
The Teenager's Life

Skii_senpai1 · Politique et sciences sociales
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29 Chs

The Chaos

The next monday, what are you doing Kaoru? ask Ted( Kaoru's right hand). Ted should we start a fight with Yuiichi? asks Kaoru. Why is there any problem? replies Ted. No I was thinking the first year students are talking a lot. That Renzo, son of a b**ch, how can he lose against a first year, add Kaoru. He is an idiot, Kaoru. You know he might be weaker than me, Ted added.

Well that's true, but why did he attack Yuiichi, he just ashamed not only him but all the second year student, says Kaoru. I am surprised though says Ted. Why Kirishima is stopping us? He added. I don't understand how that man's brain works, he is always tries to find a solution instead of fighting, replies Kaoru. He is strong as well, says Kaoru. Ohh! I am surprised, you don't like him, do you? asks Ted.

Of course not but his strength isn't half assed. Well for now, let's follow what he told us, says Kaoru. Hey Kaoru, isn't that a first year from our school? says Ted. Well I am bored anyway, so let's just have some fun. At the lunch time, (in cafeteria) Ohh Mitobe, why is Izumi didn't come to school today? asks Max. Well he wasn't feeling well, replies Mitobe but he didn't sound convincing. Ohh what happened to him? asks Kei. I don't know, I am not his personal assistant, Mitobe replies angrily.

Dude, you good? why are you so angry? asks Kei. Sorry I didn't mean to, I am going to class, Mitobe replies. After the end of school, I don't understand why Mitobe was so angry today, generally he doesn't show his emotions, says Kei. Well, he must have his reasons, replies Yuiichi. We must hurry or Teshima-san will scold is again, adds Yuiichi.

Hey, isn't that Mitobe? Why is he going to the hospital? asks Kei. Don't know? should we follow him? asks Yuiichi. But we will be late to work, Kei asks. I think we can give him 10 minutes and we might find out why he was feeling down today. (They entered the hospital, they followed Mitobe and he enters in a room)

Yo Izumi, you good? asks Mitobe. Izumi, what happened to you? asks Kei. Kei, Yuiichi what are you doing here? asks Mitobe. That's not important, what happened, Izumi? Kei asks. Nothing, I just fell from stairs, says Izumi. Izumi why are you lying? You can't hurt that much just by falling from the stairs, replies Kei.

Calm down, Kei. Izumi did you really fell from the stairs? asks Yuiichi. Yeah, I did. And it's not a big deal. I will be going home today, they just wanted to do some test, replies Izumi. Okay, see you in school tomorrow then, says Yuiichi. We have to go to work, so we will keep going adds Yuiichi. Let's go Kei, says Yuiichi But Yuiichi.. . Kei says Izumi. I am seriously okay, you should go now adds Izumi. Okay he replied but Kei wasn't convinced at all.

Kei? you good? asks Yuiichi. Did you know him from middle school as well? asks Yuiichi. No, but we got friends during Hinata incident, he helped me a lot that day, replies Kei. Yuiichi, can you help him? asks Kei. I will but let's forget about it for now, we can talk it after the work, says Yuiichi.

(At night at Yotaro's house) I see, so Kei got attacked by someone, says Max. Was it from our school? asks Yotaro. Probably, he didn't tell us, what happened today replies Kei. But who can do that? I don't think any first year student want to go against our class, atleast for now, says Yotaro. It's clear it's someone from second year, says Max. But who it can be? Max Added. I know who is it? says Yuiichi. What? you know? Well first of all how do you know?asks Kei. Well it's not important, here what we need to do tomorrow says Yuiichi.

After he told them the whole plan, Yuiichi are you sure about this? asks Max. It's very risky he added. Well, we are talking about Yuiichi here. I can see he is as reckless as ever, replies Yotaro. So you agreed to the plan? asks Yuiichi. Well, I don't think any of us have any good idea, so let's go with his idea, says Yotaro.

Next day during lunch, near men's washroom Hey look I think someone got beaten yesterday, says Aoi. Oy what did you say to Izumi, replies Yotaro. So it was you who attack him yesterday? asks Yotaro. Heh? Do you even have any proof? asks Aoi and he started screaming at each other. Many student gather around them. Hey it's students from class 1-C and 1-D. Are they really going to fight here? says one of the student. Who you think will win? says One of the student.

Well I can't see Yuiichi and I don't know whether how Yotaro is felling so class 1-C might have a chance. But Max is there with Yotaro, people underestimate him but he is strong as well and I think even if Aoi and others beat those two, I think Yuiichi will be pissed, you know what he did to Hinata, don't you? says One of the student. Look more students from class C and D are gathering, it's going to be interesting. Shit the vice principal comes in, What the hell you guys are doing? he screamed.

Shut up, don't scream in my ears says Max. Hey? you want to go? asks Aoi. I won't go easy on you just because you are injured, he added. I think you should be worried about yourself, says Yotaro. How can you get beaten by a girl? Yotaro added. Yotaro did you say something? someone asks from Behind? Shit it's Megumi. Now will they fight or not? Vice principal's been screaming for 5 minutes but no one is listening to him. It's chaos.

Yo someone coming from the second floor, are some second year coming here as well? They must be class representative, wow it's going from bad to worst. They might be pissed from the noise. Wait it's Yuiichi and Kei. Yotaro what's going on here? asks Yuiichi. Now Yuiichi is here. What will Aoi and other will do? Don't you dare to run now, says Max.

Heh? Who is going to run? I am not afraid of him, says Aoi. Yuiichi comes down and stand infront of Megumi. What? you want to go? asks Megumi. Everyone was silent. You guys what are you doing, finally everyone was able to hear vice principal's voice.

Yuiichi? What are you doing? You want to get suspended again? asks the vice principal. No sir, I won't fight replies Yuiichi. Yotaro, let's go and they walked. English's teacher came running in from second floor, vice principal he screamed. Now why are you screaming? What happened? asks Vice principal. There was a fight in second floor. We have to call the ambulance. Those two are badly hurt and they are bleeding, replies English teacher. What? Vice principal was to stunned to speak.