
The Tiger Within

In a world left with scars from a great war, the humans rejoice in their victory, but also weep at the cost. Unaware of the blind hatred that led to the slaughter, an entire race was nearly erased from the face of their lands. They believed they had wiped the shifters from the face of the planet, little did they know very few lived on in the very forests they visited, and in the villages they traded with. Forced into hiding, the shifters built a new clan, and lived by the old rules, hiding from humanity. Kyera Shade of the Moon is a Shapeshifter who takes the form of a White tigress with silver stripes. Alone in the world, and carrying the weight of her clan on her shoulders, she attempts to uphold the law she was born to, and protect the remaining of her kind. Her heart decimated by the deaths of her brothers and the absence of her mother, she finds herself caught in a net and unable to break free. In her moment of desperation, a hand reaches out and catches her. A man who threatens to steal her heart away, but can she learn to forgive herself? Can she find love and salvation in another's arms after the betrayals of so many? Clovis of the Dancing Rain is the fourth Prince of the Forest Kingdom. He is a clever man, but had no wish to be king. Perfectly happy to raise is Daughter in peace now that his young wife had passed. There was darkness and secrets in his past, but there was no place for revenge in his future. Not until they took it too far. Pushing his bottom line a need to take the crown lit in his heart. However, he needed one thing more than anything else... the right woman by his side. As if the answer to a prayer, a woman appeared. Beautiful and trustworthy who loved his daughter as much as he did, if not more. Yet her heart was broken, her world surrounded by secrets and shadows, perhaps she was best left alone. However, would he be able to live without her?

Valinteena · Général
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699 Chs

Loyalty Part 4

"As you wish, the weak shall fall and they shall find their way back to my side in fear of becoming like you." The lion replied roaring before surging forward to grasp her throat in his jaw. However, his teeth faired to meet her flesh. Instead his teeth sunk into the pure white fur of a shoulder as it shoved into his mouth and shoved him back. He tried to rip at the flesh only to find the chunk jerked from him, deep punctures left by his fangs.

"You will take my life first, shameless cat." Kyera growled her body over the leopardess beneath her. He could not reach Mally with the Tigress in the way. He roared again with anger to have Kyera between him and his prey. His lionesses stood seeing this and began to saunter forward. However they found themselves face to face with a group of wolves seeming ready to do battle and outnumbering the lionesses 2 to 1. Lazren cast a look back at his two fierce companions.

Kyera nodded at him, greatful from deep within. There was no way she could handle this sort of confrontation, not injured as she was. The Lion would take some doing, but she was confident she could win. Blood began to stain her white fur as she stared him down. Courage in her eyes faced down the coward's heart. The wounded leopard alone was a easy mark but the untouched tigress would be a less likely win.

"Then your life you will first lay down." The lion growled in the language of the forest his words were bold but Kyera stood her ground. Her shoulder screamed in pain once again injured in just the last few months. Mentally she wondered if she could convince someone to get away with wearing some sort of armour.

"For my sister I would die graciously, but take heed I will not die alone." Kyera warned as the Lion and the tigress began circling, Kyera forcing him back from Mally's side. She didn't trust the lion any more than she trusted a jackal at her back.

The Emperor watched in shock as the lion attacked the retreating Leopardess and he felt anger that the wounded were so brutally assaulted. However The actions of the tigress was shocking in and of itself. Now the two strongest influencing cats circled and he wondered who would survive… but the movement of the lioness's was enough to settle the score until yet again the wolves intervene on behalf of the leopardess and tigress. There seemed to be something more complex than he had ever expected within the garden's walls. He could see the divide clearly now, but was unsure of how to stop this.

"Call back your Familiars, both of you." The Emperor ordered loudly, his eyes cutting from Bastil to Clovis expectantly.

"Not till the lion retreats. He has already proven he attacks from behind." Clovis replied unwilling to put his newest ally at risk like that. The Emperor wanted to say something about his response but there was a certain truth to his words. Yet Bastil was focused on the fight, he had yet to raise his eyes to his father.

"BASTIL CALL HIM BACK." The Emperor ordered and Bastil jumped looking back at his father as if it was the first time he heard him.

"Leave the Tiger be, come now Lutee." Bastil called and the lion growled unwilling to turn back. Kyera chuffed slightly in amusement.

"You are lucky this time, Moon Cat. Next time, I will not allow you to survive." He growled turning to return to his side. Kyera however glared at him, saying nothing she returned to Mally. Looking her over carefully. The damage was bad. Lazren sat beside her both of them looking over their fallen companion.

"Will she be okay?" Lazren asked as tears fell from Kyera's eyes. She could feel the power leaving Mally's body. Focusing hard she forced as much of herself into her as she could. Reinforcing Mally's grip on life. Human healers rushed forward but would not get closer than 5 feet from Kyera. They would not chance approaching further.

And last chapter for tonight. thank you for reading and I look forward to any feedback that comes my way with these chapters. They were a bit nerve wracking to write.



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