
The Tomes of the Lost Mage

This novel won't have any more work put into it. I found a lot of flaws with my writing and didn't like the direction. My new book, The Elemental Gems, will be getting updates and features the same characters with some tweaks to personalities and the magic system. *The book cover is NOT my work, and was found on Pinterest. If the owner wishes me to remove it, I will do it.*

Trim_2cool · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

The Paladin Speaks

**From now on I am going to focus on Ojero's perspective almost exclusively. If you all want to see Orpham's perspective, comment it. If enough people want it I'll include it, and if a lot of people want it I'll make a second novel about Orpham (I would write both at the same time and try and keep the timing in line with both novels, so their stories would happen simultaneously)**

Ojero felt like his entire being was being changed and distorted, and then suddenly it stopped.

When he opened his eyes, he saw he was no longer in the city, and was now on a nearby hill overlooking it. He could still see a large pillar of smoke coming from the inner district.

The circular shape of the city stood out to him, reminding Ojero of the precision and planning that went into the city made for the Guestinos, the city made for his family.

Looking around, Ojero saw the paladin also looking intently at the city. The gold outlining his T shaped visor glistened in the sun, making the paladin look holy.

The paladin stood there staring for many minutes, before suddenly turning and walking away from the city. Ojero felt himself float up and follow the paladin, unable to fight against the light that wrapped around his body.

It wasn't long before Ojero noticed something strange about the paladin. It seemed like every step he took carried them much farther than it should. However, he kept his mouth shut for now, still uncertain about what was going to be done to him.

The paladin marched on without a break, crossing through the plains that surrounded Lumenbec. The area was chosen for its rich natural resources, allowing the city to supply itself and the villages around it.

Hours ticked by without a word spoken between them. The only sounds Ojero heard were the whistling of the wind, the sound of grass being crushed, and the clink of the paladin's armor, and it was driving him mad.

His entire body was growing sore after being stuck in the "light sack" for so long. He couldn't move or stretch at all, and he already knew he was going to hurt once released. If he managed to survive this, that is.

Day started to turn into night, but the paladin kept marching on until the very second the sun was completely gone from the sky. The moment it passed below the far off mountains, the paladin abruptly stopped his march.

He looked around, and saw there was nothing but open plains for miles. With a snap of his gauntleted fingers, a wave of light burst from his armor, and the nearby grass in an eight meter radius was suddenly blown away.

A fire then burst up in the center of the clearing, providing some warmth in the cold night. The armored man walked towards the fire, and around it a small bench of earth rose up, providing an area to sit.

To Ojero's surprise, he also began floating to the fire, and was set down on the bench opposite the paladin.

"I am going to remove the restraints now. If you attempt to run, I will not remove them again until we reach our destination."

The paladin spoke in a deep voice that echoed through the helmet.

Ojero nodded vigorously, just wanting to be allowed to stretch.

Without even a look, the light that was wrapped around Ojero vanished, which then caused Ojero to almost fall into the flames with the sudden amount of movement he could do.

His entire body felt cramped up, and Ojero quickly set to stretching them out, hoping to relieve some of the pain.

The paladin then waved his hand, and a yellow glow settled over Ojero. Miraculously, he felt all of the pain and soreness vanish in an instant, leaving Ojero feeling good as new.

'Why would he bother helping me?'

Ojero was confused at the paladin's actions.

'Maybe he doesn't want to hurt or kill me? Then maybe Orpham will be fine!'

"Where is my brother? Is he going to be alright?"

The paladin looked up at him, his heavy armor creaking as he did.

"Your brother will be treated adequately. I can not disclose his whereabouts."

"Then can you at least tell me where you are bringing me?"

The paladin paused for a minute, then spoke.

"I am going to bring you to the Everentile Academy of the Gifted Magi."

Ojero couldn't help but recoil at these words.

'The Everentile Academy of the Gifted Magi? Why would he do that?'

The academy was known throughout all of Voretia, the continent upon which the Kingdom of Riote, Avar, and the Everentile Empire resided alongside dozens of other nations.

Only the best could enter the academy, regardless of wealth. You could be the son of the Emperor or an orphan on the street, if you had a high talent for magic then you would be admitted free of charge. Due to this, there was harsh competition to try and gain the strength to enter.

"Why would you bring me there?"

"Your fathers dying wish was for me to bring you to the Everentile Empire to be trained as a mage. I have connections with the academy that would allow you to be enrolled there."

Ojero barely heard past the first few words. He spoke slowly and emotionally, his breath catching as he asked a question he dreaded the answer to.

"Dying wish? Does that mean my father is…"

"Yes. Your father is dead, alongside your mother and their guard. They fought well, but they could not beat four paladins."

Ojero began to choke back sobs as tears ran down his face. If his parents were now dead, then Orpham was his last family left. His father had no siblings, and Ojero's grandparents had died long ago.

For a few minutes Ojero sat there crying, and the paladin kept staring at him without a word.

Eventually, Ojero was able to calm himself to learn more about his parents death.

"You said they couldn't beat four paladins. Does that mean you killed them?"

"No. I did not kill your parents. I killed their guard. It was Clovis and Erkom who killed your mother and father."

"How can you sit here and say that without any emotion? It's as if they didn't mean anything!" Ojero yelled out in rage as his hands turned into fists.

The paladin cocked his helmet to one side, as if confused at Ojero's reaction.

"To me, they meant nothing. They were simply targets to be eliminated. Your father fought according to the Code of the Avarian Paladins, therefore I must complete his request. I hold no care or consideration for you or your brother. I am simply following the code."

"What does this code have to do with anything! You murdered my father in cold blood, and yet you act as if you still have any honor left to fulfil his desires!"

"According to the Code of the Avarian Paladins, if you fight a paladin while only using a tenth of your true strength and accept defeat with grace and honor, then your final request must be completed. Your father followed this code, and so we shall too."

These words shook Ojero. 'A tenth of their true strength?'

"Why would my father fight with only a tenth of his strength? He was strong enough to beat ten of you, let alone four!"

"He might have been able to defeat me and my comrades, but the Masked would have killed him."

"The Masked? Who is that?"

"A people you do not need to know about."

These words finally pushed Ojero the edge. The paladin answering his questions allowed him to keep a level head, but with him refusing to tell him any more, Ojero lost all logic.

He jumped out of his seat straight at the paladin, intent on attacking him before he had a chance to defend.

As he moved through the air, Ojero felt his confidence grow as the paladin made no moves.

However, Ojero suddenly found himself sitting back on the bench. He felt nothing move him or drag him back, he simply was back on the bench, with a bit of a queasy feeling in his stomach.

'Did I imagine the attack? Was it all in my head?'

"Please refrain from attacking me again or I will have to restrain you."

Ojero looked up with wide eyes.

"If I actually did attack you, how am I back here?"

The paladin then lifted his right wrist, and a Tome could be seen floating up from behind the bench.

The Tome then floated over close enough for Ojero to read, and his body immediately froze in fear.

On the page a few words were written in green ink, with a large hourglass drawn above them.

Time Magic.

Constant Control path.

Here is a chapter, I hope you all enjoy! Ojero's life seems to be getting more interesting! Comment your suggestions, I love to read them!

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