
Chapter 1

#My name is Yuno a citizen of Acadeia kingdom a place where the strong is treated like kings and where the weak is treated like an outcast . And I am one of the weaklings who always got treated like trash wherever they go. I started practicing magic since 10 years ago and because I'm talentless I am still unable to rank up , I got stack at being an E rank mage. I struggled so much just to survive up till now. I acted as a porter and a cannon fodder during a dungeon raid just to earn money.#

#Talentless, orphan, poor and weak I have all the characteristics that one must have in order to be pitied by others thank goodness I have good looks or else I really won't be able to come outside out of shame. #

ughh.. I better stop these nonsense thoughts and head out already

" Just last week I promised that I will find another way to earn money and yet here I am again preparing my self for another expedition."

Yuno is about to go raid a D rank dungeon. 40 years ago towers that seems to have endless floors suddenly appeared in the world but no one is able to enter them . Short after the appearance of the towers , gates that leads to another dimension also appeared and unlike the towers these gates can be entered , the people called the inside of these gates "dungeons ". After these two comes to existence the beasts and magical creatures from the world disappeared , later some of them were found in the dungeons but unlike before they became more fierce , aggressive and stronger. People decided to raid these dungeons to avoid dungeon breaks and also to train there skills and obtain resources.


Yuno packed his things and heads to the location of the dungeon.

From a far , Yuno saw six adventurer standing next to the gate five of them are D ranks and the other one look like a swordsman and based on the aura that he emits his rank should at least be higher than D.

Yuno walk closer to them , one of them who's in mage clothing stared at him with disgust

"These trash really knows how to make people angry .... making us wait for him when he's only a burden that has to rely on others ."

"hey there Sele you should refrain yourself from saying rude words to him , he's 2 years older than us after all"

The two laughed loudly , while the others stayed silent . They continued to tease him before they enter the gate.

(inside the gate)

"Are there only low level monsters here? " Hugo the person who helped Sele bully Yuno shoot another monster with his arrow .

"well I hope that the boss monster will at least be strong enough to make us sweat. " Hugo said this loud so that Yuno who's struggling to fight one monster will hear it.

Yuno cast all the spell that he knows to defeat his opponent.

" you did well handling one monster while we deal with several at a time hahaha"

He continue to mock Yuno as they explore the dungeon .

As they go on Derrick the C rank swordsman and the leader of the expedition noticed that something is strange.

" Don't you think that it's weird that most of the monsters that we have faced so far are E rank monsters , we only encountered a few D ranks and they are the weakest kind of D rank monsters."

"Isn't it a good thing ? " one of them replied

"Come on leader , you're over thinking again. What's there to be afraid of in a D rank dungeon and besides our party is composed of five D ranks and one C rank though we have one extra burden to carry " .. He took a glance at Yuno .

Yuno didn't pay much attention to it , he knows that he need to endure their mocking and contempt to make a living . He just take a deep breath and sighed.

"well it's still better to be cautious just in case of unexpected danger."


Derrick's words reminded them that anything can happen inside of a dungeon .


"this dungeon sure is big , we've been walking for more than an hour now and yet there is still no sight of the boss mon....."

"sshhhh stop" derrick interrupted Sele from talking

"I think I heard something coming from ahead Sele use your magic to detect the surrounding"


" uhmm guys I think we're in trouble ,... there are about a hundred of D rank monsters ahead and they are coming closer and closer to us ."

"what!?" they shouted.

" what should we do now ? should we return? but we're too far from the exit , should we just hide on the bushes? ..ahhh guys what should we do ?"

" calm down guys , as you've said we're too far from the exit so we can't go back now , we can't also hide on the bushes as the monsters have more likely detected us already and with their high senses hiding would be useless. So the only choice that we have left is to fight them , so get ready for battle . Luka help me fight on the frontline with your durability we can somehow delay them . Cale as this party's fighter your job will be to protect the archer , mages and healer , they might be superior in numbers but we can still beat them if we work together."


Derrick and Luka charged towards the horde of monsters . Luka used a provoke skill to divert their attention while Derrick deals damage to them . Sele is also almost finished casting her spell .

*I order thee as the one who oversees mana burn the enemy to ashes and make them pay for going against us ..FLAME THROWER .*

In an instant several monsters were annihilated. Yuno also cast some spells even if he knows that his spells won't do much damage to them . He used basic spells such as mana ball and fire arrow .


Most of the monsters are finally defeated there are only a few of them left , they are finally able to catch their breath when suddenly a horned wolf charged towards the long ranged damage dealers . Cale is currently handling two monsters in his side so he won't be able to protect them. The wolf is about to tackle Hugo but with the desire to protect his life he pulled Yuno the person beside him and used him as a shield .