
The third young lady tanked

The whole family regretted after the third young lady tanked is an ancient romance novel. The main plot of the novel is about how a woman named Miss San changed the attitudes and opinions of her family and the people around her through her own efforts and wisdom, and finally realized her own value and happiness. According to the feedback of some readers, the novel is quite excellent in plot setting, characterization and emotional description. Miss San's personality and talent have deeply attracted the reader's attention, and the process of how she overcomes various difficulties and challenges is also very exciting and moving. At the same time, the image and personality of other characters in the novel are very distinct, so that readers can easily immerse themselves in it. In addition, some readers also mentioned the ancient social background and cultural atmosphere depicted in the novel, believing that the author's in-depth understanding and precise description of history and culture made the whole story more vivid and real. Generally speaking, as an ancient romance novel, the plot is compact and the characters are distinct, so that readers can feel a lot of emotional resonance and thinking. If you are interested in ancient romance novels, you might as well try it.

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21 Chs

Chapter 3: Rebirth in March (2)

  The small courtyard where Shen Baiyu lives is called Baimei Courtyard, a small side courtyard southwest of the General's Mansion. Throughout the year, Shen Baiyu's mother Tantai didn't come here even a few times.

  Shen Baiyu didn't even bother to get out of bed and lay there sickly.

  There were rustling footsteps outside the door, the windshield curtain was opened, a quiet scent of sandalwood spread, and Tantai entered the house.

  Tantai wore a gold-plated pearl hair crown that was most popular among ladies in the capital, a dark red embroidered double-breasted jacket, and a swaying skirt. Even after giving birth to five children, she still maintained an excellent figure and beautiful appearance. Time has never left any trace on her face.

  With a husband who has loved her for decades, a son and a daughter around her knees, and a strong mother's family to rely on, the Tantai family does not have to worry about the complicated housekeeping affairs of the back house. They live in a honey pot all day long and live a very smooth life.

  Shen Baiyu couldn't help but lose consciousness, his ears still echoed with the words of Tantai from his previous life:

  [Shu'er and King Chen are in love. You have ruined your elder brother, and you want to ruin Shu'er's marriage? ]

  [It's just a marriage. If you go to Yue Kingdom, you will be the Crown Princess. ]

  [Bai Yu, you have been obedient and sensible since childhood. For the happiness of your sisters, you will sacrifice. ]

  Mrs. Tantai was a gentle woman, her words were gentle and her movements were gentle and gentle. When she sent someone to lock Shen Baiyu's wrists with iron chains and send her to the wedding sedan, she still had a gentle smile on her face.

  At this time, Mrs. Tantai was holding a handkerchief embroidered with peonies, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a bit of disappointment on her pretty face: "Third girl, I heard from Mother Zhang that you excused the housekeeper's affairs under the pretext of illness. .You are not a child, don't be willful."

  Zhang's mother followed behind Tantai, looking gloating.

  Shen Baiyu's heart sank.

  When her daughter was seriously ill, Tantai came belatedly. Her first words were not concern, but gentle accountability.

  "Madam, Miss had a high fever last night and it hasn't gone away yet." Jade couldn't help but remind Tantai.

  Tantai's pretty face changed slightly, and then she noticed Shen Baiyu lying on the bed - his face was pale, the corners of his mouth were peeling, and his face was so thin that there was almost only a layer of skin left.

  Really sick?

  "Madam, Mrs. Wang and I came to Baimei Courtyard this morning. The third lady still had the energy to drive me out of the courtyard." Mother Zhang refuted.

  All the servants in the mansion know how to act based on their looks. The third lady is not welcomed by the general and his wife, and the servants in the mansion know it well. Servants with a slight status, such as Zhang Mama and others, were not even respectful towards Shen Baiyu.

  Even if the housekeepers in the house cause trouble or cause trouble, they will habitually shift the responsibility to the third lady - it is the third lady's fault if the housekeeper is not strict.

  The third lady is the best person to take the blame for them.

  "As soon as the young lady woke up, you and Mrs. Wang threw the account books over. Isn't this bullying?" Feicui was impatient. Seeing Mrs. Zhang's nonsense, she wanted to pounce on her and tear her mouth off.

  Shen Baiyu lay quietly on the bed, wanting to see what Tantai did.

  I saw Tantai's beautiful brows frowning slightly and her eyes wandering. In my impression, her third daughter was in good health and never complained of illness. Zhang's mother has been with her for many years, so it is impossible to slander the third girl.

  So, Mrs. Tantai came to a conclusion in her mind, and she scolded her gently: "Three girls, it's not good to pretend to be sick and avoid being lazy. At the spring banquet in the capital ten days later, His Highness Prince Chen——"

  "Mother." Shen Baiyu interrupted her, "I'm not pretending to be sick. If you don't believe me, ask the imperial doctor to come and take my pulse."

  The Tantai family frowned slightly.

  This was the first time Shen Baiyu interrupted her.

  An inexplicable emotion flashed through Tantai's heart, and she told Mother Zhang: "Go and invite Doctor Wang."

  Zhang's mother went to ask the imperial doctor.

  Shen Baiyu closed her eyes and continued to sleep on the bed. She didn't want to see Tantai. Seeing that gentle and beautiful face always reminded her of painful memories from her past life.

  Mrs. Tantai had a husband, an eldest son and a daughter, and a younger son and a younger daughter in her heart. She had very little attention to give Shen Baiyu. Sometimes, Shen Baiyu even felt that her mother was deliberately targeting her.

  Shen Baiyu closed his eyes and said nothing, but Tantai said a lot.

  Tantai said: "The Spring Banquet was held in Peach Blossom Mountain. Shu'er attended the Spring Banquet for the first time. She liked the clothes from Dongfang Tailor Shop. Later, go and buy some new materials in person and let the tailor make some new clothes for Shu'er. clothes."

  Tantai said again: "The day for the monthly payment in the mansion is coming soon. Tomorrow you will check the account books and pay the monthly payment."

  Tantai also said: "I'm going to the East Palace to visit Wan'er in a few days. Wan'er misses the barley cakes at home. You make two boxes of barley cakes and I will take them to the East Palace along the way."

  Tantai said word by word.

  Jade stood beside him politely, full of anger. The young lady has not yet recovered from her serious illness, and the madam has already begun arranging chores for the young lady. How can there be such a mother in the world?

  With less than a stick of incense, Zhang's mother proudly brought Dr. Wang.

  Dr. Wang is over seventy years old, with white hair and beard. He is a well-known and well-known doctor in Beijing.

  "Third Miss fell into the water yesterday and claimed to be seriously ill. She is not even willing to pay her monthly salary on time. Doctor Wang, you must treat Third Miss properly." Mother Zhang opened the curtain and pointed at Sang and Huai.

  Jade gritted her teeth and secretly swore that one day she would drive this terrible woman out of the general's mansion.

  Tantai held the handkerchief and said, "Doctor Wang, please check the pulses of my three girls carefully. Pretending to be sick is of no use."

  Jade brought a bench and consultation mat to Dr. Wang.

  Across a looming bed curtain, Shen Baiyu gently placed her right wrist on the soft cushion.

  It was a very thin hand.

  The wrist is slender, and the blue and purple blood vessels are clearly visible. The fingers have calluses left by holding the brush for a long time, and the fingers are so slender that it is almost like a layer of skin covering the bones.

  Doctor Wang was quite surprised. A few days ago, he asked for a safe pulse for the fifth lady of the General's Mansion. The fifth lady's wrists were white and round, and her fingers were like freshly peeled lychees. But the third lady of the General's Mansion had even skinnier wrists than a roadside beggar.

  Doctor Wang felt the pulse with his knuckles very gently, for fear of breaking the skinny wrist.

  Pulse sluggish.

  Doctor Wang's brows deepened and he asked Tantai: "Madam, what medicine did the third lady take last night?"

  Tantai was stunned.

  How could she know this?

  Jade wiped her tears and said with choked sobs: "My lady has been in poor health, and there is always medicine in the house. I boiled two medicines for treating wind and cold last night."

  Jade brought the medicine residue.

  Doctor Wang examined and smelled carefully, and shook his head solemnly: "Miss Third, the cold evil invaded seriously, causing severe headaches and brain fever. You can't just take ordinary wind and cold medicine. I will prescribe some new medicines and follow the new medicines. In addition, Third Miss has long-term qi stagnation and extreme blood deficiency. She needs to rest and not work any more."

  Then, Doctor Wang sniffed with his sensitive nose: "The room must be properly ventilated, and the windows must not be closed for a long time."

  Tantai was confused when he heard this.

  It's just a fall into the water, it's not a big deal, but he's actually really sick.

  Tantai asked the doctor Wang eagerly: "Will the third girl's illness be better this afternoon?"

  Doctor Wang seemed to have heard a fantasy and couldn't help but look at this general's wife who was quite famous in the capital. People say that the general's wife is dignified in appearance, courteous and courteous, and loves her daughter as much as she wants. How could she ask such a cold question?

  I couldn't help but think of the rumors that the third lady was not Tantai's biological child.

  Doctor Wang secretly felt sorry for her and reminded Tantai: "The third lady is in poor health and needs to rest for three months."

  Tantai felt disappointed.

  I thought it would be fine in the afternoon.

  What kind of disease requires three months of recovery?

  Doctor Wang wrote down the prescription, carried the medicine box and left. Jade ran to grab medicine, and Manchun went to the small kitchen to light a fire.

  Tantai, who was in the room, grabbed his handkerchief and complained in a thin voice: "There are still many things that you need to take care of at home. If you don't get sick sooner or later, you will get sick at this moment..."

  Normally, Shen Baiyu would have gotten up and admitted his mistake.

  But now, Shen Baiyu was too lazy to listen to her nonsense.

  "I want to rest, and the housekeeping rights will be returned to you." Shen Baiyu turned over.

  Shen Baiyu's attitude was disrespectful, his movements were not ladylike, and his expression was disrespectful. It was completely different from his usual groveling and flattering attitude.

  Tantai held the handkerchief and raised her eyebrows lightly: "It's for your own good that I let you manage the house. Girls will eventually get married. In the future, if you marry into your husband's family, you can leave a good reputation if you are good at housekeeping."

  Shen Baiyu stared into Tantai's eyes: "Since a housekeeper can leave a good reputation, you can also teach my little sister housekeeping."

  Tantai family was displeased: "Shu'er is young, how can she manage the house?"

  Shen Baiyu had long known her extreme partiality, so she didn't refute and huddled back into bed and continued to sleep. When Tantai saw her lack of food and salt, he became even more dissatisfied.

  After thinking about it, Tantai planned to temporarily take over the affairs of the house in the next two days. Anyway, she believed that Shen Baiyu would take the initiative to take over the housekeeping job again.