
The System Won't Work Unless I Have Girlfriends

“Yeah, no one could convince me, even in a hundred years, that I would date someone, not even if she were Kar*******.” [To start the system, please find a suitable partner you like] This floating screen has been popping up for years now! “No, I refuse. Tell whoever sent you to fuck off. I don’t need any external help to be great.” [...Are you sure a bout that?] Eh? This is the first time the system has responded like this. It reminds me of how I’ve struggled without relying on this so-called system. Should I really try it now? --- patreon.com/Livice

Livice · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Chapter 17

(Third pov)

When she heard Masamune say she could talk to him again if she wanted, Rita began to think that what she had said or do was too much. In the first place, she knew it wasn't his fault.

The fact was, she had vented her anger on him for no reason because she was being selfish and self-centered. It was her, in fact, who forced her feelings on him. She knew that Masamune must have felt uncomfortable, having to endure the backlash of her anger.

Thankfully, last night's commotion could be hidden from the other guests. However, she hurt others because of her pathetic anger. She humiliated Charles, Teresa, and Masamune that night.

And then, she hurt Masamune after all he had done for her when she needed someone that night. She even made some ridiculous wish and took advantage of Masamune's silliness, knowing that he'd do anything. She bothered him for four days, even though she knew how busy he was.

After everything she had done to him, he still said she could talk to him later.

She had these thoughts as she came back from the restroom to where the outdoor class was, but she wondered what kind of face she should show after all that had happened.

But then, she noticed things had become noisy. As she walked on the grass to where her class was, she saw the teachers looking busy and panicked, with cries filling the air. And why was there an ambulance and a firetruck there?

Her classmates were sitting together while someone was checking their health, as if something bad had happened.

When Mashiro saw Rita walking over, she rushed to her, hugging her and crying.

"Wh-what happened?"

Mashiro didn't say anything, just hugged her tighter and sobbing.

"Rita, are you okay?!" Charles asked, concerned.

"What's going on here?"

Her previous thoughts were erased by the situation. Seeing that Rita was okay, Charles felt relieved, but his face turned sour again.

When she heard that Masamune had been rushed to the hospital, and that he was in critical condition, her heart sank.

He had been attacked by a colony of dangerous wasps during the outdoor class. He had been protecting Teresa, covering her with his jacket, while hundreds of wasps stung and bit him.


Still on the same day.

The class was disbanded. In fact, the whole school had been sterilized after the horrifying accident where several students were attacked by an aggressive colony of wasps, known as yellow jackets.

The colony had been underground where the outdoor class took place, and perhaps by accident, their nest had been disturbed.

Two students had been injured.

One of them was only stung once, around the feet. However, it was thanks to another student who had protected her.

In the hospital room, seeing Teresa so sorry, Rita, Mashiro, Alexandra, and Charles stood there in silence, unable to speak.

"I'm sorry! It was my fault this happened. I mistook it for a rabbit hole, but it wasn't. Sniff! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Rita! He protected me because I was scared. But I know he shouldn't have protected me. It should have been me, Rita. I should be the one in his place now."

Teresa had only a few scratches from the wasps. She hadn't lost consciousness or been stung hundreds of times like Masamune. However, she still seemed to be traumatized, having seen him in that state.


Outside the hospital, the storm has been going on since the morning. It's been 24 hours. There's still no indication of when he will wake up. Rita and others didn't go to school, as it had been closed for a week due to the accident.

Walking in the hospital hall with coffee for grandpa Hachiro. They both had been waiting at the hospital since morning, hoping for news.

"What do you mean she won't come? Your son is in critical condition, and she won't come? Give the phone to my daughter, Minoru. A mother deserves to know what is going on with her son!"

Rita hid as she overheard Grandpa Hachiro furiously speaking on the phone. He was talking in Japanese, but she understood it because she had been learning it diligently. What is happening? And what had happened to Masamune and his family?

"You bastard! He has Makabe in his name, but you can't change his DNA. He's my grandson, not my son. Even if you kicked him out of your family, he still deserves his mother's care in this situation. Minoru! Tch."

Hearing this, Rita began to wonder: is this the reason why Masamune lived with his grandfather here in England?

"Ah, Rita."

Looking up, she saw Grandpa Hachiro looking at her before he sighed.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that shameful side of me. Thank you for the coffee, Rita."


So, Masamune's situation was actually worse than hers. Then why did he always seem okay? Why did he keep that composed face all the time? Is that why he worked so hard despite his age? As she sat there thinking, she remembered the last thing she had said to him—that she hated someone like him.

But what if he hated her now? After what happened at her birthday party, she hadn't even apologized to him. She had only made things worse by saying even more hurtful things the previous day. She wanted to say sorry. She regretted it all. She wanted to talk to him again.