
The Teacher's Pet

What do you call that feeling when you're on a roller coaster while it sits on its peak? That same feeling when it's on its deepest and lowest curve? It's the same feeling when I first saw him ...

SkyKing989 · Politique et sciences sociales
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<p>I took out Lucas' books and laid them in front of him. He looked at the books and back at me. I eyed him, waiting.<br/> "I don't want to study." He finally said. He hung his head back and closed his eyes. I rolled my eyes and picked one of his books instead. I flipped through them and found scribbles on each page.<br/> "You've dirtied your books." I commented while examining the other books. "Your school teacher will not be happy."<br/> "You can teach me instead." He suddenly said. "I like you better than her."<br/> "You say that because I let you do what you want. But no." I said gently. "I need you to finish the modules. We only have a week left and if you do not finish them, you won't move on to the next program."<br/> "Will you be my tutor for the next program?" he asked without opening his eyes. "I want you."<br/> "Unless you finish these, I won't tell you." I said and flicked his forehead. "Come on."<br/>He grudgingly opened his eyes and looked at me. I waved a workbook at him and he sighed. He took it nonetheless and flipped it open to where he left it unanswered. I waited for him to get started but he remained motionless staring at the book in front of him<br/> "I really like you." he muttered after a few seconds. I smiled and patted his shoulder. He caught my hand then and held it. "I really do." He looked at me with eyes full of longing. I sighed.<br/> "I know." I whispered. He smiled and his soft lips touched my knuckles. Electricity shot through me and excitement filled my heart. He watched me as he trailed small kisses on my hand. Each single kiss held warmth I longed for – but it was too addictive it endangers me of falling deeper. "But I need you to stop."<br/>He looked at me with eyes full of questions. I sighed and gently took my hand away.<br/> "I need you to stop." I said again. He straightened up, still looking at me. I waited. He watched me. "This is insane."<br/> "The only one here that's crazy is you." He muttered. He then slammed his books and stood up. "I don't want to study." He declared again. "Teacher Kai." he spat with venom.</p>