
The tale of the red death

a normal guy suddenly woke up in a young uzumaki's body. How will he cope in a world filled with super powered ruthless killers. Will he succumb to darkness or find his own path. Even i don't know lol... Yes i suck at summary. it's first time i actually trying to write. if my grammar is bad i will try to improve so bear with me guys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, anything related to it. i don't own anything

EveryDayNormalGuy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: New family?




In a burst of speed Shizune caught The Uzumaki boy before fell down.

With a saddened expression "poor child" she said. "i must bring him to Tsunade-sama. He is her family after all" she softly spoke. Then with swirl of leaves both of them vanished.


In a small village in a run down inn fair skinned slender woman of curvaceous frame with above-average height and noticeably large breasts , brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead was drinking sake while sitting on one of the two beds in the room. Her hair has shoulder length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower-back. Violet diamond shaped Strength of a Hundred Seal could be seen on her forehead and you could see famous necklace of first hokage around her neck. She wore green haori over kimono style blouse with no sleeves with gray obi and gray pants. She also wore open toed black sandals with high heels.

She was lazily observing around while slowly sipping her drink through the inn's window. Out of nowhere with swirl of leaves Shizune came with red headed boy she carried by bride style.

Right after Shizune came she said in hurried tone "Tsunade-sama please, he needs a help" while making him lie on the bed.

Tsunade slowly stood up and took a glance at the boy and frowned. "Where did you pick this brat Shizune" she asked her apprentice.

Sudden realization hit Shizune "Please, ask questions after healing him Tsunade-sama" then removed his bloodied shirt and pants. After she removed his clothes she wiped dried blood from his body and head with a wet towel. After all Tsunade had huge dislike for blood, if there wasn't any necessity she wouldn't wouldn't get near blood. (An: Tsunade doesn't have hemophobia. What kind of retarded shinobi and medic have hemophobia)

After Shizune cleaned all the blood from his body Tsunade sat beside him on the bed placed her hand on his chest then her hands glowed green. After few check ups "don't worry he's just exhausted, and lost little bit blood and frostnib formed on his toes are mild. He'll be fine after few days of rest" said Tsunade to Shizune.

Tsunade then asked Shizune "now explain, why did you bring him here. Why didn't to deliver him to the village's hospital"

"He is an Uzumaki kid. I found him deep in the woods" said Shizune.

"Don't be ridiculous Shizune, do you think every red head is an Uzumaki. My grandmother's clan was wiped out. Even if there's other survivors they wouldn't be here in Iron country" Tsunade said with firm tone.

"But Tsunade-sama he used Adamantine Sealing Chains" before Shizune could say another thing Tsunade raised her voice " Kushina-chan is dead, her son is in Konoha cared by sensei. You think every Uzumaki can produce Adamantine Sealing Chains . Stop this nonsense at once" she said leaving no room for argument.

In return Shizune softly said "you can see it yourself when he wakes up" then started to apply healing ointment on his bruises and tended his head injury.

After sleeping for 2 days Ryuu woke up to sound of people talking.

He instantly jumped from bed and three chakra chains burst out from his torso.

It seemed like early in the morning. Other than birds chirping outside not much of other sound could be heard from outside. Then he heard voice of a woman.

"See Tsunade-sama. It's Adamantine Sealing Chains"

"impossible, how could this be possible" Tsunade said

After hearing this conversation Ryuu turned to source of the voice and saw shocked Tsunade Senju and smug looking Shizune.

When he understood where he was. Ryuu dismissed his chakra chains then turned to Shizune "pretty nee-san did you save me, Thank you" he said with most innocent face he could make to break tension.

When she heard me she blushed. Then Ryuu heard "what's your name kid?" from Tsunade

"My name is Ryuu nee-san" he replied with hesitation. He wanted to add Uzumaki but decided to against it.

"Where is your parents? how old are you? what were you doing deep in the forest?" Tsunade asked him while intently staring at him.

Ryuu said to her "I don't know, I don't remember, when i woke up two bad guys attacked me" then he started to shake when he recalled the killing, he then added with shaky voice " Oh no i killed them, i didn't want to, they were hurting me" he started crying.

Hearing this Tsunade's expression softened and couldn't continue seeing last of her kin crying reached for him and hugged him. While hugging him she said "don't worry, nobody's going to hurt you, you are safe"

Ryuu hearing this asked her" really, you promise?"

"Yes i promise. after all we are family" Tsunade said looking into his eyes and hugged him tightly.

Shizune was looking at this scene with sadness evident in her eyes.

When they calmed down Ryuu asked Tsunade "nee-san what's your name? am i really your family"

"My name is Tsunade Senju, this girl who saved you is Shizune my apprentice. You are from uzumaki clan, my grandmother was an Uzumaki too, so you are my family" Tsunade said.

"How do you know if i'm from Uzumaki clan?" Ryuu asked

Tsunade said in return " You see those chains you used. Only special Uzumakis can use it"

"So my full name is Ryuu Uzumaki" Ryuu said while pretending to not knowing with a happy smile.

Suddenly this tearful moment was ruined by Ryuu's stomach growling.

Tsunade said with a teasing smile "it seems little ryuu-chan is hungry, let's order breakfast real fast. Shizune...." before she could finish her sentence Shizune was long gone to get a breakfast.

Soon enough Shizune came back with breakfast

"Okay let's stop crying and let's eat breakfast" said Shizune bringing breakfast and served them.

After eating little amount of food Ryuu felt sleepy.

When Tsunade saw his sleepy eyes she said to Ryuu with kind expression"Ryuu-chan i know you have so many questions but now you need to sleep. You have to rest to recover you strenght. When you wake up i will answer all your questions okay" in turn Ryuu said "okay nee-chan" then went to the bed.

Ryuu's pov

'It seems turning into a child has affected my mind. i didn't think i could cry but everything turned around well for my situation. Now i can train to become strong enough to survive in this world under a legendary ninja. I feel so bad at manipulating them. But the heart filling warmth i felt is real, this must be what family feels like. After all i never felt a warmth like this in my life. I feel like complete now. Maybe this body's previous owner lacked love too much. Poor child'(AN: it feels so forced even for me. but i had to do it'

They saved my life. Even though they wouln't have cared as much as this much if i wasn't an Uzumaki, i'm eternally grateful.

After Ryuu fell asleep Tsunade sat beside him looking at him with a loving gaze and tenderly running her hand in his hair "poor child, so young yet went through cruelity of the world" then started nourishing his sleeping body with medical jutsu to heal his damaged skin because of cold.

In the evening Ryuu woke up quite refreshed and rested. When he woke up he saw a smiling face of Tsunade with hands hovering above his chest glowing green. "It's okay Ryuu-chan, i'm checking your health with a medical ninjutsu" said Tsunade. Ryuu made a confused face then asked " what is a ninjutsu?". This question made Tsunade chuckle little bit. " Ninjutsu is a ninja art. Ninja can use their chakra to make jutsus like what i'm doing"

"What's a ninja" Ryuu asked tilting his head while thinking 'I'm so good at acting, should i become an actor'

Hearing this childish curiousity Tsunade chuckled even more "Ninja is a mighty warriors live in the shadows and do many awesome things"

Hearing this Ryuu asked "so nee-chan is a ninja, awesome. Can you teach me, teach me please, pretty please" with puppy eyes. While thinking in his mind 'you can't refuse to puppy eyes no jutsu whahaha'.

When Tsunade saw his eyes her heart melted little bit then haughtily said "yes i am a ninja. In my village Konoha people call me Slug princess" then looked at his face that was eagerly waiting for an answer she sighed " of course i will teach you Ryuu-chan". This made smile instantly bloom on his face. Tsunade's face became serious then said "But you have to follow my instruction without complaining okay, ninja training is hard and cruel. Without pushing yourself to the limit you will never grow strong"

When Ryuu heard her he nodded his head "Yes nee-chan, i promise i will become strongest ninja ever!" Then he continued

"Where is the Konoha. I have a family there?" .

"We're quite far away from there" Tsunade said with a saddened expression " I'm sorry Ryuu-chan there isn't any family members left there but one. He is your cousin, 3 years younger than you. His name is Naruto Uzumaki. Unfortunately he can't leave Konoha. When you grow up older i will explain more okay"

"If he's alone in the Konoha then he must be feeling lonely, can't we visit him" Ryuu asked.

"It's complicated Ryuu-chan, But don't worry, he isn't alone. My sensei is with him. Despite being old he's the strongest ninja out there." Tsunade said reassuringly.

"Mmmm okay." Ryuu said with nod then asked "can i ask few more things nee-chan".

"Of course you can, go on" Tsunade said with warm smile.

" Where are we exactly." he asked.

"We are in Iron country. I was heading to the capital with Shizune to heal someone. She was training her poison mist jutsu. Because it's a dangerous jutsu she had to train in the remote place. I'm glad she went deep into the forest to train and found you"

After few minutes of asking question session Ryuu asked Tsunade " where did Shizune nee-chan go" "Oh she just left before you woke up, she is training her poison art in remote place, she won't be here till night" she said.

"It's almost dinner time, why don't we eat something. we will save some for Shizune" saying that Tsunade left the room to bring dinner.

Ryuu's pov

So we are in Iron country. Ninjas aren't allowed in Iron country. It seems this person Tsunade going to heal is a quite big shot.

Tsunade seems really trust that old monkey and isn't aware of Naruto's upbringing. Or this world might not be like canon one. Well who knows. Now training is secured i have to regain my strength.

Third-person pov.

While Ryuu was in his thought he felt someone coming near the room. Then Tsunade came through the door with tray full of fish soup, breads, grilled beef, rice.

While Tsunade preparing table for dinner 'i might be a sensor. Chakra chains and because i'm an Uzumaki big chakra pool is inevitable. Shiiiiiiiiit. i might become one hell of a ninja' Ryuu thought smugly.

"Table is ready Ryuu-chan" Tsunade said distracting Ryuu from his thought "come here let's eat" she called him to the table.

Because of his malnourished state, and old owner of this body's scarce diet he felt full with just a slice of meat and mouthful of soup. Then he thanked Tsunade for the food and tried to move from table. Before he could move. "Not so fast young man, at least finish your soup, or else how are you goint to grow strong" Tsunade said making him sit again.

With difficulty he finished his soup then stood up walked to the bed. "Now you are better now before you sleep let's take a bath together and rest" Tsunade said making Ryuu's face scarlet. After all he is a young adult trapped in a child's body.

Ryuu immediately said "i can take a bath by myself" still red faced.

Seeing this Tsunade laughed and while approuching him teasingly said "what, is little Ryuu-chan embarrassed"

In the street. People heard child like voice screaming Noooooooooooo coming from the inn.