
The Time-Turner

It's been six months since the war. Hogwarts was now open for a new school year. Hermione was eager to get back to her studies to mend a broken heart while Draco reluctantly returned at the urgings of his mother. Both of them were trying to escape the past and start anew. Then, someone decided to alter the present and create an alternate reality. Strangely, only Hermione and Draco were not affected by this sudden time shift and a strong bond started to form between them as they try to uncover the secrets of the past.

Liza_Aguilar · Livres et littérature
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9 Chs

4. Harry's Secret

Hermione swallowed hard before turning a sheepish eye at Harry. How was she going to tell him about what made her lose her temper at Malfoy? She couldn't really quote him word for word! That would definitely turn Harry's raven locks white!

"I-it's nothing. Malfoy was just being his usual annoying, arrogant self. I was tired and didn't have much patience left so I blew up," Hermione replied, avoiding their eyes.

Harry glanced at Ron, who looked even more clueless than him. The redhead shrugged and raised his brows – I have no idea either, he was saying.

"You shouldn't let him get to you that easily, Hermione. You'd be working closely with him since he's the Head Boy. Give him a chance, maybe he's changed a bit," Harry said, nudging Hermione with his elbow.

Hermione snorted and blew a raspberry. She just can't believe that bit about Malfoy changing. He will always be a pompous git even though he'd switched sides during the war.

"I really don't know what Prof. McGonagall was thinking! Why did she appoint Malfoy as Head Boy? He may be smart, I concede that. We've always been vying for the top spot in almost every subject, but brains are not enough to qualify him for such a responsibility! What would he do, bully the younger kids into following him? Even if he'd changed, I doubt if it would make that much difference." Hermione was red in the face by the time she finished with her tirade.

An uncomfortable silence ensued. Harry hung his head as his arms rested on his knees. Perhaps it's time that he told his best friends about what Malfoy, the Malfoys actually, have really done for him. About how their actions that night might have turned the tide of the battle. He'd already told Professor McGonagall, and maybe that's the reason why she appointed Malfoy Head Boy. He really didn't know why he hadn't told Ron and Hermione about it sooner. Maybe because they were so caught up with the cleaning up and dealing with. They'd lost so many – Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Lavander, Dobby and even Hedwig. He just had enough bad memories from the past year that he needed to cope with them slowly, painfully, that those two incidents kept getting pushed back the recesses of his mind.

Or maybe because telling them about it would take him back to that most horrible, and yet glorious, night of his life. Talking with McGonagall about it was like doing a debrief after a battle; straightforward, curt and emotionless. Just facts.

But with his friends, it would be entirely different. He would be reliving that night.

"Hermione, Ron, there is something that you should know – about what happened in the Forbidden Forest, and right before my battle with Voldemort. I really don't know why it took me this long to divulge this information to you. Whatever my convulted brain's reason is, believe me, it's not intentional."

Hermione and Ron exchanged curious glances, both unable to fully comprehend what Harry was trying to say. They'd long wanted to ask Harry about what happened in the Forbidden Forest, why he came back seemingly dead, but most importantly, how he was able to make Voldemort believe that he was dead. They respected Harry's privacy, though, so they kept their questions to themselves.

After letting go of a long, ragged breath, Harry turned to Hermione and then to Ron. "I think it's best if I started with what happened in the Forbidden Forest. I've already told you about the things I learned in the Pensieve, of how it made me realize that the only way to defeat Voldemort was to let him kill me. But I never really told you what happened after that."

Both Hermione and Ron leaned forward, their eyes glued to Harry, eager to hear the rest of his story.


My heart was hammering so hard after I stepped back from the Pensieve. I didn't want to die, but I couldn't let my friends die for me either. This war had to stop and the only way to do it was to let Voldemort kill me. That's what the prophesy was all about, and that's the reason why Professor Dumbledore couldn't tell me about it.

I went down the stairs, my legs shaking with each step. This was it! Time to accept the truth, to face my destiny. I tried to keep away from everyone, especially Ginny. I knew that if I saw her, I wouldn't be able to go ahead with my plan. Thankfully, I met no one on my way out. Everyone was so busy searching for survivors, retrieving bodies and healing the wounded. It was better that way.

Soon enough, I was at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. I remembered the snitch in my pocket. Dumbledore bequeathed it to me, so it had to mean something. I don't know what made me press it against my lips, but I did and it opened. Inside was the resurrection stone. I took it out, and I saw spirits swirl around me. I focused my eyes and realized that they were my mom, my dad, Sirius, and Lupin. They were there to give me strength for the final leg of my journey. They stayed with me up to the very last minute.

I stepped into the forest and went directly to where Voldemort and his army were. I moved quickly lest I changed my mind and ran like hell. It's not really in our nature to face death without flinching, our instinct for survival is so embedded in our psyche that only those who are not in their right mind would willingly go to their deaths.

It happened in a flash, literally! A flash of green light to be exact. I was so intent on staying put, on meeting my death head on that Voldemort's words did not even register in my brain. I kept telling myself to stand still and take it like a man. I didn't even feel the breath being cut off from me. All I knew was this feeling of lightness after that instance of excruciating pain hit my heart. And then, I was in a brightly lit place. Strange, how it felt like King's Cross to me. Then, I saw that piece of Voldemort that was in me, a withered, slimy thing wriggling on the ground. I don't know why even though deep inside me I knew that it was a part of him, that alien invader in my body that had caused me so much torment, I didn't feel hatred but only a deep sorrow and pity for it. As I contemplated that bit of Voldemort, Dumbledore appeared and he helped me make the most important choice that I could ever make. I could've moved on, a part of me wanted to. I was so tired of fighting, so tired of losing my friends because of this stupid war. But I also knew that I needed to finish what I had started. I owe that much to those who sacrificed themselves for what is right and what is good. I did not move on, I came back.

The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground, the scent of pine and grass close against my nose. I didn't know what to do. I was defenseless, wandless, surrounded by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Then I heard Bellatrix calling out to the Dark Lord. It seemed that he was also knocked out by his own spell and was just getting back to his feet. I stayed still, hurriedly formulating a plan of escape in my brain when I heard footsteps coming toward me. I almost panicked. What was I to do? How could I defeat Voldemort lying on the ground helpless?

A hand gently touched my arm. I knew I would be discovered, the person beside me would announce that I lived. Voldemort would just cast another killing spell at me and it would be over. Soft breath fanned against my cheek and I distinctly heard a woman's quiet voice.

"Is Draco still alive?" the voice whispered into my ear.

And I knew that it was his mother. I battled between telling her the truth and keeping still, pretending that I was truly dead. But that seemed stupid. She already knew that I wasn't dead, otherwise she wouldn't be talking to me, would she? I feared, though, that as soon as I confirmed that Draco was alive, that she would turn me over to Voldemort. She was the mother of my nemesis! She's the wife of the most privileged Death Eater! Her sister was within the inner circle of the Dark Lord. How could I even think that she would side with me? Something told me, however, to put my trust in her.

I gave her a small nod, my heart going to my throat. What she did next would mean life or death for me. I remained still, waiting for her to scream that I was still alive. It never came.

Instead, her hand squeezed my arm as she whispered to me again, "Thank you. Now, stay still." Another squeeze and I felt her getting to her feet.

"Dead. The boy is dead," she said, loudly and clearly.

I heard Hagrid bellow in grief while Voldemort and his army laughed and rejoiced. There was scuffling in the background then I felt Hagrid's large hands scooping me up from the ground. Voldemort was marching to Hogwarts to flaunt his trophy.

I was still rummaging inside my head for a plan. I must declare myself sooner or later. But how could I fight Voldemort without a wand? I'm not Dumbledore! I hadn't mastered wandless magic yet.

"Harry Potter is dead!" I heard Voldemort announce. Ginny screamed and my heart broke in two. I heard the cries and the sounds of defeat and I couldn't take it anymore. I must reveal myself, give hope to everyone who was fighting against the Dark Lord. I heard Neville and it strengthened my resolve, I must end this!

Then, I heard Lucius calling to Draco. It was the first time that I heard fear and genuine concern in his voice. He called out to him twice, but apparently Draco wasn't heeding him. When I heard his mother calling to him, something tugged inside me. She saved me from Voldemort when she didn't have anything to gain by it. She saved me when there was no one left to do it. I must give her back her son.

I wriggled against Hagrid's hold and in his shock, he dropped me and I was on the groundscrambling to my feet. I was determined to join the Hogwart's defenders. All pandemonium broke lose as some of Voldemort's Death Eaters started apparating away, terrified by my unexpected return from death, while the rest started throwing curses at whoever stood in their way. Voldemort was also shooting curses at me. I ran towards Hogwarts, weaving amongst the fallen stones. I could see Defenders shooting counter curses at the remaining Death Eaters but I could not fight back, I was wandless!

Just as I was about to jump behind a big fallen statue, I heard someone shout "Potter!". I turned just in time to see Draco tossing his wand at me as he stumbled to the ground, ducking away from a flash of red light thrown at him by a Death Eater. Thankfully, I caught the wand making it possible for me to fight Voldemort.

And the rest, as you know, is history.


Harry lifted his head to look at his two friends. Hermione's hands were covering her mouth, her eyes wide and bright with unshed tears. Ron was gawking at him, speechless.

"So, you see, Hermione. I owe the Malfoys more than I care to admit. I would've died in that Forest if not for Mrs. Malfoy. She risked her life back there. Had Bellatrix or even one of Voldemort's minions decided to check on me, I would've just been killed again by Voldemort. But Mrs. Malfoy took it upon herself to do the deed because she knew that her word would be trusted by the Dark Lord. Helping me return to Hogwarts in the process. Then, Draco gave up his only source of protection to help me defend myself against Voldemort. They're the unsung heroes of that final battle against Voldemort. I guess, deep inside, Draco and his mother aren't really that bad."

Harry leaned back on the couch, exhausted by his confession. He hadn't really thanked Draco and his mother for what they'd done. He just hoped that he would be able to return the favor one of these days. Little did he know that he would be given that chance sooner than he thought.


Hey! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's just a bit of a rehash, and quite short, but I'm just trying to establish the importance of the Malfoys' role in this story. Please don't forget to leave your comments! And your votes would be greatly appreciated, too!

Til next time!

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