
The Tale Of Kitsuna

I am a what, and where is my little friend? No, give it back right now! What, back in a lab again? What a load of bull. Finally, I'm dying... No, I got revived again. Becoming a weapon for a kingdom? Meh, they can try and control me. Medieval weapons? I like that. Give me all of them. An Angle cult? Let's destroy that. Pure Dragons? I want one for myself. First Novel Cover made by Kumokuu Discord - https://discord.gg/h5N6ZuMSTR

TheRealSkollie · Fantaisie
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185 Chs

Chapter 77:

"What are you going to do to me? Drown me?" The duke said, seeing as land next to my lake and waterfall.

"Drowning you. Hahaha, that's way too easy death for you. I have a special place where I will be taking you." I said, walking closer to the lakes' shore. 

Stepping on the water, the lake froze a second later, dispelling the illusion on it. Looking again, you could see an ice path leading to a small ice shack in the middle of the lake, seemingly floating on top of the water.

"Who made such a strong illusion?" The duke asked, baffled.

"And why should I tell you?" I said, stepping on the walkway towards the shack.

"I am the Duke!" He said with anger glaring at me.

"Since when are you still a duke, and you have no right to order me around? Here is some advice for the future, not that it will help you. Only people I care about can order me around." I said, opening the door to the shack, revealing a staircase downwards deeper into the lake.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Did I not just tell you. Ugh, whatever, I will entertain you." I said, sighing to myself. Walking down the stairs, I continued. "I asked my mother if I could have this lake as my own, and being soft towards her children, she said yes. So, I took it and made a man cave for myself, or it should be a woman ice dungeon, I guess. I didn't make a name for this place yet. You should also feel honored you are the second person I will have here to torture to my heart's content." I explain coming to the ground floor.

"You made this place completely out of ice?"

"You have way too many questions. Yes, I made it out of my ice. Meaning I have complete control over this place. you could even say it's my world this." I said, walking down the hallway towards the cells.

"Your world like a bitch like you would have her own world." The duke said, laughing.

"Sigh, you're just as dumb as that son of yours, or did he get it from you?" I said, tilting my head at him.

"YOU! AGH!" The duke shouted, struggling on the chains making the chains cut deeper into his already wounded body.

"Oh, come on now. You should have guessed that you will hurt yourself if you struggle in those chains. After all, the ride here wasn't the most comfortable for you." I said, snickering at the memory of our flash-stepping ride here.

"Grr." Grinding his teeth at me, I laughed, coming to a stop in front of a door with a small window with bars on.

"This is where you will be staying from now on," I said, opening the door before throwing him in the side. Walking in myself, I explain. "There is a bed to sleep on. You have a desk to work on if needed, and the toilet is at the side there. It is a working one. I will provide daily meals at random as I don't have a lot of time on my hands."

"..." Seeing the duke look around the place confused, I smirked.

"You are wondering why you are in such a nice room?"

"Yes, I thought you would be torturing me more." The duke confessed calmly.

"Don't worry, you will see this is worse than torture," I said, walking out of the door. "

Oh, and one more thing, there is a pen and paper on the desk. If you feel like it, give me all your contacts to slavery and illegal business you have done before. If you do, I might make your death quicker." I explain, closing the door behind me.

"Fuck you, bitch! I am no snitch!" The Duke yelled behind the door.

"Ha-ha, how lively. Wonder how long he will hold." I said, walking to another door that looked the same as the previous one.

Knock Knock

"You are still alive in there, Brady boy?" I said, knocking on the door looking through the door window. Spotting the slim guy sitting on the bed shivering, I smiled and spoke. "Seems you are still kicking in there. Hmm."


"Still not talking. All I want to know is who hired to kill Apricot?" I said with narrowed eyes.

"As I said, I don't know. they gave a bag of coins and a target nothing more."

"You said that before but why would the torture squads second I command take assassinations," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"I have a family to take care of."

"I have already seen your file. You have 3 kids with a wife, but that's all. The thing is, the black ops salary for you is already enough to look after your family. So why are you taking assassinations for more money?" I explained not for anyone in particular.

"Have you told my wife yet?" Brad asked, curling himself into a ball.

"Tsk, Tsk, Brady boy, what do you think I am? A Monster?"

"We know you are closer to a monster than a human, primordial fox." He said, looking at me for the first time in days. I could already see the amount of despair he had in his eyes.

"Un Un, that's true, but I do have my morals," I said, shrugging. Narrowing my eyes dangerously at him, I added. "However, you aimed your blade to someone I care for, so I might just through my morals out the window and kill your family in front of you."

"You... wouldn't do that." He said, looking away.

"You never know. After all, I do have mood swings," I said, shrugging smiling at myself.

"Pff, Mood swings!" Brad yelled, looking at me weirdly.

"Fine, fine, I have multiple personalities, but I do have them under control."

"Like hell you have!" He yelled, glaring at me. Annoying me further.

"You have a week before I involve your family in this. Please don't hate me. you were the one attempting to kill apricot." I said, making him glare more intensely at me.

"What is she even for you. she is an ex-federation soldier. The country that is massacring your race like a lamb. She is part of them. How can you just accept her into your personal squad."? He yelled, standing up.

"Haha, are you jealous? Wow, to think the second in command of the torture squad would be jealous of my doggie. Hahaha." I said, breathing down, laughing at him.

"Fuck you," Brad yelled, hitting the door.

"I think I will change my deadline," I said calmly, looking at him making him flinch. Turning around, I started walking towards the exit and added. "You have 3 days before I bring your family in to be executed with you."

"You are a fucken monster. You should burn in hell for eternity!" Brad yells while keeping hitting the door.

"Hahaha, Burn in hell? I am hell, brad. There is no worse place than being with me." I said, laughing at him.

"Oh, and Furry, you have 7 days to complete the list before I start training on you!" I said before I got out of range of them.

'I can use the furry defense to my advantage to learn a healing skill. I just need to complete another 2 poles of Kadyas' training, and I feel like I would be able to split my dimension magic. Doing that will be the hardest thing I can do, but it will be so worth it.' I thought, walking out of the shack onto the lake.

"Apricot did such a good job with this illusion. Totally worth letting her go out with the dense Nekro. Wonder when the 13-year-old would figure out that Apricot is so enthralled with her," I said, snickering to myself.

'Like your one to talk!!!!!!' the shadows thought, shaking their non-exciting heads.

(Dan POV next day)

"What do you mean 50 buildings are destroyed!" I yelled, pointing at papers on my desk while looking at the minister in front of me with a downcast.

"Sir, I don't know. Witnesses said they saw a person connected to a white rope being through around by some animal who teleported around the entire time.

"I know who did it! I want to know how 20 buildings in the north were, 6 in the south, 12 in the east, and then 12 in the west middle districts destroyed by her when she lives in the fucken north noble district. How did she do all this in one night? 50 buildings and not smalls ones have giant human-shaped holes in them." I shouted, calming myself down at the end.

"Your Highness knows who did it?"

"Yeah. what a pain." I said, taking the bottle of alcohol and downing it in one gulp. Done drinking the alcohol, I stood up and spoke. "You may leave. I am done for the day. There is no way I will be able to work like this."

"But Your highness Marques Anabalds daughter want to talk to you."

"Why? Never mind, it's probably about the fox. Tsk, Fine, let her in. I hate foxes." I said, cursing a certain red fox.

I will do the catch-up chapter tomorrow

TheRealSkolliecreators' thoughts