
The best friend

Stella looked up to see Theo, the mayor's communications director and one of her best friends, standing in her doorway.

"I cannot be expected to talk to anyone except my coffee this early in the morning. I blame you for this." She blew on her coffee in the futile hope that it would cool faster.

"I know you do. Sorry for the early-morning meeting, but the boss gets on a plane to San Diego at eleven, and we've got to . . ."

She waved her hand, stopping him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You did bring me doughnuts, didn't you?"

He grinned.

"I did not bring you doughnuts; I brought doughnuts for your boss, the mayor, who should not eat doughnuts but loves them almost as much as you."

She pulled a few files out of her bag and grabbed her laptop and the coffee, and they walked toward the conference room.

"Yes, yes, but did you—"

Yes, I saved a glazed with rainbow sprinkles for you. What are you, a six-year-old girl? You're the mayor's chief of staff. You should be eating a chocolate croissant or fresh fruit and granola or something."