
The tangled threads of fate

It was him!, the man from my dreams who was always chasing me and No I wasn't seeing things, this was reality and he was there, those red eyes glowing in the darkness that shrouded his face. Next, I blinked, he was gone. I ran upstairs to my room, snacks forgotten on the kitchen counter, all I wanted to do was dive under my covers and be safe. However, as soon as I closed the door and locked it, someone pulled me into their arms making me go still. I didn't need any seer to tell me that he was the one.Was I going to be killed by a character in my dreams? That was ridiculous. Maybe I was having a hyper realistic nightmare because none of this made sense.He tossed me roughly onto my bed and before I could understand what was happening, his head bent closer and I wanted to scream but no sound came out, soon I felt a piercing feeling on my neck so painful I stopped trashing my body going numb from the pain. Was I going to die in the arms of this stranger? . . . Elena's 18th birthday marks a turning point in her life, but not in the way she expected, recurring dreams of a mysterious man who is obsessed with her become a reality when she accidentally summons him into her world. Growing closer to him, she finds comfort and love in his presence. And he had a mission. He needs her help to regain his powers and throne, and Elena soon finds herself entangled in a dangerous game of magic and sorcery. She follows him into his world, risking everything; her life, her family, in fact her identity. But as the stakes grow higher, Elena begins to realize that her love may be blindfolded, and the one she trusts most might hold her life in his hands.

Angela0MIA · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
23 Chs

CHAPTER 21: The other woman

I felt worthless under her gaze and it made me uncomfortable. "Who are you?" She asked in a velvet voice that was a seductive caress but it was so cold with an undercurrent of anger that I immediately felt the need to validate myself before her.

"I'm Elena Sebastian and you're?" I asked carefully, "What are you doing here?" She asked Ignoring my attempt at a truce. I was taken aback by her sharp tone but shrugged it off, "I was attacked and my friends

saved me" I said awkwardly. I didn't know what to call what Igris and I shared but calling him my boyfriend was laughable since we were far from that, and she didn't seem like the kind to take jokes.

"There are more of you? Where are they?" She asked, still blocking the door and I was getting dizzy from standing too long. "Can we continue this little chit-chat later, I need to speak with Igris" I said irritably as a steady tempo began beating in my head.

"Answer me you cricket! Where are your fellow insects!" She ordered, sparks literally flying around her as her hair flew around her as though she had her own personal gust of wind trailing her. However, for some reason, I was scared and slowly backed away from the door.

"Sessiley what are you doing?" Tyzen's agitated voice rose in the air shattering the tense atmosphere. "Tyzen what's going on? and why is this cricket in my room?" Sessiley asked furiously, energy still radiated from her body but she seemed to be restraining it now that Tyzen was here.

"Cricket?! Don't let master hear that from you" Tyzen admonished, causing Sessiley to frown at the urgency evident in his voice. "Is she a new mating partner?" Sessiley asked, poison dripping from each word as she looked at me like I was a worm she had found on her burger.

"That's our Queen!" He said gesturing wildly at me, I was stunned at the exchange. Who was Tyzen calling Queen because there was no way he meant me? "Do not mock me Tyzen, My Lord wouldn't pick this cricket as his Queen!" Sessiley rebuffed.

Watching her stand tall and mighty in all her splendor while calling me a cricket pissed me off. I didn't ask to be here, wrong judgment had gotten me kidnapped and a stroke of luck had kept me safe from that fall but that was no reason for this bitch to talk down on me like that!

"Watch your mouth Sessiley, if this is your room then I apologize for intruding on your privacy but I'll not have you stand here and insult me nor liken me to an insect," I said firmly before pushing past her and moving out of the room.

I hadn't gone a few steps when someone yanked me by my hair and flung me across the room, I hit my injured side on a dresser which sent blinding pain shooting through my body and I screamed as my body hit the floor.

Tears made my vision blurry, however, Sessiley was furious. Her hair wiped around her neck angrily and that gust of wind was now at a fever pitch turning the room inside out. She shoved Tyzen aside and advanced towards me with murder in her eyes.

"Sessiley" an icy but familiar voice called and an immediate calm settled in the room while Sessiley paled. "What are you doing?" Igris asked in a deadly voice and if I thought Sessiley was pale before, now she was as white as a clean sheet.

She stepped back from me slowly before turning to face Igris. I could see her gauging his expression to see how she would respond but unfortunately, his face was blank except for the angry storm brewing in his eyes.

"I was disciplining this animal who snuck into our carriage," She said in a regal voice, i had to give to her though because only the slight shudder of her delicate shoulders betrayed her fear since her color had returned now her initial shock had worn off.

I shrank back as Igris leveled his gaze on me, his eyes were an intense blood red and for a fraction it looked like he wanted to hit me or something before turning back to her. "I see you haven't been informed" He said calmly pinning her with his gaze and Sessiley lowered hers as a blush blossomed on her face. She looked like a goddess who had been kissed by her lover when she looked back shyly at Igris.

"Informed about what my Lord?" She asked confusion and disbelief written all over her face, " She is special to me, and you're to attend to her during our journey I don't want her disturbed by anyone " Igris said, "But my Lord…" Sessiley called, grabbing his hand and kneeling, "She can't be the one right, we haven't confirmed it yet" she said desperately. "Are you questioning my authority Sessiley?" Igris asked in a flat voice, "No my Lord not at all" She responded, but her voice cracked eventually and she broke into soft sobs.

I didn't make a sound as I watched the drama unfold before me, I bit down on my lips to prevent myself from voicing out my pain. There was something definitely going on between Igris and Sessiley which wasn't sitting well with me.

"Stand up Adora," Igris said tenderly reaching out his hand to her, she looked up, tears streaming down her face from eyes that were tortured but spoke volumes of her love. She placed her hand on his and he pulled her up gently with the same tenderness he had carried me before.

My heart squeezed and I forced myself up from my pathetic position, my action didn't go unnoticed, "Tyzen take care of her injuries in my chamber, I want to have a word with Sessiley" Igris said, to Tyzen who had stood guard outside as the entire drama went on but his eyes didn't leave Sessiley's.

"Yes master" Tyzen replied, before coming to scoop me into his arms and carrying me out of the room, shutting the door behind with Igris and Sessiley inside. I closed my eyes against the onslaught of emotions that hit me at the significance of the closed door.

Had I been deluding myself all these while that Igris cared for me because I doubted he was capable of love? He wasn't human, a beast to be more precise. There was no doubt now that I was to him, a mere plaything and that hurt more than it should.

Tyzen gently treated my wounds and fed me some biscuits with some warm honeyed milk, after making sure I was comfortable he squeezed my hand and left. Now I was able to revisit my thoughts.

I replayed every single detail of the past few minutes, confronting and comparing each touch and look to the ones Igris and I shared. He hadn't spaced me a glance throughout the time I was there nor when Tyzen carried me out. I was exhausted and getting drowsy by the second though I had hoped to talk to Igris when he came in since this was his chamber.

I needed to know if my family members were alright, I needed to know if I was close to home and if I was safe. Consciousness danced away from me despite my pathetic attempts to cling to it. In my haze, I heard the door open and someone walked. However that someone wasn't Igris or Tyzen, I couldn't keep my eyes open but I hoped that the person wouldn't hurt me.