
Prologue 2


In a luxuriously decorated room, two shadows watched the burning hearth with great interest.

The fire seemed to be acting like television and displayed the form of two figures running towards each other enacting a familiar scene. The man rushed forward with his arms open as if to embrace the women only for his heart to be pierced.

He slumped down on the ground without any protests or even the will to fight back with eyes filled with regret and reminiscence.

A majestic voice rang out "it looks like I win this time, Satan".

A snort resounded in the empty room as a high pitched voice spoke.

"What's so good in an eternal night physique I can find something better with my eyes closed".

"Hahaha don't be such a spoilsport such talent is rare nowadays with the primordial origin energy at an all-time low, such a pity she was born in the mortal plane "

"Such a stupid human, he could have easily retaliated back then, then why the hell did he not fight back and take revenge for this betrayal, damn that bastard "

" * Sigh* You still can't grasp the true nature of humanity and that is your only flaw like your subordinate lucifer "

"Hades! Just because you won a small bet doesn't mean you have the right to act arrogant".Satan spoke as his devilish aura flooded the room causing the candles in the chandelier to flicker.

"Calm down satan, You were the one who asked to bet with me to see whether the man will retaliate against the woman or not and when I said that I don't care you revealed to me she possessed the eternal night physique to attract me to bet for my divine elixir [Death's Embrace] and also you were the one who impatiently bet that he would fight back".

"Humph, I am leaving. let's go Bell "

"Yes, your majesty", a devil emerged from the background as he followed satan to leave.

"Thank you for your gift", Hades gleefully replied as he watched the shadow disappear.


"Damn that bastard Hades, I knew I shouldn't have bet with that sly son of a b**** "

"Your majesty-"


"I have an idea"

The young voice responded.

"Oh, ...so you had a brain, please do tell what the ultimate trash of my clan Bell Von Mephistopheles has to say "

"Your majesty, how about we kill that woman"

"-oh, and who would do that, you"

"No, not me but that man"

"Which man?"

"The man that was stabbed by her"

"Huh, and how would he do that ?"

"My awakening ceremony is coming near"

"and what does that have anything to do with the topic"

"We can utilize its power"

"ah...I see, So you mean to use the power of the ceremony to contract with the human and control its corpse to kill her "

"No, your majesty "

"Then what is it"

"The man was on the verge of dying and not truly dead at that time so even if he died right then and there with his amount of lingering regrets it would still take some time for him to truly pass away so-"

"Get to the point"

"What I am trying to say is that using the ceremony to contract not his body but his soul and bypassing normal reincarnation to directly reincarnate him again with his memories while I would subtly influence him by his side to take revenge for the betrayal and keep the flames of vengeance blazing. This would be like striking 2 birds with one stone killing the girl and getting a perfect medium for my awakening ceremony. a truly perfect plan ".

Excitedly replied the chubby devil, with his immature yet still beautiful face adorned by an innocent smile.

"Hahaha, finally you are starting to think like a devil "

The young devil blushed being praised by none other than the king of devils, Satan"

"Although the plan has flaws they are mostly minor and can be corrected easily using my power to aid you such as bypassing normal reincarnation without Hades noticing though it is almost cute that you can be naive enough to believe that you can bypass normal reincarnation and hide it from Hades using just the power of a simple ceremony".
