
The Template:RWBY

a boy name Stynz woken up with a strange panel in front of him, what is he going to do? {I honestly have no idea what to put here except, this, soooooo}

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Chapter 4 Auto Reload.

Stync, upon walking around some more time while seeing how many of the Grimm not come to him even though he walk very loudly is happy with his new weapon.

after all it does make the Grimm at least, the one that didn't see him face to face, not come toward him, no matter how dark his thought were.

he really glad about that, since he can walk around like he fucking own the place right now.

he chuckle and go another ways, since his sense of direction is a bit crooked, it would be better to not think and walk instead of making a "mark" around the tree... since he definitely would mark some tree two times.

he chuckled, knowing that Ruby would do something like that.... or just flying around with a Grimm through the sky and drop where she really needed to be.

... he blink a bit, what? this feeling have happen since that time Ruby predict something...

he look up, oh thank God, no one would be insane enough to do that anyway.

he nodded, before shooting another Grimm on the white mask, causing it to disintegrated into dust, marking another killed for him.

[Currency: 5]

he really wonder what this, Currency, can do, since, from what he can see, it serve no purpose so far as there is no Shop or anything along the line so far, also it mentioned Roll but it doesn't have the option... maybe he need to do something first?

he shook his head, get your head into the mission, he said to himself.

he look up, yep, no black thing in the sky flying around, he believe his intuition should be wrong... no, please be wrong is more of a correct feeling.

he decide to just not look at the sky again, hoping for Ruby to not be as, insane, as he would put it.

he walk through the forest for awhile before he saw a white building, maybe it there that what he need to get?

he shrug and slowly walking there, only to jump out of the way, seeing an Ursa Grimm being.... ride?

maybe it would be more effective if he ride a Grimm too...?

he shake his head, did he just have some crazy thought?

he sigh, really, he can't get a good time for himself these days.

he slowly come out of the forest to saw that Yang, and Blake, were standing in the middle of whatever is happening right now.

"did that guy, oh wait, that the most normal ways to come here..." Blake said upon seeing Stync walking out like the only person who normal here... except his black mask.

"so... what is happening around here?" Stync ask before a scream could be heard from the sky.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ruby, who riding on a bird like Grimm, is now falling toward the ground without her partner, Weiss.

"CATCH ME PLEASE!" while free falling she screaming asking for help, in a.... rather interesting way.

Stync who is facepalming decide to help her since, well, at least, he can call her friend.

he jump up and catch ruby mid air before getting down to the ground with a thud.

"woah... that an impressive jump..." Yang said while looking at Stync on the ground, he look up again, as if looking for something...

"RUUUUBBBBYYYY!" Weiss shout from the top of the bird Grimm, she look down to see that Ruby is being carry by Stync before Stync placed her down.

"I said jump!" Ruby shouted back at her partner.

"THE HEIGHT!" She scream back, Stync seeing them doing this back and forth make him laugh a little.

"just jump! I will catch you!" he shouted, while Jaune and others people arrived, Stync smile and aim his gun at the Grimm.

"if you don't I will make you!" he shouted again, he doesn't leave a room for her to say anything, his hand ready to pull the trigger.

"Ugh! fine!" she shout before she jump down from the Grimm, in front of it face, notifying the Grimm of the reason why it felt so uncomfortable.

before the Grimm can do anything however, a sound of gunshot fire out.

*Bang! bang! beng!*

the head, body, and wing, got shot by a pistol in Stync hand, causing it to spin up and down upon feeling the experience of pain.

Weiss who brace herself for the attack, didn't see any attack incoming her way before she look at Sync, Black Mask covered his face, before he seem to be disappearing from the spot.

she felt an arm holding onto her when she were gonna make a rune to slow her fall, she look back to see Sync black mask, she felt like he is smiling toward her...

it felt more like he is enjoying the situation rather than thinking it was dangerous? No, rather, he seem to be... Amused?

"oh, you're very light, you should eat some more, Ruby is heavier than you even are" He chuckle when the two of them hit the ground, Sync leg felt a bit off this time though, since this is the second.

"oh shut up!" she blush when Sync... compliment her? she isn't sure, it felt more like he being concerned about her weight more than trying to compliment her.

"ahahaha!" he laugh before, Sync placed her down, similar to how Ruby got placed down.

"Your marksmanship is super amazing!" Ruby praise Sync while he is scratching his cheeks.

"it... nothing much.. ahaha" Sync answer while looking at the panel that appear near him, he also realize something after shooting his new pistol for awhile, his gun... have auto reload if it inside the gloves.

[Template:Black Silence

granted effect: unarmed Martial Art(Extreme), All-Arm Martial Art(Extreme), Marksmanship(Extreme), Presence Concealment(Low-High)]

[you have kill a low tier Grimm x 4]

[Black Silence Template gain 200 exp]

{AN: I might change the grade later, I'm kinda leaning toward using E-Ex, also, this is answer to one person who ask for what does it do, anyway, I'm sorry I didn't specific anything since I forgot about it, the exp rate too, I don't know how much I should make it honestly, also sorry for the late update, I was busy, talking with friends also short chapter}

support me on my patron or something.

you gain nothing, I gain some money.


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