
The Tale of Diwankula

Under the sacred tree in the middle of the night, Shailya met Vahalla who was gonna change the goal of his life. All the beings have 'Powers' of Gods and Deities, some knows to utilize it while other not. The Universe is on a continuous war between the Dark and Light, the only one to save it, the Rakkan is imprisoned. Now it is the second most powerful being in the universe, Vahalla's responsibility to protect 'Prithvi', the only planet with potential to revive the whole universe. In order to accomplish his mission he needs a partner, his disciple, SHAILYA MAHORAGA. This is the First Volume of The Tale of Diwankula: The First Step.

Orinator · Fantaisie
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22 Chs


"An attack on Sarzapur?" asked Ren, one of the 7 Warheads.

"You heard it right, Demon King" Sangini answered to the Demon King of War, Ren. She was tensed about the outcome as the Muvah army was looking prepared for the worst.

"Got it!" said Ren

"Wait where you headin-" Sangini asked him

"Sarzapur, meet me there." Ren ordered Sangini and within a few milliseconds he wasn't there, he ran towards south west. Sangini felt a gust of wind, when Ren was ready to run.

"Where did he-" Sangini was completely shocked as she saw a shadow running as fast as a super car, even faster than that at a speed of 280 km per hour.

"How is it even possible?" Sangini was lost in her own thoughts about the speed she just saw, she wondered how can a no.7 Warhead be this fast.

She then took off and went to other warheads and the capital to inform about the sneak attack.


At the arena,


"Mazhiro knocked down Armeet. Do we have our victor, so fast, within 7 minu-" the announcer was saying and was interrupted by ARMEET

"Not yet! Old Man" Armeet said as he was trying to stand up.

"You" Mazhiro murmured

"I WON'T LOSE TO YOU OF ALL" Armeet cried out loud

"Good! Now I can go at any extent." Mazhiro said

"I won't hold back either" Armeet replied


Mazhiro closed his eyes and murmured

"Akatsumi Special: Blade of Flames"

"First form: Will of Akatsumi"


Mazhiro disappeared from the scene, he suddenly was behind Armeet, with his enraged blade. Armeet was ready for the attack so he prepared a counter attack.

"Blade of Wind: First Form"


But Mazhiro standing behind Armeet was just a bait, Mazhiro actually planned to take him head on, Armeet was defenseless. Armeet tried to dodged Mazhiro's attack but it was of no use. Finally, Armeet jumped to use his signature form


"Twelfth form: Admiration"

This wave was so strong that even the combat stage started to break apart, but Mazhiro was still standing with his blade ready to attack.

"Take this" Mazhiro shouted

"Not now" Armeet answered

Now, the match was beginning to evolve as two flawless cadets were fighting. No special attack could be used, they used their blades to attack in a basic way. Both were able to launch counter attacks and dodge the attacks of each other but no one was powerful enough to knock their opponent down. It was clear that both of them were at equal and no one was stronger. The match continued. All the spectators were amazed by just seeing them fight as they couldn't even react, the swinging of blade was that fast that even the sound couldn't catch up. Speed of their blades clashing with each other surpassed even of sound. 15 minutes were over and no one was to give up, this match was going to be a draw, only a few minutes were left until the match was over.


"Reached the Marinabad Fort" said the Captain of the Muvah Attack Unit

"Good! All the Malwai forces are diverted to Sarzapur, charge now" Chief Strategist ordered.

"Yes Chief" Captain took his order

"Charge!" he said


At Sarzapur,

"We are here" said the two warheads, Ren and Ita, known as the Seventh and Sixth. They were itching to fight.

The battle was evolving into a war, as the strong were heading to crush the weak.

"I despise unnecessary wars but I love crushing people that thinks that they are the best." said Ren



"Kakusi reporting from Sarzapur fort. As you can see that the invaders from muvah are here. Wait….." Kakusi was reporting the battle from above butr she stopped when she saw a glimpse of people running towards Sarzapur Nuclear Plant. She continued "Tanji, contact the H.O. and alert them about the intruders in the Nuclear branch."


"Damn It." Captain of the 47th Unit was concerned after hearing about the intruders, because of the sudden attack they left the nuclear plant vulnerable.

"I'm grateful for your help, Tanji Sisoda. I will contact the-" he continued thanking Tanji when he saw another group of intruders. He continued 'I'll suggest that you run back to the city as this place is no more a peaceful area."


"What do you mean, sir??" Tanji asked him but was pushed away by Unit Captain Ashira.

"Go run away, comrade" he shouted

Tanji followed the warning and ran towards the helipad where Kakusi was reporting the scenario.


"Miss Kakusi" he exclaimed

"What happened? Tanji" she asked him

"We need to fly away?" Tanji said, he was looking like a dead man.

"But why???" she continued her inquiry with Tanji

"Because Because they are after us, Huff-Huff th-the e-ene-enemy." Tanji was exhausted. He continued "I-I-I was being ch-chased, Miss".

"What the-" She was shocked

"Pilot, take the helicopter away, far away from here." she ordered

"As you command, Miss" the Pilot accepted the quest and flew the helicopter away.

"Tanji, just hang a little longer, I will save you" She sobbed as Tanji was unconscious. She took him to heart but when she caressed his back she felt something. "TANJIIIIIIII!" She cried as she touched a dagger stabbed in Tanji's back and they already were far away from the base so there was no going back.

"You don't need to die yet, Tanji." She exclaimed.

The pilot responded in fastening the vehicle and heading straight towards the Western College of Medical Sciences, one of the three best hospitals and research centers of Malwai.


"Shailya, Shailya" Vahalla shouted

"What is it? You damn say it" Shailya answered to him.

"I-I sense some overpowered people heading from the west" Vahalla said as he sensed some super strong people coming from the west, that is the Muvah.

"What the- you sure you did not sensed the Pannival and the Chief of Military.

"I'm damn sure" Vahalla said

"Shailya, see all your powers are or were mine at some point" Vahalla added

"So what? Where you getting' at" Shailya asked him as Vahalla speaked about Powers.

"By any chance do you remember why you are under my guardianship?" Vahalla asked him.

"You said, an invasion was coming" Shailya answered him

"Yes, the invasion" Vahalla said

"Wasn't Rulers supposed to be hereto invade?" Shailya asked


"Then where are they" Shailya asked Vahalla with a curious face

"Your planet, that is Prithvi was solely created for a single purpose." Vahalla continued "To sustain the life force".

"Life force??" Shailya was confused

"Indeed, life force is the force that can bring anything back to life. See, as I said this universe is at a continuous war between the Superiors and the Rulers, if everything goes south and a massive destruction takes place just like the second dimensional war, Prithvi will awaken the life force of all the destructed planets and revive them, just like Dharti" Vahalla said.

"There are Gods and Deities, aren't there" Shailya asked

"Indeed there are." Vahalla answered with a big yes

"Then why don't they end this freakin' war." Shailya freaked out

"They cannot" Vahalla said

"But why, even you can help Prithvi by your voice manipulation, but you don't" Shailya asked as doubts kept rising in his mind

"Gods can just lend their powers and control it while the three Deities, that is the supreme have a strict law that None of the Gods or Deities can leave the Heavenly Realm or help anyone in a war. They can just give their powers to the Guardian of the Universe, in our case the Rakkan and he has the duty to select the creatures to fulfill the God's duty for peace."

"This is just too complicated for me to understand" Shailya said

"My bad" Vahalla said

"Anyways, it's the time" Vahalla said

"For what" Shailya asked him


Suddenly Shailya's body began to glow, he ran away from the Combat lineup, he was furious he asked Vahalla "What in the world are you doing to my body?" but Vahalla chose to remain quiet.


Shailya who was earlier panicking was now in a region completely separated from the world. He was confused as he never knew what Vahalla was doing.


"Shailya, this is my realm" Vahalla said

"Realm??? Your realm??" Shailya was totally confused

"This is the Morte Realm or you can say the Death Realm." Vahalla said

"What the heck is that" Shailya asked

"Oh! I'm real sorry. This is not my realm this is just your soul's core" Vahalla said

"So you mean I'm inside me and above all inside my own soul." Shailya asked

"Every person has their own core, you need a deep focus to unlock it. Do you by any chance remember Anata?" Vahalla asked

"Yeah I remember she is the captain of First Division of Runestone Regiment" Shailya answered with confidence

"She has unlocked her Soul Core, thus she can go beyond her own body's potential." Vahalla said

"What the heck?" Shailya was confused by Vahalla's words

"Some other day. Now we will-" Vahalla was stopped in middle by Shailya

"You complete your statement first" Shailya was enraged again

"Nah I'd Pass it for now." Vahalla said

"You-" Shailya was cursing Vahalla but he couldn't as he saw Vahalla in a powerful position.


Vahalla joined his hands in prayer position near his heart and then clasped all his hands together except the middle and index finger that remained extended. He crossed his thumbs over each other and chanted:

"Dimensions: Death Realm"



A new wide space had opened by now inside the soul of Shailya.

[To be continued in Chapter 12]