
The Teenager's Life

Skii_senpai1 · Politique et sciences sociales
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29 Chs

Chapter 19

Justice is weak. Those who has money will always have justice with them. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."

The next day, Yuiichi what you were talking with my father? asks Yotaro. Ohh nothing, I was just curious about something, replies Yuiichi. Are you free tonight? asks Kei. I am not. Teshima-san asked me fill in for someone, replies Yuiichi. Well, bad luck we could have played on pc, says Kei. (Yuiichi thinking) Of course everything seems normal but it's not. Human relations are weird. Once someone breaks your trust or betrays you, it will never be as good as it was, even though you forgive them.

(At restaurant) Yuiichi, get one apple pie ordered by table 3, says Teshima. Yes sir, says Yuiichi. (After work) Good work, says Teshima. I heard you went to master's house yesterday, he added. Yeah. Yotaro and Yui called everyone, says Yuiichi. I am going today, you want to come? asks Teshima. I don't think Yasu-san will like that, replies Yuiichi. Are you sure you want to let this chance go? asks Teshima. Some big names will be there, Teshima added. But ... as he could say anything, wait let me ask master, says Teshima. He calls Yasu. After talking for some time, yeah sure I will bring him, says Teshima on the phone. He turns towards Yuiichi and gives him a victory sign.

Teshima-san aren't we going there home? asks Yuiichi. Of course not, replies Teshima. Look everyone knows that master is a mafia but why police don't do anything? Because they know they don't have any evidence against master. Now imagine some big names coming from a mafia's house. They will lose their position in the job or they might get killed by the opponents. That's why we are going in a hotel, owned by master, says Teshima. But wouldn't it be more obvious if we goes in the hotel owned by Yasu-san? asks Yuiichi. Well that hotel on paper is owned by a businessman, so it's not a big deal, replies Teshima.

They reach the destination. It was a fourteen floor hotel, on which floor would you like to go sir? asks the person. Teshima shows him a special card. After showing the card, Yuiichi was surprised by what happened next. There was a secret 3 floors and which can be only accessible only by that person's thumb. Instead of going up, the lift goes down. They get out of the lift.

Teshima-san, but wouldn't people will suspect of the lift if they showed downward arrow, asks Yuiichi. It doesn't work like that, no matter what happen, it always shows that they lift is going upward, replies Teshima. Now enough with the questions, we are already late, let's go, Teshima added. Ohh Teshima, long time no see. Oh Sengoku-san how are you, asks Teshima. I am good, replies Teshima. Let's go and he puts his hand on Teshima's shoulder.

They were talking and laughing and they reach where Yasu was seating on a chair. Some people were around him. Ohh Yuiichi come here and seat, says Yasu. Everyone seating on the table was known to the whole world. Yasu what is a kid like him, doing here, says one of the person. Shut up, you don't know him yet, replies Yasu. Let me introduce him about you guys, says Yasu. Of course I know all of them, replies Yasu. Businessman Ishizaki-san, Police commissioner Genji-san, Politician Sengoku-san and Yuhito-san from special division of international affairs, says Yuiichi.

Hahahah, I should have known you won't let anyone here who is incompetent, says Ishizaki. Kid, I understand how you know about this guys, but what about me? asks Yuhito. I don't think you should know what my real name is, he added. Sir, I know you very well, says Yuiichi. 2 years ago, you were the one who told me about the organisation Spearhead, says Yuiichi. Ohh I completely forgot, you are that kid, says Yuhito. What? you two know each other? asks Yasu. And more importantly Yuhito, how can you even name that organisation infront of a middle-schooler? asks Yasu. Yasu-san it's not my fault. He couldn't let me go. I was just there for holiday and I saw about police were investigating something. And that idiot Kazu says my name infront of the whole crowd. But I am surprised he remembered, says Yuhito. So you got any information about spearhead? asks Yuhito. Yuiichi looks around, Yuhito-san I am sorry but I don't believe in police, says Yuiichi. Hahaha, Genji laugh. You are very intersting, he added. Genji, is that something you should be proud of? asks Yuhito. Well, I wouldn't believe in police if I was you, replies Genji. Saying that with pride, says Yuhito. What can I do, Yuhito? Everyone around me is corrupted. I am not sure whether we can protect justice, says Genji. One thing is for sure, someone big is behind them. I don't understand it's been 3 years since that organisation formed but no one has any information. Just show how good they are, says Ishizaki.

Well we are not here to talk about them, says Yasu. After that they talked about various things and then they had dinner together. After that everyone left except Yuiichi and Teshima. Teshima what do you think? asks Yasu. Master, I don't think anyone from them know anything about Spearhead, replies Teshima. Many people are talking about them, says Yasu. We need as much as information possible, says Yasu. Yasu-san, can I ask you something? asks Yuiichi. What it is? Why are you finding spearhead? asks Yuiichi. Well, first reason I don't know whether they are my allies or enemies. So it's always good to have information about them. Second one, I have to many enemies in this world. If they started to work together, it will be hard for me to survive, says Yasu.

Sir, we should leave now, it's 9.30 says one of his bodyguard. Okay then Teshima, Yuiichi thanks for coming here today. Yuiichi here's a gift for you, says Yasu. He hands him the special card. I have written the names of hotel that card could work and you can use it as many time as want, says Yasu. But Yasu-san are you sure, you want to give me this special card? asks Yuiichi. Of course, don't worry and you can use it, as much as you want, replies Yasu. Don't tell Yotaro and others about it, Yasu added. I will go now and he started walking. Both Teshima and Yuiichi bowed and then comes to the parking lot.

To end the chapter, I would like to read a quote written by Elihu Root, an American lawyer, statesman served as secretary of state and war in the early twentieth century.

"Honest people, mistakenly believing in the justice of their cause, are led to support injustice."