
The Tower's Call

At precisely 12:34 PM, they burst into existence, towering spires of impossible geometry that loomed over the cities and countryside alike. Some erupted from the depths of the ocean, their twisted spires reaching towards the surface like malevolent fingers. Others appeared in remote, isolated locations, as if they had always been there, lurking just beyond human perception. The towers were things of madness, things that defied human understanding. They were composed of materials that had no name, shaped in ways that could not exist in the natural world. Their corridors and chambers twisted and turned in ways that defied all logic, as if the very laws of physics had been twisted by some malevolent, unseen force. As the towers rose, the world fell into chaos. Governments and military forces around the globe mobilized in a desperate effort to understand and contain the inexplicable new arrivals, but their efforts were in vain. The towers remained inscrutable, immune to all human attempts to penetrate their dark secrets. And yet, there were those who could not resist the lure of the towers. Men and women of unshakeable will and unbreakable curiosity ventured forth, driven by an insatiable need to know. They came in search of riches and power, of forbidden knowledge and the ultimate thrill of exploration. Many never returned. Those who did emerge from the towers were forever changed, transformed in body and mind by the alien energies that pulsated within their walls.In time, the towers became the center of a new world, a world where strength and cunning reigned supreme. Guilds and factions sprang up, each vying for control of the towers and the secrets within. And always, beneath the surface, something ancient and terrible stirred, as if the towers were merely the first tendrils of some monstrous, unknowable force that sought to consume all of existence.

Titan_8769 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: New Skill!

Nathan awoke with a splitting headache and a sense of disorientation. He tried to sit up, but his body felt heavy and his head swam with a dizzying sensation. He winced as he struggled against the pounding in his temples, his mind racing as he attempted to recall the events that led him here. He remembered the mysterious, shadowy figure that had appeared before him in the empty, dark city streets.

As his pain began to subside, Nathan looked around at the forest he had woken up in. It was a dense, ancient wood, with towering trees that seemed to reach up towards the sky. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and small animals, and the air was thick with the scent of pine and earth. Nathan felt a sense of familiarity with this place, but he couldn't quite place his finger on why. He looked down at himself and saw that he was still dressed in his armor from the night before- old leather armor and withered boots, all still covered in dirt, and the blood of his friends. The memory made him wince but he quickly threw it to the back of his mind and continued his questioning, wondering how long he had been unconscious.

Slowly, Nathan pushed himself to his feet, using a nearby tree trunk for support. He felt unsteady, but his head was clearer now, and he was able to take in his surroundings more fully. The forest was shrouded in a soft mist, and the sunlight filtered down through the leaves in dappled patterns. The ground beneath his feet was soft and damp, and he could hear the crunch of twigs and leaves beneath his boots. Nathan wondered how he had ended up in this place, and why he felt such a strange sense of familiarity to it.

Without warning, a sudden blue light flashed before Nathan's eyes, causing him to jump in surprise. It was the system. The tower's gift as many called it. Hunters used the system to grow stronger by leveling up and gaining skills, exactly like a game. Nathan's eyes darted to the center of the screen, widening at the message before him.

"New Skill Unlocked - The Eyes of Erebus."

Nathan stood there in stunned silence for a few moments, his mind struggling to grasp the implications of this sudden turn of events. But as his thoughts began to settle, he couldn't help but recall the shadow that had led him to this place.

"That creature...it must have given me this skill for a reason," Nathan thought to himself, his skepticism at war with his gratitude.

Unable to decide which emotion to follow, Nathan turned his attention to the skill description instead. His eyes scanned the words on the screen, a growing smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Level 1: Use the darkness to summon small weapons made of shadows."

Summoning weapons made of shadows? It was a level 1 skill, but it could prove to be immensely useful. Nathan's mind raced with possibilities as he considered the potential applications of this new power.

"Noah, Samantha, Lucas, James...with this skill, I might finally be able to-"

But Nathan's thoughts were abruptly cut off as a rustling from the nearby bushes caught his attention. Before he could react, a short, green figure burst out of the foliage with alarming speed. Nathan's heart pounded in his chest as he stumbled back, his eyes widening in surprise at the sudden appearance of the goblin. The creature grinned wickedly, its beady eyes fixed on him as it lunged forward, its sword slicing through the air with a menacing hiss.

Nathan reacted instinctively, his body moving with the fluid grace of a seasoned warrior. He dodged the goblin's attack, his feet sliding across the forest floor as he spun to face his attacker. The goblin snarled, its beady eyes filled with fury as it prepared to strike again. But Nathan was ready this time. He lifted his hand, palm outstretched, and parried the goblin's sword with a deft flick of his wrist. The creature stumbled back, its balance thrown off by the force of Nathan's blow.

But before Nathan could react, another goblin appeared from behind him, its sword aimed straight for his back. Nathan felt the rush of wind as the blade sliced through the air, but he was too quick. He spun around, his hand coming up to meet the goblin's sword in a shower of sparks. Nathan's heart was pounding in his chest as he reached for his sword, but his fingers closed around empty air. The shadow must have done something.

The goblins advanced on him, their swords glinting in the sunlight. Nathan dodged and parried, his movements quick and precise as he struggled to stay alive. He knew that he couldn't keep this up forever, that sooner or later one of these creatures would land a fatal blow. But then he remembered the skill he had just learned, the one that would be perfect for this situation. He closed his eyes and focused, imagining the darkness of the forest surrounding him like a cloak.

Nathan felt a tingle in his eyes as he activated the skill, his hands reaching out to grasp the hilt of an imaginary sword made of shadows. It formed slowly at first, but then it began to solidify, taking shape in his hands until it was as real as any blade he had ever wielded.

The goblins hesitated, their eyes widening in surprise as Nathan charged forward, his sword of shadows slashing through the air with a deadly grace. The creatures tried to defend themselves, but they were no match for Nathan's newfound power. He moved with a fluidity and speed that he had never before experienced, his blade carving through flesh and bone with an ease that was almost frightening. The goblins fell one by one, their screams filling the forest as Nathan cut them down with ruthless efficiency. When it was over, Nathan stood panting in the midst of the carnage, his sword of shadows still glowing in his hand.

Nathan's breaths came in short gasps as he stared down at the goblin corpses beneath his feet. The rush of adrenaline that had fueled his attack was fading, replaced by a sickening wave of grief and guilt. He slowly lifted his head, looking around at the forest with greater detail than before.

"I knew this place looked familiar. It's the first floor of the tower." The trees seemed to close in on him, their branches twisted and gnarled like skeletal fingers. Memories of his dead friends, and the events that took place on the third floor began to rush back into his mind.

Images flashed before Nathan's eyes, vivid and painful. He saw Noah, his best friend since childhood, lying broken and bleeding on the cold stone floor. Samantha, the bright and optimistic girl he'd had a crush on, staring blankly ahead as the life drained from her eyes. Lucas, the comedic and sarcastic tank of the group, being cut in half as he tried to save Nathen. And James, the only other survivor of their group, fighting to hold off the monsters that had torn through their ranks.

Nathan's throat grew tight, and his heart began to beat quicker and quicker, almost bursting out of his chest. He felt like he was suffocating, drowning in a sea of regret and despair.

"Why did they have to die?" Nathan whispered, his voice barely audible over the rustling of the leaves. "Why couldn't I save them?"

He sank to his knees, the weight of his grief too heavy to bear. He had thought he was prepared for this, that he had processed the trauma of what had happened. But now, confronted with the reality of his fallen friends, he felt like he was back at square one.

Nathan clenched his fists, feeling anger and frustration rise up within him. He couldn't change what had happened, but he could honor their memory by continuing to climb the tower. By getting stronger, and defeating the monsters that had taken his friends from him.

With a deep breath, Nathan pushed himself back to his feet. His eyes were wet with tears, but his expression was resolute.

"I won't let their deaths be in vain," Nathan said, his voice firm and steady. "I'll keep climbing, no matter what it takes."