
The Tale of Two Worlds

ON HIATUS "No excuses. You need to be as strong as a rock, and as quick as a gust of wind. In this world, there is only the hunter and the hunted. The predator and the prey. Don't find yourself on the wrong side of the spectrum unless you want to die." Check out this story about two siblings finding themselves on opposite ends of the spectrum. Two heavily intertwined lives, yet completely apart. As time goes on, the siblings find themselves caught in the middle of two clashing worlds, as the line between good and bad, predator and prey, seems to blur ever so slightly with their every move. This is the story of two siblings, two lives, two worlds. ✿✿✿ Hello! Just a little bit of information regarding my novel so far. - The beginning starts off a little slow, however as more chapters are released, things will start to pick up. - Sorry about the inconsistent releases, (ehe) I've been rather lazy lately, but I promise to do my best to publish new chapters as quickly as I can. - If you cannot already tell, this is my first attempt at writing a novel. I've had my mind set on doing this for a while, however ended up only actually starting until rather recently. (Not that it's very important... but alas, I digress) - I'm currently writing this in hopes of delving you into a safespace of your own imagination; melting you into a world of fantasy where reality cannot touch you. *And yes, I know how overly dramatic that sounds. ( ´,_ゝ`) You'll just need to painstakingly deal with it* Nonetheless, Happy Reading ~ ✿ Xuyoon Novel cover art does not belong to me. Artist links: https://twitter.com/lordspikyfish https://www.instagram.com/lordspikyfish/

Xuyoon · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs

The White Rabbit

A narrow trail of light escaped into Kai's room as the door cracked open slightly. Curious eyes peeked into the darkness of the room, eyeing the space in wonder.

"Hmm..." a little voice mumbled.

More light flooded into the room, as the door suddenly swung open. Kai, who was buried under his bedsheets, pulled them over his head tightly, trying to block out the harsh light.

"There you are!!" The voice of a little girl squealed happily.

"Rin, leave me alone..." Kai's voice grumbled, pushing away his prying sister.

"But I wanna play!"

Rin, who had been introduced to Kai's family four years ago, was abandoned by her parents and left at the doorstep of their home. At the time, she was only a baby, so she didn't remember anything about her past or who her parents were.

Kai, however, was still curious about her past. Who was that man who had come to their home in the middle of the night, dropping off a baby, and disappearing? Kai had asked Haru countless questions about that night, however, Haru simply claimed that the strange visitor was just a parent of the child, whom Haru reached out to before; looking to adopt a child.

He explained that he actually had plans of adopting a child because he understood how lonely it felt to be stuck with only one other in this house. Haru had chuckled during the conversation, saying that the house needed more life and that Kai needed a friend. Thus, Rin was welcomed into the family.

Well, not quite welcomed... entirely. Of course, Haru saw Rin as his own flesh and blood; easily willing to care and provide for her, but for Kai, Rin was a whole other story.

He saw Rin as a ball of energy, and he hated it. She was too loud, too messy, too chatty, and too annoying. She was only four years old, but she constantly babbled away like some sort of university professor giving a lecture.

Kai would much rather have preferred having a quiet sister who kept to herself; leaving him in the peace of his own home... but alas, Rin just so happened to be the complete opposite of his ideal sister; with her loud mouth and wide eyes, her presence never failed to annoy him.

So, what did Kai do to deal with her? Well, simply ignore her. He usually kept quiet, acting as if Rin did not exist in the first place most of the time. While he read his books, Rin would dance around him, trailing her hand along the bookshelves, but receiving no reaction from Kai. Or other times, she'd tug on the edge of her brother's shirt, trying to get him to play with her, but to no avail.

The two siblings were like polar opposites: Kai being the quiet, collected child, and Rin being the noisy, troublesome one.

However, despite their differences, and despite the fact that Kai never responded to any of her questions or claims, Rin didn't seem to mind. She didn't mind if Kai didn't respond, because it seemed like she just enjoyed being in his company. Kai, on the other hand, wanted to die every time she barged into his room, uninvited.

"I know I said that I wanted happiness... but I didn't mean a literal blazing ball of happiness." Kai thought to himself, rubbing his eyes.

As the months went on, Rin still never left Kai alone. She'd jump into his room at random times and babble away about whatever she wanted. One day, she got into an intense argument with herself in baby dialect, debating whether Kai's hair was black or dark brown... in the end, she came to the conclusion that he was simply bald.

Kai was used to this kind of useless chatter, and he'd learned to melt her into the background while he read his books, but it was still tiring from time to time.

As a result, Kai would often leave the house to escape from his noisy cage and take a stroll through the village. Usually, during these walks, he'd choose the longest, and quietest paths to take, however this time, Kai had to walk through the bustling streets of the village marketplace, to buy groceries for dinner.

Although the path today was noisier and busier than the quiet paths he often walked through the woods, Kai couldn't help but admire the people bustling around the marketplace. Because of them, their village was able to thrive; trading resources regularly with other towns, and making gifts to the King and his royal castle.

It had been two years since the current King, King Katsu, had inherited the throne. With the death of the last King- King Atlas, who passed away in his sleep, Katsu, who was the younger brother of King Atlas, and heir to the throne at the time of his death, inherited the power of the King, taking his place as the leader of a new generation.

However, in all honesty, Kai couldn't have cared less about political standings or royal affairs, but as a citizen of the Kingdom of Veris, he had to know what was going on in the world around him, according to Haru. To Kai, however, it just sounded like a silly excuse to make him read something other than his novels.

"Ah, I've reached the grocery store," Kai mentioned to himself, noting the little run-down store in front of him.

The store was small, but it had everything Kai needed, to make a good dinner for the three of them.

"What do I need again-?" Kai thought for a moment, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ruined little slip of paper.

"Eggs... milk... bean paste and... chocolate?"

It looked like the word chocolate at least... except, in very, messy handwriting. After reading the last item on the list, Kai couldn't help but hold a hand to his face, face-palming. Rin had found his grocery list and changed it to suit her desires. He was annoyed, but he couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise. She had been able to spell out "chocolate" at four years old...

Kai didn't want to admit it, but it was impressive.

Taking a look around the store, Kai picked out all the items he needed to buy. Being a very straightforward guy, he usually walked into the store, took the items he needed, paid, and left. He never wasted time peering at other unnecessary foods or items, but this time, something caught his eye.

At the back of the grocery shop, there was a little booth with an old lady sitting at the entrance of it. There was a display of beautiful necklaces and jewels in front of her that she was hoping to sell, as well as simple pieces of clothing like scarves and tattered shirts.

However, behind all those items, there lay a stuffed animal- a medium-sized white rabbit with a pink ribbon tied around its neck. An idea struck him, as he eyed the toy.

"I'd like to buy that rabbit," Kai said, walking up to the old lady.

Startled by his voice, she jumped a little in her seat.

"Oh, you'd like to buy old Mr. Snowy?" She asked humorously.

Cringing a little by the name, Kai looked away, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yes, I'd like to buy him. How much?"

"That'll be six bronze coins."

Pulling the coins out of his pocket, he handed the lady the due amount, and she gave him the stuffed rabbit in exchange.

"Come again soon!" Her voice called after him.

Rolling his eyes, Kai walked quickly to the front of the store and paid for the eggs, milk, and bean paste. However, on his way out of the store, his eyes passed by the aisle filled with chocolates and sweets, sitting on the store shelves.

Remembering his sister's request for him to buy her chocolate, he hesitated, debating whether he should waste his money on her. Then he realized he already had; glancing at Mr. Snowy in his hands. Turning to face the bustling street ahead of him, he left the store behind him, making his way home.

When the familiar wooden house came into view, he saw Rin pressing her face to the second-story window, frantically waving at him with a wide smile on her face.

'Oh great, the headache starts once more.' Kai thought to himself, opening the little wooden gate in front of the house.

Rin threw open the front door, running to him. Kai took a step back, knowing what was coming next. Throwing her little arms around him, Rin jumped up and gave her older brother a giant hug, giggling. Kai rolled his eyes and pushed her off him. She tripped over his foot but stood up just as quickly as she had fallen.

Kai spotted Haru smiling at them from the entrance of the front door, and Kai sighed. Walking into the house, with his sister at his heels, the two kids made their way to the kitchen, where Kai placed the groceries into the little refrigerator they had.

"Chocky?" Kai heard his sister say. Turning to face her, he saw Rin holding out her hand expectantly. Her wide green eyes fully trusting that her brother had bought her the chocolate she wanted.

"I didn't get any," Kai told her simply.

"Awh..." Rin put down her hands in disappointment. "Okie, next time!" She beamed at him once more.

Kai looked down at her, tilting his head in wonder. She still believed that he'd buy her chocolate the next time he went to the store, even after rejecting her request the first time... how curious.

"I got you something else," Kai told her, reaching into the last grocery bag and pulling out the stuffed rabbit he had bought for her.

"His name is... Mr. Snowy." He told her, cringing at himself.

"Now you can talk to him about whatever you want, instead of me." Honestly, just let me have my peace and quiet... Kai said to himself silently

Holding out the toy to his sister, Rin grabbed the rabbit out of Kai's hands, hugging it tightly.

"Snow!" She cried happily, squeezing the rabbit tighter.

Rin looked up at her brother, beaming with joy. Kai looked away, exasperated.

"Thankie," she whispered, standing in front of Kai for a moment, then running off into the house, giggling; pulling Mr. Snowy along with her.

Kai could already hear her babbling off to her new friend, and he couldn't help but smirk. Now he'd be able to have some time to himself, without Rin constantly bugging him everywhere he went.

However, relief wasn't the only thing Kai felt. Still standing in front of the refrigerator, he put his hands into his pockets and tilted his head upwards. It was funny how easily Rin could be satisfied, simply by receiving a little stuffed animal from him... yet she wasn't the only one who was happy.

For seemingly the first time in years...

He was too.