
The tomboy

Sam313335 · Sports, voyage et activités
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The tomboy

Hi my name is Sam. Ya I know I'm a girl and I have a boy name. Well I can't change it so I got to live with it. All my friends are boys so my name fit in. I'm 17 years old and it my last year in school. I play boxe, soccer, hockey, football, baseball et more sports but these are the ones a play more and people know about.

I have one big sister et one big brother. I'm the youngest. You think it's fun? Well you are wrong. It so much worse than must people say.

Okay let's start for real.

My name is Sam am 17 and this is my story...

I live in Canada but more specifically in Quebec. Yeah its super cold in winter but I love the cold and the snow is so beautiful and it calm me down so I love it. Today is my first day at my new school. My parents decided to move to Montreal because my sister move out and now it's only me my brother and my parents.

"Oh I almost forgot I have a baby dog her name is sky she is a Rottweilers and she just got 1 years old. She is my baby et she only listen to me. My mom have a bird and I have 2 baby rabbit one is 2 months I just got her her name is shadow because she is all black and she follow my other rabbit everywhere. The other one is moon because I like the name and she is a mix of black grey white and peach. She is 6 months."

Okay so we just move to Montreal today its been 3 hours since we started the trip. Am going to kill my brother if we don't get to the house soon. My rabbits are stress they run every where in they cages. The dog is sleeping for the first time since we left and I'm trying to listen to music but my stupid brother is annoying me. We finally get there.

My dad park the car and I run outside. The dog followed me and jumped on me. I fell to the ground and I my brother decided to take pictures and not help me. She Licks me like it's been years since last time she saw me. I finally get up and went I turn around I see my brother laughing and talking with a cute guy.