
The Tournament Of Kings

Jack_The_Ghost · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


(Varian perspectives)

Walking through the halls after his conversation with the king he was thinking that it was time he informed his brother of his possible duties and made sure he was up to speed on capital rules so he doesn't cause trouble but as he was doing that a window shattered near he and a dagger flew through it straight towards his head causing him to dodge by ducking into a backward hand flip pushing off his hands back into the air rolling and pulling two daggers out he landed throwing them both at the cloaked man who busted through the window right after the sneak attack as the daggers flew through the air varian eyes glowed a yellow color and he grabbed the sword on his waist tightly before disappearing in a yellow flash behind the dagger which now is passing by the cloaked man head. "12 Caliber Slash" With a flash of yellow light varian disappeared and reappeared 12 different times slashing his sword all over the assailant body and then sheathing it all in a flash, But as he looked at the clock it shredded, and he realized whoever was there was now gone glancing around the room he didn't spot anyone but knowing the attack was done he didn't lower his guard he took a deep breath and closed his eyes focusing his hearing he waited and there it was his change as the sound of the air slightly changed he could hear a blade going towards his head and a muffled step ducking just before it touched him he spun counter-clockwise pulling his sword out and slashing in a horizontal motion cutting straight through his attacker. Standing up he opened his eyes and looked down at the body taking off a black mask with a silver lining and black marking in an Egyptian style he carefully analyzed the mask recognizing the marking and looked at the man's face seeing it he realized he did not recognize the person but he could probably have the head wizard trace some of his histories so he would sever his head with his sword and wrap it in the man's shirt checking his pants all he found was a gold pouch with coins in and showing a trait both brothers have varian slipped the coins into his pocket. Glancing at the broken window he approached it and looked around investigating how the assailant got in looking outside the window he looked at the edges and climbed over the window stepping on so he had enough room to walk by and when he ran his hands against a wall he realized the scales were able to be climbed but no ordinary person could have done it leaving only one group of a highly trained assassins he and his brother almost eradicated it had to be the creed taking their revenge. Climbing back into the window he stood in the hallway and pondered as he walked turning the corner into the courtyard he walked into an extremely devious right hook that knocked him into the wall cracking it and possibly his jaw.

(Kron perspective)

Soothing with immense rage he walked through the castle away from the courtyard clenching his fist so hard you could see the blood dripping and the veins in his arms bulging as he turned the corner there he was the man he wanted to have a conversation with so badly but doing the exact opposite of talking he through the strongest right hook in the kingdom and sent his brother head-first into a wall moving with speed faster than most could see he stomped on his brother and then kicked him one more time before a dagger flew at his head quickly dodging to the left a yellow light flashed and eyes with a yellow glow that seemed to be enraged looking at him with a sword flashing straight at his face quickly ducking he did a hand plant kick knocking the sword up only to receive a kick to the jaw the sent him flying through the hall and shocked his brain for a moment, As he hit the ground he could see a foot above him kicking him again this time he caught it though grabbing so tightly any normal man would scream in agony but knowing his brother this wouldn't stop and attack so he flung him by the leg at the other side of the hallway and jumped up to his feet rushing after him and approaching him with unimaginable speed beyond human limits before his brother could land he threw and landed an overhand from behind him straight into his jaw sending him right into the floor standing there he looked at the wall and waited for his brother to get up.

(Varian perspective)

After being punched into a wall for the second time he relaxed knowing his brother was pressing and pulled himself out cracking the bones in his body not that they already weren't a bit he knew this was only a warm-up and sprinted at his brother throwing a series of attacks first a left jab then a right hook into a ducking left uppercut all missing he jumped up doing a crane kick causing kron to actually block this one giving him a moment to throw a dagger right behind him, disappearing he reappeared and tackled Kron grabbing him he pulled him over his head and slammed him on the ground on the floor but Kron caught himself with his hands and pulled out of it delivering a series of head punches causing him to go off Kron jumped back he looked at him and finally spoke. "Dammit what the fuck is your problem!"

(Kron perspective)

Looking at his brother he almost forgot why they were fighting again and then he realized his brother forgot to tell him about the fact they had special powers and he almost died in a room filled with random ass plants. "Well Why the hell you didn't tell me that we had special abilities"

(Varian perspective)

Looking at his brother with a blank face he forgot how stupid Kron can be and facepalmed shaking his head "How many times do I have to tell you that if you would study you would have unlocked ur talent but no you're response is always I don't have time for magical books so you're dumbass never learned here for fucksake go read or find someone to read it to you" going into a satchel he pulled pit a small notebook with enough info to show kron how to use his abilities or at least activate them and with that the brother would go on there separate paths

(author note fuck this nigga varian sounding like Zenitzu)