
The Teenager's Life

Skii_senpai1 · Politique et sciences sociales
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29 Chs

Chapter 26

They were going to enjoy three days near Hokkaido. They enjoyed the travel to Hokkaido by singing various songs and playing different games. They reach the destination at 5 o'clock in evening. Yotaro-san, Yui-san we were waiting for you, says the hotel manager. I am Teru, the manager of this hotel, he added. Everyone bowed to him. Please enjoy your stay at this hotel. We will show you your room now, says Teru. They went in their room. Yotaro and Kei, Yuiichi and Max, Asuna, Yui and Sakura were sharing the room. They decided to walk through the city. They buy some clothes on the way to hotel. After that they enjoyed the dinner together and then went to Yotaro's room to play some game. After that they went to the rooms at 10 o'clock.

(The next morning) Are you guys ready for trekking? asks Kei. Kei enjoyed trekking. He was a different person who knows many things of trekking and because of him others were able to enjoy as well. Having Kei whil you are trekking is like having "Shohei" in your baseball team. They enjoyed trekking. They clicked some photos and after that they reach the hotel at 6 o'clock. After that they talked for some time and then had dinner. Yuiichi unlocks the door. Yuiichi where are you going? asks Max. For a walk, replies Yuiichi. You really have good stamina, don't you. I can't even stand up, Max added.

Yuiichi buys a cold drink. Yuiichi was seating on a bench outside the hotel. You are Yuiichi-Kun, aren't you? asked Teru. Ohh Teru-san, hello says Yuiichi and bowed towards him. Yasu-san has told me many things about you, says Teru. Teru-san how do you know Yasu-san? asks Yuiichi. We were actually in a same school. He was senior of me, replies Teru. I also heard you are looking for spearhead? asks Teru. The atmosphere around them changes. Don't worry, don't worry, I won't tell that to anyone, Teru added. Teru-san how much do you know about spearhead? Yuiichi asked. Not that much to be honest. I know that they have a big organization and they have 10 executives. The members of the organisation are unknown. The only way to know more about executive that they wear a special colour hoodie, having a skull face on the back,once every month, says Teru. Why do you think they would do that? Teru added. I think it's like a meeting and reassure each other that we are one, replies Yuiichi. But why would they want to show world if it's an hidden organization? Teru asked. They might be that confident that the police or any other organisation won't catch them even if they tried, replies Yuiichi. And even if they get caught do you have any proof, they are one of the executives? You just can't arrest them because they are wearing a hoodie, Yuiichi added. And the main reason they are doing it to show that they aren't afraid of anyone, says Yuiichi. But what if one of them gets arrested? asks Teru. I won't say it's impossible but it's very hard. First of all they gather all over Japan, so you don't know where are they going to gather next. Second one, someone big who knows movements of police is with them, so even if the information about date and place, they can easily change the location or date, says Yuiichi. Well, lets just wait for the time being, says Teru.

After that Yuiichi went in his room. What were you doing? asks Max. Oh I was talking with Teru-san, replies Yuiichi. Ohh, we should go to bed, says Max. We have a long day tomorrow, Max added and turn of the lights. (The next day) Let's go to the mall, says Asuna. After that they but some clothes, played games and had lunch. At 6 o'clock they reach to the beach. There weren't many people there. After that they enjoyed playing with water. Yuiichi sat on the sand and was reading a book. Yuiichi, what are you doing? asks Yotaro. Take off your shirt and come play with us, says Kei. Coming, says Yuiichi. He went there. What are you doing? Take off your shirt, says Yotaro. No I am fine, says Yuiichi. Well, well don't be shy, says Kei. Max grabs him from behind and they force him to take his shirt off.

They thought he was shy but that wasn't the case. Yuiichi had a big scar on the left side of waist. He had stitches. The whole mood of those six people changed. Yuiichi wears the shirt. Max picks Kei up and throws him in the water. Everyone started laughing and enjoying. They wanted to forget that moment but they couldn't. They enjoyed for a while. They were lying on the sand. I wish this day will never end, says Asuna. What are you talking about, replies Kei and they started laughing. After that they went to the hotel room. Max and Yotaro were resting on the bed. Max, you awake? asks Yuiichi. Yeah? replied Max. Thanks for earlier, says Yuiichi. No issues, replies Max. You are always there for me, during trip incident as well, says Yuiichi.

( When Yuiichi ran towards a member of spearhead or he thought, by neglecting Asuna's feeling, same day at night. Yuiichi was seating in hotel lobby, drinking Coke. Yuiichi, you good? asked Max. Yuiichi ignored Max. Don't worry too much, Max added. Max stand up. Don't you think I was wrong yesterday? asks Yuiichi. Ofcourse you were wrong for what you did, replies Max. But we are kids and it's okay to be wrong sometimes. Even adults sometime makes mistake and it's okay, replies Max. Yuiichi looks towards him. You are matured for your age, aren't you? asks Yuiichi. Well you are more mature than me, replies Max. Don't you want to know why I did that? asked Yuiichi. Yuiichi I know that there has to be a reason for your actions. Yuiichi we have a long life ahead. It's okay if you don't want to tell us why you did that, says Max. Everyone has some secrets they don't want anyone to know, Max replied. Thanks for everything Max, says Yuiichi. ( To present time) Yuiichi I told you didn't I? It's okay to have some secrets, says Max. Hmmm, says Yuiichi and they sleep.

After that they goes to town, which is located at Kanazawa. After that they enjoyed the whole month by spending time with each other, playing games and buying clothes. Guys, do you really want to come with me? asked Yuiichi. Of course, says Yui. We want to see where you spend your childhood, Yui added. But you might get bored, Yuiichi replied. It's not for you to decide. We won't complain even if we got bored, replies Kei. And they decided to go to Yuiichi's hometown.