
The tangled threads of fate

It was him!, the man from my dreams who was always chasing me and No I wasn't seeing things, this was reality and he was there, those red eyes glowing in the darkness that shrouded his face. Next, I blinked, he was gone. I ran upstairs to my room, snacks forgotten on the kitchen counter, all I wanted to do was dive under my covers and be safe. However, as soon as I closed the door and locked it, someone pulled me into their arms making me go still. I didn't need any seer to tell me that he was the one.Was I going to be killed by a character in my dreams? That was ridiculous. Maybe I was having a hyper realistic nightmare because none of this made sense.He tossed me roughly onto my bed and before I could understand what was happening, his head bent closer and I wanted to scream but no sound came out, soon I felt a piercing feeling on my neck so painful I stopped trashing my body going numb from the pain. Was I going to die in the arms of this stranger? . . . Elena's 18th birthday marks a turning point in her life, but not in the way she expected, recurring dreams of a mysterious man who is obsessed with her become a reality when she accidentally summons him into her world. Growing closer to him, she finds comfort and love in his presence. And he had a mission. He needs her help to regain his powers and throne, and Elena soon finds herself entangled in a dangerous game of magic and sorcery. She follows him into his world, risking everything; her life, her family, in fact her identity. But as the stakes grow higher, Elena begins to realize that her love may be blindfolded, and the one she trusts most might hold her life in his hands.

Angela0MIA · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

CHAPTER 18:Woes and Torture

I don't know how long I had been knocked out, but when I finally cracked open my eyes and tried to stand, I groaned in pain as my head protested. It felt like someone had dropped a bar of lead on my head which was slowly growing into a deadly migraine.

I lay there for some minutes staring at the pitch-black night sky and trying to arrange the jumbled thoughts in my head, it was so dark that I couldn't even see my own hands. After some minutes, I was able to move myself around till I could sit.

My back bumped against something, seemingly a tree and judging but how broad it was, it was a really big tree. I soon collected my thoughts together and a chill ran down my spine as the gravity of my situation hit me. If only I had left the cafe with Hayden, I wouldn't be in this mess. Come to think of it, why would someone want to kidnap me though?

It wasn't as though my Dad was wealthy, We were your typical average family, neither rich nor poor and I doubt he has enemies who would hate him so much as to kidnap his first daughter. Maybe the creep mistook me for someone else! , but no matter the solutions I gave myself, I didn't want to think about the possibility that I was kidnapped because I happened to be an available victim, that made matters worse since it meant there would be no ransom and no ransom equals no escape or freedom, fuck it I'm doomed.

Tell me another worse problem that could occur when you're under these circumstances, the urge to freaking pee! My goodness just kill me already because my bladder has torture in mind. I squeezed my thighs so tight to prevent anything from leaking because I would die of shame if I peed on myself now.

Mom and Dad would be out of their minds with worry by now, what was I thinking by diverting to a different route? I was so close to safety and I just acted stupidly, I could have been at home now singing birthday songs and teasing Josh while dancing my heart out with Suzy and Felicia. Hans and Dad would sing along to those horrible songs they listen to and love, while Mom would sit on the loveseat knitting her shawls and smiling at our ruckus.

Damn!!, I totally forgot I was gonna play Cupid tonight, poor Miss Hera. Mom won't turn her away from the door, but with me missing Josh wouldn't even notice if she was there because he would want to lead the search team. I really messed up royally and I'm lucky that I'm alive despite that, though I had no clue for how long until my existence terminated.

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and when I looked around, my eyes widened in shock. All around me were hooded figures standing side by side till they formed a circle around me. They were so close that you would think it was a black ring at first. Had they been here all these while watching me, I shrank back in terror so scared to even breathe knowing their eyes were watching my every move.

I just hope this wasn't some crazy voodoo or stuff where one needed a virgin to release a demon and other crazy stuff I heard these demon worshippers do. I wish I had lost my Virginity that night during camp, but I had lost the nerve before the drunk games had started. They weren't moving or saying anything and I was starting to feel suffocated, was there any way I could escape? How far am I to begin with?

I started to feel tired and dizzy but I fought desperately to stay alert. A loud bang startled me, making me yelp in fear, my heart thumping crazily as my eyes roamed the arena trying to locate the source of the sound. The figures were still standing close to each other, though not in a circle anymore but in straight lines, side by side like they were creating a path for someone.

I gulped, whatever was coming was going to be dangerous. Call it instincts or fear, all I knew was that, my body felt paralyzed and all I could do was scream mentally. Something or Someone dangerous was coming, I could sense the shift in the air indicating that a larger presence was here.

"IS SHE THE THING CAUSING ALL THESE COMMOTIONS" a very deadly and dangerous voice sliced through the air with perfection, sending fear into the hearts of those who heard. I whimpered as perspiration cloaked my skin and my throat became dry, whoever was talking didn't sound too pleased to see me and what did they mean by commotion?

"She is the one sir" a gruff voice answered from my left, "HMMM, NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING. YOUNG LADY WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" The voice asked, I didn't want to answer, however, something weird happened after that thought. It felt like a spell was placed on me, I could feel part of me refusing to speak but my mouth was moving at its own accord.

"My name is Elena Brie Sebastian" I responded, "LOUDER" The voice ordered and I shrank back, before I could open my mouth, something struck me like a whip and I screamed in pain, tears falling free as I felt my skin split open. I was gonna die at this rate, "DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF WORTHLESS CREATURE" The voice said its anger was evident.

"My name is Elena Brie Sebastian!" I shouted still crying silently, a whoosh and crack in the air and another whip landed on my thigh making me gasp in pain. These people were heartless, I couldn't even tell where the voice was coming from "How dare you raise your voice on our master" someone from my right spat and I began to apologize "SHUT THAT MUD HOLE UP!", another furious order from the voice which had me shutting my mouth immediately like a trap door.

"GAYAN GET THAT FILTH OUT OF MY SIGHT AND LOCK HER UP IN THE WEST TOWER," It said. Before I could comprehend, the figures all vanished and I was roughly yanked up by the one called Gayan who began pulling me along from my hair and I stumbled to catch up.

I discovered that we had been high up a hill and it was a really high and rocky hill. I kept stumbling, trying to catch up while getting dizzy from the pull of gravity. I slacked a bit which was a horrible mistake as he yanked harder on my hair, pulling a few strands out and I bit my lips so hard it bled, just to avoid making a sound.

We finally got to the bottom, and I was dumped unceremoniously on the ground with such force that my ass started smarting from the pain. "Jump!" Gayan ordered, I rose to my feet and jumped immediately to avoid another whip.

There was no other whip, but the slap that followed made me freeze in shock, my cheek felt like someone had smacked a pan against it. I shook in fear, realizing that these people were quick to inflict pain if I made a slight mistake or worse, disobeyed them. The problem was that I had jumped like he instructed so why did he slap me?

"I said jump in there" he shouted pointing at something in the ground and that was when I noticed the hole in the ground. He had wanted me to jump in, so I moved closer and peered into the darkness. There was no way I was jumping blindly into that hole, I had no idea where it led or if it had an end.

I probably hesitated too long because another whip slashed through my back, I shouted in pain and jumped in without thinking, my scream echoing. This wasn't just a normal hole, it seemed like an opening to an underground chamber and I haven't even reached the bottom.