
The Tower's Call

At precisely 12:34 PM, they burst into existence, towering spires of impossible geometry that loomed over the cities and countryside alike. Some erupted from the depths of the ocean, their twisted spires reaching towards the surface like malevolent fingers. Others appeared in remote, isolated locations, as if they had always been there, lurking just beyond human perception. The towers were things of madness, things that defied human understanding. They were composed of materials that had no name, shaped in ways that could not exist in the natural world. Their corridors and chambers twisted and turned in ways that defied all logic, as if the very laws of physics had been twisted by some malevolent, unseen force. As the towers rose, the world fell into chaos. Governments and military forces around the globe mobilized in a desperate effort to understand and contain the inexplicable new arrivals, but their efforts were in vain. The towers remained inscrutable, immune to all human attempts to penetrate their dark secrets. And yet, there were those who could not resist the lure of the towers. Men and women of unshakeable will and unbreakable curiosity ventured forth, driven by an insatiable need to know. They came in search of riches and power, of forbidden knowledge and the ultimate thrill of exploration. Many never returned. Those who did emerge from the towers were forever changed, transformed in body and mind by the alien energies that pulsated within their walls.In time, the towers became the center of a new world, a world where strength and cunning reigned supreme. Guilds and factions sprang up, each vying for control of the towers and the secrets within. And always, beneath the surface, something ancient and terrible stirred, as if the towers were merely the first tendrils of some monstrous, unknowable force that sought to consume all of existence.

Titan_8769 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: The village!

Nathan reached the enormous door and saw the walls that surrounded the village, built from black stones that looked like they had been cut and fitted with supernatural precision. The walls stood tall and imposing, giving the impression that nothing could break through them. The door was made of thick oak planks that had been reinforced with iron, and it was embedded in an even larger stone wall.

He approached the door with caution, knowing that this was the only large settlement in the tower, and where the exit to the tower was. As he got closer, he saw a sentinel standing guard, clad in black armor and holding a tall black spear. The sentinel looked at Nathan, his eyes piercing through the dirt and blood that covered Nathan's face and armor. Nathan reached for his hunter identification, a small badge that proved he was a licensed hunter in the tower.

The sentinel examined the badge for a moment before nodding, allowing Nathan to enter the village. Nathan stepped through the enormous door, and the first thing he noticed was the contrast between the dark, ominous exterior and the lively and colorful village within. The walls were decorated with banners and tapestries, each bearing the emblem of a different hunting party. The streets were paved with cobblestones, and they were teeming with life. People of all shapes and sizes bustled about, chatting, haggling with vendors, and carrying out various tasks. Nathan made his way through the village, his senses taking in every detail. He heard the sounds of laughter and chatter, the clinking of coins, and the sizzle of meat being cooked. He smelled the fragrant spices of the food vendors and the earthy scent of the gardens that surrounded the village. He saw the bright colors of the clothing and flags, the intricate designs of the weapons and armor, and the intricate carvings on the buildings and sculptures.

As he walked, Nathan couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. He remembered the times when he and his friends had first entered the tower, filled with naivety and ignorance. They had enjoyed killing a few goblins and leveling up, bonding over their shared experiences. But now, everything had changed. Nathan was alone, and the reality of the tower had hit him hard. He had seen the horrors that lurked in the upper levels of the tower, and he had lost friends along the way.

Nathan approached a vendor stand, his stomach rumbling. The vendor was a portly man with a jolly face, and he greeted Nathan with a wide grin.

"Ah, welcome, welcome, young hunter!" he exclaimed, wiping his hands on his apron. "What can I get for you today?"

Nathan scanned the vendor's wares, his mouth watering at the sight of the steaming bowls of noodles and the skewers of grilled meat. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pouch of coins.

"I'll take some of those skewers," he said, pointing to a batch of chicken skewers. "And a bowl of noodles, please."

The vendor grinned and began to prepare Nathan's order. As Nathan waited, he looked around the village, taking in the sights and sounds. He saw a group of hunters gathered around a map, discussing their next hunt. He saw a young girl skipping down the street, her face painted with bright colors. He saw an old man sitting in front of his house, smoking a pipe and watching the world go by.

Nathan eagerly received his food and turned away from the stall, taking his time to savor the aroma wafting from the steaming plate. In only a few short seconds, Nathan inhaled the bowl of noodles, stood up and grabbed the three skewers he bought, deciding the explore the village as he finished his food. As he walked away, he scanned the bustling market square, taking in the lively energy that filled the air. The village was much larger than he remembered, with stalls and vendors lining the cobbled streets, offering all sorts of wares.

In the distance, Nathan could hear the sound of musicians playing a lively tune. He decided to follow the sound and see what he could find. As he got closer, he saw a group of people dancing to the music, their feet stomping on the cobblestones in unison. Nathan couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched them enjoying themselves without a care in the world. It had been so long since he had felt that kind of freedom. As he continued to explore, Nathan noticed a group of people huddled around a large table, intently playing a game he didn't recognize. The players were focused and competitive, exchanging witty banter and trash talk as they made their moves. Nathan couldn't help but feel drawn to the game, even though he had no idea how to play. He made a mental note to ask one of the players about it later.

As he wandered further through the village, Nathan saw groups of people gathered in circles, chatting and laughing. The people were dressed in all sorts of different styles, some in traditional robes and others in more modern clothing. Nathan couldn't help but notice how diverse the village was, with people from all walks of life coexisting in harmony. After Nathan finished the food, which had tasted otherworldly after not eating for over a day, Nathen smiled with a satisfied stomach and sighed. He understood that his short stroll had already come to an end, and he had to leave the tower. Whatever troubles will await him when he steps outside sat in his mind as he walked with purpose towards the towering structure that marked the exit of the tower. He had been here before, but every time he returned, he felt a mixture of relief and apprehension. The relief came from knowing that he had survived yet another level, but the apprehension came from the knowledge that the next level would only be harder.

As he approached the tower's exit, he saw the two sentinels, each standing tall with a black spear in hand. Their black armor glinted in the sunlight, and their faces were obscured by helmets. Nathan had seen these sentinels many times before, but every time he saw them he felt nervous, however he could never figure out why. It was not from their intimidating appearance, or strict nature. Most information about the sentinels is kept secret by the government, so for all he knows that feeling could be from something sinister.

The line to leave the tower was long, but it moved quickly. Nathan joined the queue and waited patiently. He watched as people ahead of him stepped through the portal, disappearing from sight. He felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized that he was next. He tried to shake off the feeling of unease, but it lingered like a bad taste in his mouth.

When it was finally his turn, Nathan stepped forward and stood before the portal. The portal was a swirling vortex of colors, an otherworldly sight that always left him breathless. It was like looking into the abyss, with no way of knowing what lay beyond.

Nathan took a deep breath and stepped into the portal. He has experienced the sensation many times before, but everytime he walks through the portal, it feels new and unusual. He felt his body pulled in a thousand different directions, as if he was being torn apart at the seams. His vision blurred, and he felt like he was floating in space, weightless and adrift. The colors of the portal swirled around him, a kaleidoscope of hues that made him feel dizzy. He saw flashes of light, heard strange noises that sounded like voices whispering in his ear. He didn't know how long he was in the portal, seconds or minutes, it was impossible to tell.

Finally, Nathan felt a jolt, and the swirling colors vanished. He was standing on the other side of the portal.