus asked, his expression solemn. It was hard to force a solemn atmosphere when one was licking on ice cream, but the old man somehow pulled it off. Wearing a business-suit, he raised an eyebrow as he waited for my response.

"I believe we shall." I leaned forward, elbows resting over the long table before me.

"First, I shall begin my explaining the circumstances you are in." He began. "You are currently inside my palace in the Dominion of Othrys."

He waited for my response, and I gave him a slight nod before responding with a, "I see."

"The Divine Realm, which you are in consists of 7 Dominions just like Othrys which consist of countries, dukedoms, cities, and villages. It was created by the Primordial Gods shortly after they emerged from the goddess named 'Chaos'." He continued. "The Divine Realm consists of a population of trillions of gods and demigods. That being said, you are also a demigod."

My eyes widened, almost bulging out as my body tightened. I leaned forward once again, as far as I could go before standing up and leaning towards the old man.

"I... am a demigod? That means my father was a human, while my mother is... a goddess?" I asked with a knot in my stomach. The old man gave me a slight nod, but that was all it took for me to collapse into my chair.

I didn't know what to feel. Should I feel proud that my mother is a literal goddess? Should I feel anger for her never meeting me? Should I feel confused as to what was going on? Should I feel despair as to where she was and if I would ever be able to meet her?

"I believe we should continue, as wasting more time could be consequential." The old man said, before continuing. "The 7 Dominions are... Othrys, Asgard, Olympus, Hell, The Heavenly Court, Sins and Virtues, and finally, R'lyeh."

"I see, so the Divine Realm is a bunch of mythologies mixed together." I pouted. I had hoped for some unknown gods with nigh omnipotence, but I was met with mere mythologic deities.

Epimetheus' face twitched as he held back a scowl. I suppressed a smile, hoping he wouldn't notice the change in my expressions. Unfortunately, he was a god.

"Now, let's move on to the concept of gods." He explained. "There are three types of gods, Primordial Gods, Successor Gods, and Ascender Gods. There is also a sub-category called 'Demigods', but you know what that is."

"Firstly, the Primordial Gods. The Primordial Gods were the beginning of existence itself. It is said that Chaos was the first deity as she was self-created, while the other Primordial Gods emerged from within the Void, which means, her. The Primordial Gods combined their strengths to create and were met with success as they created the first level of creation using the god 'Chaos', the god of Chaos and Void, and 'Phanes', the god of Creation and Order as a balance."

"Second, the Successor Gods. The Successor Gods are the descendants of Primordial Gods also capable of bringing the initiation of creation or destruction upon the universe through their decisions. Most of the population of the Divine Realm consists of Successor Gods."

"Third, the Ascender Gods. Once demigods, these former mortals have had the luxury of achieving the threshold called 'Divinity' and emerging out of Divine Cocoons as 'Gods'. Ascender Gods mostly consist of Demigods, but there have been some cases where a mortal has ascended the soul and bodily capabilities of its species. This process was due to a Successor God helping the mortal achieve the soul of a Lowest-Rank Deity, granting him the powers of a god."

I simply nodded, taking in all the information I could get about this place. I was a bit hesitant on what to expect from the Primordial Gods. I wondered if they were grumpy and prideful, or if they even had personalities at all.

"Next, we shall move on to the rankings of gods, based on their power, as well as the amount of Divinity they possess. We start off with the lowest level, which are Demigods, followed by Lowest-Ranked Deities, Low-Rank Deities, Mid-Rank Deities, High-Rank Deities, Supreme-Rank Deities, Cardinal-Rank Deities, Sub-Universe Rank Deities, and finally, Universe-Rank Deity."

"I feel like my brain is exploding." I muttered, winning a frown from Epimetheus.

"What else can I expect from someone who has never used his brain."

"Well, thank you for the compliment." I smiled bitterly, as I held my head using my palms. It was a lot to take in after being transmigrated to this... place.

I am a demigod, my mother is a goddess, I'll never get to see my family again. I might meet my mother because I was in the Divine Realm, but the chances were very slim, considering the trillions of gods that reside in this realm.

"How old are you, Epimetheus?" I asked, purely out of curiosity, earning me a confused gaze.

"I turned a million last year, why?" He asked as he tilted his large head.

I let out an amazed gasp while Epimetheus just kind of stared at me... With a blank gaze.

"I told Reginald to prepare a room for you. You can head there any time you want." He said, as he waved. Suddenly, a intense wave of memories flew through my mind, telling me where the room he had just pointed out was.

"I see. I will now take my leave."

"No need to act proper." Epimetheus scoffed at my attempt to act like a noble.

I waved him goodbye before walking through the palace and into my room.

I had no idea why he was helping me, but since he was, I wasn't going to deny it. Considering he was probably the only person who could and would help me, I didn't think of it as such a bad thing.

I sighed, lamenting over my horrible day.