
The Three Paraphernalia's

Jackie smiled, Lilliane smiled too, “Well, to complete the task, you must gather the Three Seraphic Paraphernalia’s. Each one is from a different time period. One from the past, one from the present, and one from the future. Explaining it will be too difficult, just follow this.” She picked up a piece of paper from thin air and threw it into the air, Stella caught it and folded it up neatly. “It tells you all you need to know, just-“ At that moment, Jackie whispered, “one… two… THREE!” _________________________________________________ Cover Art from PeakPx content creator.

Celestial_Love · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

The Letter

"Come on Natalie!" yelled Tiffany at the top of her lungs checking her phone for the time, "Jacqueline's' probably already there!"

"Coming, you don't have to yell so loud, jeez," Natalie replied, massaging her head, "I already have a headache."

The two girls got off the bus into the pouring rain and hurried into the school to the main stairs beside the front office to meet Jacqueline. The school was not very crowded yet as it was still early. People were standing here and there, chatting to each other, eyeing the people walking past, calling to friends. Tiffany saw her ex, Frederick, they had dated last year for about 3 weeks and then Tiffany dumped him because he was a scumbag. He always lied about things to her and had been doing drugs, not the type of person good enough for Tiffany. In addition, when Tiffany was dating him, she had caught him hooking up with a bunch of other girls, so Tiffany dumped him over text and ended that nonsense. Frederick had changed ever since Tiffany left him, trying to win her back, but Tiffany always ignored him, never sparing him a glance. Right now, he was staring at Tiffany as she walked by, trying to get her to talk to him.

On their way of walking, Natalie spotted Kylie, the school slut who Frederick had slept around with, surrounded by her crowd of 'admirers'.

"Let's walk this way instead," Natalie muttered to Tiffany. Tiffany looked around curiously and seeing Jessica nodded, and walked with Natalie through a different hallway.

Almost reaching the main stairs, Natalie jogged ahead and scanning through the people, she yelled out triumphantly, "Ha! Jackie isn't here yet," then she stuck her tongue out at Tiffany.

Tiffany scowled and huffed, panting slightly "Whatever."

Natalie took out the ribbon holding her hair up and a wave of chocolate brown hair fell down. She combed through the hair with her fingers and looking around, she saw that no one was watching and twirled her fingers over her hair. A faint light exploded from her fingers and disappeared; Tiffany looked at her and saw that her hair was braided into two mermaid braids.

"You are not supposed to use magic, what if someone saw you?" hissed Tiffany; she glanced at the surrounding people. The hall began to fill up but everyone was too busy talking to see what Natalie did.

"No one saw me," Natalie smiled and then changed the topic, "look! I see Jackie." She pointed into the crowd of people entering the school.

Tiffany turned around and saw a girl with dazzling golden hair pulled back into a ponytail wearing a grey croc top, jeans, and knee length boots enter the school. Ahh Jackie's' here, Tiffany thought. Then to her surprise, she saw Jackie stuffing a large shimmering tiara into her backpack. It was giving off a strong bright light that was lighting up the entire hallway, passing students stared at her wondering what the hell that was.

Groaning, Tiffany ran up to her she hissed "Hey, you're not supposed to bring that out."

"I know that," Jackie replied slightly annoyed, "It just dropped out of my bag on the bus, the driver nearly crashed the bus since the tiara was so bright..." she trailed off giggling.

"Well you were supposed to shut the ..." just at that moment Natalie came up to them with Cordelia following her, eyeing every single boy that passed and batting her eyelashes.

"Hey bae!" Cordelia said brightly, "what's up?"

"Did you turn your tiara's light off before school started?" demanded Tiffany.

"Of course I did, I'm not that stupid," Cordelia answered waving to a guy with dark hair. The guy winked in reply.

"Still sleeping with Rayshawn, Cordelia?" Jackie asked exasperated.

"Of course, and don't call me that, I have already told you a million times, call me Delia! But whatever, guess what? Actually don't guess, Rayshawn's' friend said that he was going to ask me out later!" gushed a squealing Delia.

"Nice" commented Jackie and Tiffany at the same time, exchanging a look of exasperation.

"Wow, we're so in sync!" Tiffany said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey! I thought that was supposed to my my line" Jackie said punching Tiffany on the shoulder.

"Bitch," Tiffany replied, flipping her off.

"Well since we're so in sync it doesn't matter which of us says it," Jackie mocked, returning the gesture to Tiffany.

"Look Tiffany!" Natalie suddenly exclaimed, bring their attention to a guy she was pointing at. Grinning, she said, "Edwards' looking hot today".

Tiffany turned to see a tall blond guy with ocean blue eyes, wearing a Nike shirt and sport shorts. He glanced in her direction quickly then turned around as he spoke to a person behind him, Sebastion; Jackie's' crush ever since the beginning of high school, which was one year ago. They both looked at the group of girls and started conversing in low tones.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and shook her head, "He is an asshole, I don't like him anymore remember?"

"Sure Tiffany, sure," replied Delia in a disbelieving tone while patting her back.

"I am sure, I think I might like a new guy," Tiffany said, considering the possibilities.

Delia whipped her head around in shock, "Who?" asked Natalie and Delia at the same time.

"I don't know yet, but I promise, I'll have a guy by next week," answered Tiffany vaguely looking around at the crowds of people around them.

Natalie, still looking at the two guys, suddenly whispered to Jackie, "Hey look, Sebastian is looking this way and is pointing to you Delia!"

"No no no! Hide me!" Jackie squeaked and then hid behind Natalie.

"Hey," a husky voice said behind them.

They all turned and was very surprised to see Stephan, a very hot version of him. He had grown out his golden blonde hair out a little and it flopped over to one side. His face was tanner than before and his striking blue eyes were like sapphires. He was wearing jeans and a red guitar shirt, slung over his back was a red and white backpack and dangling out of it was a necklace. But not just any necklace, it was glowing gently and yet a steady glow. They all stared at the necklace as if in a trance. Stephan looked at their memorized faces and after following her gaze he saw the necklace and his face paled slightly and quickly shoved the necklace back into his backpack.

He then turned back towards the group and asked them in a quiet tone, "Do you know where Mrs. Galilees' new classroom is at?"

Delia snapped out of the trance first and pointed to a map of the school hanging on the wall next to them. "Her classroom is right here, just go upstairs to the fourth floor and then turn left into the first door that you see and go all the way to the end of the hallway, her room is on the right."

Stephan smiled a thanks at her, and he walked up the stairs.

Delia looked after him smiling slightly to herself and turning around found Natalie still looking at where Johnathan had stood looking wistful. It's been a long time since she liked a boy, Delia thought, then she smirked and said aloud to Natalie, "Earth to Natalie!"

Natalie jumped slightly and looked around, when she saw Delia and the others watching her smirking and grinning, she stuck her tongue out and trying to distract them from herself, she looked around for something, anything. She saw a something on the ground where Stephan had been, she pointed at it and asked, "what's that?"

Delia picked it up. After inspecting it, she realized that it was a note. Delia opened it and read aloud;

"Dear Stephan Mingus,

I understand that you hate me since I had pushed you away when you needed me because I thought that you had lied to me. After thinking it over however, I realized that you were speaking the truth. I'm truly sorry and I hope that you will forgive me. I will also promise that I will tell no one about your problem. Your secret is safe with me. I also have an idea about what you could say to the people that think your straight, you could say that you have a girlfriend already except she doesn't go to this school, maybe that she lives out of the state.

Just a thought.

-Mary Mingus"