
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantaisie
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144 Chs

Chapter 82 What was Jae 's plan?

" Xavia! Who's she? " Vin asked,

Xavia Groeneveld is the reason for everything. " Quinn said,

" I didn't understand, tell me in detail. " Vin Que.,

" She is blackmailing me. " Quinn said,

" Blackmailing you! Why? " Vin Que.,

"She wanna restrain our company in her. So, she said me if I didn't tell you to give our company to her..." Quinn said,

" Otherwise what 'll she do ?" Vin asked,

" Bro the matter is of that day; when I was going to out of the country. " Quinn said,

" Tell me in detail! " Vin asked,

" That day I was meeting a girl, she was looking familiar; that's why i and that girl were starting to date each other. But! She was her plan. " Quinn said,

" What's the plan? " Vin asked,

" That girl was provided by Xavia to trap me, to do a harassing behaviour with that girl. Bro.. in that all weren't my fault. It was her plan! Bro. Whenever I am thinking that I can't forgive myself for that thing. I can't forgive myself for that thing! " Quinn said,

Quinn puts his head on Vin's shoulder, he was feeling guilty about his act.

" Quinn, I am your young brother. I know that you didn't do anything wrong. I am with you. " Vin consoled Quinn,

" Bro.. that they I and she was going to dinner. I don't know how? why? How did I fall unconscious!

When I came in sense, then she saw shouting in the room and saying to me that I seduced her! Now Xavia has a video of that night. She said me if I didn't do as she said to me then she'll upload that video on social media. What could I do bro! What could I do! How did I tell you this? I am sorry bro, I didn't understand her motive. " Quinn explained,

" Who's Xavia? " Vin asked,

" Xavia is the elder child of Aric Groeneveld, I don't know why she's doing this to me. Now those I didn't meet her. Please bro save me! Please bro forgive me! " Quinn begged Vin.

Vin gets emotional after learning all matters. He consoled Quinn and said, " Don't worry Quinn, now I'll handle this all. You don't need to take any more stress. " Vin said,

" Bro, I didn't it! I didn't it! " Quinn cried.

Vin slue around his hand on Quinn's head.

" Xavia! Now you'll see who whereby you collided.

I'll not let you go easily! " Vin thought in mind.

" I'll manage it, you don't need to scare anymore. I am with you. I am with you! " Vin said in Quinn's ears.

" Jae, your plan has succeeded! You are too smart.

How did you do this all? " Sophia asked,

Jae and Sophia were sitting in a cafe, they were talking randomly.

Jae smiles, she was lively and sink in her mind's thoughts.

" Jae! Where are you lost? You didn't answer me! " Sophia said,

" Oh! Sorry, what were you asking? " Jae asked,

" Oh Jae, Didn't you sink in Alin's dreams? You know that... " Sophia was trying to remind Jae about something,

Jae says between her sentence, " Yaa! Of course, how could I forget this, it's all game for me and nothing more. " Jae answered,

" Jae, none could play this kind of smart game than you. " Sophia admired,

" You still didn't know me very well, I can play more than it. " Jae said,

Sophia catches coffee's cup in her both hands and turned towards Jae in excitement.

" Jae, tell me to yarr. How did you proceed with this mastermind plan? " Sophia asked,

" As in chess game, sometimes we forsake our most imported facade in-game. Exact like this I made Alin the facade of this game. " Jae said,

" I am not able to understand that where was this game start? When did this all come to your mind?" Sophia asked,

" I was thinking this for a long time that how could I defeat Xavia! When I saw Alin understand that Xavia is not a good personality,

then I thought. But! How could I believe in Alin easily? So, I made a massive plan; after that then that, I'll trust Xavia or anyone who'll take her side. " Jae said,

" Ahh... Then what did you do? I am getting goosebumps, I can't wait! Tell me? " Sophia asked.

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