
The Taboo summoner

This is a story of ordinary boy who lacks confidence and always doubts his decisions. except for the time when he confessed his love for his crush and of course it isn't like he suddenly got confidence for confession rather it was the day before summoning test and he wanted to make his feelings clear for her before that but, unexpectedly she agreed and became her girlfriend. Now, two years has passed since that incident and for some reason he didn't took part in that test of summoning which was supposed to be a very important event of one's life and after that he didn't try either and instead decided to became a summoning ground researcher. on this day he suddenly decided to broke up with her girlfriend but, during there argument he suddenly got fainted and so his girlfriend took him to hospital, their she found out that actually he had brain tumor for more than two years and he wouldn't be able to more than few months more. But, what these people didn't understand was that reason for his fainting wasn't tumor rather it was something else

Daoistl8aZOD · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Brake up

<p>"let's break up" said Victor.<br/>In the school park of West way high school.<br/>it was the time of late night almost no one was their except a boy and girl who were standing facing each other.<br/><br/>the boy was 5'9 and had slightly broad chest, wearing a simple check shirt and black trouser, his face was slightly pale and he had a cap on his head.<br/>the girl was 5'6 and had a petite body with a fairy like face.<br/><br/>currently an expression of shock and disbelief could be seen on girl's face as she heard the words of boy.<br/><br/>"ww..hat are you...." asked the girl in disbelief, she even wasn't able to spoke properly.<br/>when boy heard her words feeling of guilt rosed in his heart but, he suppressed his emotions and said with straight face.<br/>" I said let's brake up.<br/>I am tried of all this."<br/>Girl's expression turned from shocked to that of anger.<br/>" Tried!!!!?<br/>what do you mean by tried.<br/>have I ever treated you badly!??<br/>have I ever looked down on you for not being a summoner!??<br/>Have l??"<br/>Victor who wasn't able to control his emotions anymore turned around and start running from the park without looking back.<br/>tears could be seen in his eyes which had turned red.<br/><br/>on the other hand Sophie who wasn't able to react fast enough to stop Victor stood their rooted in a daze as if someone has taken her soul.<br/><br/>but, then suddenly noise came.<br/><br/>Sophie who was in daze suddenly woke up looked up towards the direction that Victor was running. <br/>but, what she saw was that Victor had fallen some distance away.<br/><br/>at that moment her anger towards Victor banished and she started running towards him.<br/><br/>when she arrived near Victor, she noticed that the cap that Victor was wearing has fallen some distance away.<br/><br/>and Victor had fallen unconscious for some reason but, the most important thing that she noticed was that Victor's head was bald.<br/><br/>now, only Sophie remembered that almost one year ago. suddenly one day Victor came with cap on his head and when Sophie asked for reason he simply replied that it's for fashion and then this matter was finished.<br/><br/>but, now when she saw the bald head she slight confused but, then she remembered that he has fallen unconscious.<br/><br/>so, she hurriedly came near him and asked in worried tone.<br/><br/>"Victor are you alright... Victor... Victor<br/>what happened to you?"<br/>when Victor didn't respond, she hurriedly called for ambulance."<br/>after that she called his mother merry.<br/>"Hi! darling why did you called me? <br/>aren't you with Victor?" asked the victor's mother.<br/>when Sophie heard victor's mother word she suddenly remembered what happened some moments earlier which she had forgotten when she saw Victor unconscious.<br/><br/>but, she suppressed her feelings and said<br/>" aunty it isn't time for talk please hurry up in the central hospital urgently something has happened to Victor!!!"<br/>and then she dialed off as she wasn't able to contain her tears anymore.<br/>on the other side of the phone when Victor mother heard Sophie's words she went in daze as her mind wasn't able to process her words properly and suddenly she yelled at the top of her lungs.<br/>"Harry!!!! come down quickly.<br/>something's happened to Victor."<br/>then she started walking towards stairs.<br/><br/>meanwhile Harry who was relaxing in his bedroom suddenly heard the anxious voice of her wife saying that something has happened to Victor.<br/><br/>He hurriedly came down in the hall and saw the worried face of his wife as he walked downstairs.<br/><br/>" what happened to Victor!??" asked Harry in slightly agitated voice.<br/><br/>"Sophie just called me and told that something has happened to Victor and she had taken her to central hospital."<br/><br/>" what then let's go "<br/><br/>"wait!! Harry should we inform Master about him?" asked merry with conflicted eyes.<br/><br/>"No!!! let's first go to hospital and check on Victor before informing master." said Harry.<br/>after that both leaved there home.</p>