
The Technological Malevolence

Humanity has thrived for millions of years, but only the last 4000 years have been truly meaningful. In the ancient days before civilization, we huddled in caves, gathered around small fires, fearing the incomprehensible. Those indescribable signs from the heavens, those monsters with human heads and bird bodies, we called them "gods" and "demons," praying for their forgiveness. As our numbers grew and our civilizations rose, the mysteries dwindled, and we began to view the world more rationally. Yet, they did not vanish...

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19 Chs

7 Try the knife

After the eerie events of the afternoon, Zhang Yaoyang couldn't shake off his sense of unease, becoming increasingly irritable. Tang Ning's behavior pushed him over the edge, and he finally snapped, lashing out at the dinner table.

As others gradually left, Liu Yang, feeling helpless, approached Zhang Yaoyang and patted his shoulder. "Yaoyang, you're too impulsive. After all, we're outsiders here."

"If it's not working out, we can just leave," Zhang Yaoyang grumbled irritably. "We can always find another dorm."

"Most other dorms are full," Liu Yang shook his head, smiling wryly. "Unless we rent a place outside, but you know the rules. All students must live in the dorms, or face disciplinary action."

Zhang Yaoyang fell silent, understanding the unspoken rule of 'top-tier schools focus on academics, mid-tier schools on skills, and lower-tier schools on discipline.'


Returning to the dorm, they didn't engage with the others, simply going about their own business, washing up, playing on their phones, before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Late at night.

Zhang Yaoyang slowly turned off his phone, checking the time. It was already 2 a.m. Everyone else was peacefully asleep, soft snores echoing in the dorm.

"Let's test my abilities tonight," Zhang Yaoyang's eyes glinted strangely. He opened a drawer, where a figurine lay quietly in the corner, unmoved.

Glancing at the figurine, Zhang Yaoyang lay back on his bed, closing his eyes. Before long, the dream screen in his mind solidified once more, and with a step, he smoothly entered his own dream world.

It was clear that Zhang Yaoyang was becoming more proficient at entering lucid dreams.

Here, he stood on a yacht, silently contemplating. Suddenly, as if struck by a realization, he waved his hand, and instantly, the world before him turned into a sea of mist!


The mist lingered for just a moment before dispersing once again, and in that moment, Zhang Yaoyang found himself standing on a sidewalk in a bustling city. People hurried by, cars flowed like a river, and skyscrapers lined the streets, all indicating that this was indeed Yanzhou City.

"As expected." Zhang Yaoyang's eyes flashed with insight as he silently invoked the name of the city. Suddenly, everything before him transformed into the likeness of Yanzhou City.

A Clear Ming Dream differs from ordinary dreams because of the sudden awakening of surface consciousness, allowing dreamers to do things beyond reality within the dream, such as soaring through the sky or passing through walls. Moreover, some can completely control their dreams!

Because everything in the dream is created by one's subconscious, strictly speaking, dreams are like worlds shaped by oneself, with oneself as the master of this world. If one is the master, then what can't be achieved in a dream?

That's the essence of a Clear Ming Dream. Countless people study Clear Ming Dreams simply because they yearn for the freedom to do as they please in their dreams. As long as one can awaken within the dream, everything in the dream is under their control!

Gazing at everything before him, Zhang Yaoyang took a deep breath, a look of intoxication on his face. With another step forward, his entire body began to ascend slowly, defying gravity and appearing in the sky hundreds of meters above.

"This is my world!"

Zhang Yaoyang waved his hand once more, and the entire city seemed to fast forward in time. Countless skyscrapers shot up into the sky, cars floated tremulously, and neon lights flickered in a myriad of colors. In the blink of an eye, the entire city seemed to have traversed centuries, becoming a futuristic metropolis!

This was the legendary power of "thinking makes it so!"

Zhang Yaoyang silently savored the feeling of being a god. Suddenly, as if reminded of something, he opened the dialogue box once again, and the same line of data appeared before his eyes!

Creation Points: 2788.

Sanity: 57.

Abilities: Dream Detection (Basic), Dream Intrusion (Basic).

Dreamscape: Not activated.

"The creation points haven't continued to rise." Zhang Yaoyang frowned, "But the sanity value is increasing. After dropping to 55 this morning, it has now risen by 2 points. However, this sanity value seems unrelated to the dream; instead, it reflects my mental state."

"Because the sanity value was too low, I couldn't help but clash with others emotionally in the afternoon. But as long as the sanity value rises, it means my mood is calming down."

With this in mind, Zhang Yaoyang couldn't help but recall the strange experience he had at the supermarket in the morning, unsure if it was a hallucination or reality...

Or perhaps, are there truly supernatural beings in this world?

Just as Zhang Yaoyang pondered these thoughts, the sanity value on the interface suddenly decreased slightly, and even the city beneath his feet began to take on an eerie appearance. Startled, Zhang Yaoyang quickly shifted his gaze upward to the sky.

Clearly, this was a shared dream among the seven occupants of the dormitory!

Humans don't always dream when they sleep; in fact, sleep consists of two states. One is non-rapid eye movement sleep, also known as NREM sleep, and the other state is rapid eye movement sleep, known as REM sleep. These two states alternate cyclically.

During REM sleep, the sleeper is often dreaming.

Therefore, REM sleep is also referred to as dream sleep, while NREM sleep is termed non-dream sleep. Dream sleep and non-dream sleep together constitute the entire sleep process.

At this moment, it was evident that all seven individuals in the dormitory were in the midst of dream sleep.

Observing this scene, Zhang Yaoyang pondered silently. He subtly sensed and soon identified a dream characterized by an overall dark yellow hue. In his intuitive perception, the owner of this dream was none other than Tang Ning, with whom he had previously clashed.

"Well, since there's been conflict, let's use this opportunity to test your mettle," Zhang Yaoyang smirked coldly. With a stride forward, he instantly appeared before Tang Ning's dream screen.