
The Three Black Widows

The_Kurona · Action
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19 Chs

The beginning

Gun shots fired in the air as three men wearing blacked out tactical gear ran across the street. Making their way into an apartment, one of them slams the door shut behind them.

"Shit Jackal, did you get bit at all!?" One of them asked. Jackal checked himself before shaking his head. He wasn't the talkative type, mostly a mute.

"What about you Dozer-" The man stopped as he turned to see a grotesque zombie standing around 7'2" with a brutish stature. The brute charged at them at full speed. Jackal and Dozer managed to move out of the way but Riot wasn't as lucky. Riot was thrown out a window by the brute. As he hit the ground, a groan came from him. Riot held his gut while slowly getting back up onto his feet.

Jackal being the quick thinker he is, he'd grab his only grenade and chuck it at the brute. It exploded, sending chunks of the brute all over the place.

"Haha, good shit Jackal. I'm going to go check up on Riot" Dozer said as he ran outside to see if his friend was alright. Seeing Riot holding his gut, he quickly ran over to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"Heh thanks Dozer I appreciate the help" Riot laughed a little before coughing. They'd make their way back over to Jackal who was now inspecting what was left of the brute.

"Look man I get you like science or whatever but now's not the time to be fucking around with the corpse of a dead person" Dozer said with a stern tone. Jackal shook his head and started walking upstairs where they would be staying for awhile.

Once they were settled down, Riot made sure his guns were clean as he wasn't trying to have another gun jam. Jackal on the other hand attempted to teach Dozer how to do sign language as it wasn't his specialty. however he wanted to learn it just in case.